Worst mass shooting in US history


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It probably didn't? You don't know what's going on here.

I entered high school in 2001 and at the time, 10% of the school was Muslim.

Fast forward 2015, I went to see the grades that were displayed at the entrance of the school.

Judging from the names, 90% of the school is now Muslim. In less than two decades.

Belgians basically stopped having children, most women are waiting until they're in their mid-30's or later, have abortions, or remain childless.

Only yesterday I met a girl who had an abortion two months ago. And it's awfully common.

Muslim women are eager to have (usually 3 to 6) children (because they'll go to hell if they don't), and let's not even talk about abortion for them.

I've said it in another thread before the forum got updated, but I'll probably leave my country (and Europe) before it gets too bad. Edit: OK it was in this thread.

One day, they'll realize they are the majority, and they'll probably be like "Hey! Look around, it's only us! Shariah Law baby!"

My best friend is Muslim, I've lived all my life in Molenbeek, and spent two months of my life in Morocco.

I know how these people think, so I know that it's what would happen. Don't listen to the leftists in denial.

You'd need to visit Brussels or Antwerp to realize how far we've gone. The stats you posted take older people into account. They wouldn't dare doing a census of the population between 1 and 15 years old. I'm sure that it's now 90% Arab (in big cities like Brussels and Antwerp by the way).

I'm sure Europe didn't bring in 100 million Muslims in the past five years.

You should look at actual numbers and trends. Demographics is not like male pattern baldness, you don't have to rely on anecdotes, they keep good records of demographics so you can embrace science.

And where are you going to leave Belgium for? Thailand? Russia? Mars?

As for Brussels ...

Islam is the second largest religion in Belgium, accounting for 5 to 7% of the total population[1] (If all immigrants with Islamic backgrounds are included, Muslims' share of the population rises to 8.1% as of 2011).[2] Muslims are concentrated in certain regions of the country, constituting 23.6% of the population in Brussels, but just 4.0% in Wallonia and 3.9% in Flanders.[1]

But you will never find confirmation that 90% of urban youth in Europe are Muslim. lol. Not even in Benelux.

I have a close Muslim friend too. He has no interest in imposing his views on anybody. He has a job teahcing math at a local college, he has a wife and two kids.


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There were projections built in.

Do you think the Muslim population went from 8% to 24% in five years?

It probably didn't.
Of course it didn't. But what are the actual numbers from 2016?
Forget projections, David.

And enough of your political rants.


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Of course it didn't. But what are the actual numbers from 2016?
Forget projections, David.

And enough of your political rants.
They don't do a census every year. "Beginning of the decade" is common around the world.

For the Netherlands, it's 4% Muslim in 2012
Spain is 4% Muslim as of 2015
Italy is 2% Muslim as of 2011
The United Kingdom is 5% Muslim as of 2011

You shouldn't turn prissy every time the numbers don't back your opinion. Sometimes reality will disagree with you: deal with it.

Read my post again. Among young people. I'm talking about high school. Take the subway

90% is Muslim now and it's not even up for debate. Come to Brussels and visit any high school.

See for yourself. In fact, in Molenbeek we know for a fact that 80% of the young population is Muslim.

I'd leave for Eastern Europe. They don't let Arab people in, at all. If one family tries to settle in their neighborhood, they will drive it away.

Not every population is stupid, they've seen the damage it's done here.

My friend doesn't want to impose his views too, but if one day, he has to pick a side, he will side with them.

Make no mistake, it's going to get ugly here. The next terrorist attack is coming, then there will be another one, and another one, and the population will lose patience.

Thus far I'm the only person to post legitimate numbers in this thread.

No -- 90% of Belgian youth are not Muslim. You will never find numbers for it because it's not correct.

As for your high school ... I know high schools that are 90% Jewish or 90% Black, that doesn't represent the global population at all or even regional populations, just strong variations between different neighbourhoods.

ETA: There are also large parts of the United States that are heavily hispanic, doesn't mean the whole country will turn hispanic.
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You shouldn't turn prissy every time the numberI s don't back your opinion. Sometimes reality will disagree with you: deal with it.
Hold your fire, cowboy.. You've gone off half cocked assuming that I have an opinion on European issues.

Calm down and take a deep breath.
I am only interested in accuracy.
Accurate is important with regard to the refugee crisis.
Not outdated statistics followed by a biased, and somewhat childlike, political rant.

Yes.. I'm talking about you.
Once again, theory boy... calm down.

Oh.. And thanks for those not quite relevant figures you just posted.
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You've gone off half cocked
No -- that was you:
blackg said:
And enough of your political rants.
Don't open fire if you don't want the response.

Calm down and take a deep breath.
I am only interested in accuracy.
Accurate is important with regard to the refugee crisis.
Not theory, measurements. I don't think you understand that demographics is something well-measured.

As for the refugee crisis, we actually know most of these numbers. Germany took in ~1,000,000 Syrian refugees. Sweden took in ~150,000. You can look up the numbers for the other countries. These numbers are very well known and widely publicized and documented. By the way, Belgium has taken in / will be taking in ~130,000 Syrian refugees:
That's equivalent to ~1% of the Belgian population. It's not the huge change you imagine it to be.

You're also welcome to look up numbers yourself when you believe that what somebody else posted is irrelevant.


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No -- that was you:

Don't open fire if you don't want the response.

Not theory, measurements. I don't think you understand that demographics is something well-measured.

As for the refugee crisis, we actually know most of these numbers. Germany took in ~1,000,000 Syrian refugees. Sweden took in ~150,000. You can look up the numbers for the other countries. These numbers are very well known and widely publicized and documented. By the way, Belgium has taken in / will be taking in ~130,000 Syrian refugees:
That's equivalent to ~1% of the Belgian population. It's not the huge change you imagine it to be.

You're also welcome to look up numbers yourself when you believe that what somebody else posted is irrelevant.
Haha... You got me rolling on the floor here.


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Whatever David, people can see the changes here in Brussels, and it's affecting their lives. Hell the metro and the airport just exploded a few months ago, and you're like "meh, look, only 1% of Muslims in Europe!" It's going to get worse. You completely ignored my point about white women not having children anymore, basically, only a tiny minority is still having healthy children at a young age, while Muslim women are popping up 1 baby a year from the age of 18.

In the end, what you say doesn't matter, what matters is what the population is living here in Brussels. And we are hurting. One of my colleagues has a son in high school in the East of Brussels (completely at the opposite of where my school was) and he's the only Belgian guy in his class. They're bullying him and repeatedly asking him why he's blond and why he has blue eyes. It's sad, but the vast majority of white people in Belgium are becoming passively racist against Arab people, and they have to shut up about it.

But at my workplace, one look at each other when we bring up this subject, and we know what we mean. This face full of resignation we make that is basically saying: "Yeah, I know, it's bad, but can't talk about it, want to keep my job."

White people in European countries don't have kids anymore. It's also the case of Asian people in East Asian countries like Japan, South Korea, etc. There's a lot of speculation as to why women in advanced countries have fewer children but I'm pretty sure nobody has figured it out well. The average is 1.00-1.50 kids per women depending on exactly where and how you count.

A Caucasian female friend of mine in Germany who is expecting her third child speculated to me recently it's because of all the restrictions imposed on pregnant women. She cannot travel from Potsdam to Strasbourg for work at 36 weeks pregnancy, it's forbidden. When she gives birth, she will be forced to stay home for 2 months. She's somebody who wants a career so it's a bit of a miracle she's expecting her third kid imo.

I have another hypothesis, that a lot of white women are extremely picky when it comes to men. They wait and wait and wait for the perfect men to come along, he doesn't come along, and then they have fewer kids. A few months ago I mentioned the German college professor to you, who works at a famous American university. She went on hundreds of online dates but supposedly all the men were problematic, she said all of them lost excitement for her because she was too educated (I'm skeptical). She got her first baby by IVF (I assume) at age 35. That's my hypothesis anyway, a lot of women watch their window pass by. I don't have enough information on hand to prove it.

Brussels is documented to be ~25% Muslim. I expect that entire neighbourhoods throughout the city are >~75% Muslim and I'm not surprised by the anecdote of your friend's kid.


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90% is Muslim now and it's not even up for debate. Come to Brussels and visit any high school.

See for yourself. In fact, in Molenbeek we know for a fact that 80% of the young population is Muslim.

Try not to use the word "fact" unless it's y'know, a "fact". When you can't get facts right it makes your admitted opinions seem completely bogus and biased.

You can simply say "it's not even up for debate" to make your opinion seem even stronger, but it just makes you sound ridiculous. 90% of adolescents being Muslim is a ridiculous claim, and for you to try and make it believable by being so forceful about it, makes it even more insane.

Unless you have some statistics and "facts" to back up your "fact" of course, but if you did then we would have already seen it.


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civilized nations are having less children because they are career driven and realized they dont NEED to have them.
Look at the days/areas when women had 4 or 5 kids. Mostly times and places that were/are religion driven. The old barefoot and in the kitchen.
Civilized nations now realize that its pretty much a BAD thing that we procreate so fast. We no longer need to feel validation through procreation and just plain have other interests. People are more interested in posting pictures of their lunch than raising children, but if you DONT HAVE children then Im fine with that.
Me and a buddy were just talking about kids and how awful parenting is here in the states (only place I can account for). I told him how I dont think Ive met more than ONE person my age in 10+ years whos had kids and didn't describe them as an "accident" or "surprise". Sorry but after the 2nd one its no longer an accident or surprise its just fuqing negligence on your part.


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You said it's a FACT, and it isn't, you can say it's believable from stats that we do have or whatever, but you can't say it's a fact- that's over emphasising your opinion to make it more forceful. Simple as that, stop wasting everyone's time by posting pictures of some class of children.

The arrogance you show when you're still wrong on this is unbelievable.


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Do you really need me to explain to you what a fact is for you?

Let's try again, if I make a census right now of the people between 0 and 25 years old in Molenbeek, at least 80% will be Muslim: that is a fact..

No, just no! That is not how facts work, you can tell me you are certain the result will be over 80%, but it's not a fact.

Now you are the one pointlessly arguing your false claim to the end, when there's nothing up for debate. You don't have a study for it, all you have is the opinion that this would be the result of the census.

End. Of. Discussion.


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Fred's claim that Belgium's under-18 population is 90% Muslim makes him come off as completely delusional.

He comes off even worse for repeating it ad nauseum in spite of it proven to be false.

Anyhow, the total population of Belgium is 6% Muslim.
The population pyramid of Belgium is like this:

From that, we see that no more than ~25% of Belgium's population is younger than 19 years.

If 100% of Muslims in Belgium are under 19 years of age (lol WTF no they're not), then that would mean that 6/25 = at most 24% of Belgians age 19 or younger are Muslim.

That's an absurd upper bound, and it's far lower than the 90% claimed by Fred.

As for "not living in Belgium", if somebody in China told me that China was 90% ethnic Ugandan I would just laugh at them.


Fred I think you're having some personal problems, you've been making a lot of absurd posts lately. Honestly a month ago I thought you were a guy who made sense, but the past week or two you've gone completely off the illiterate and innumerate deep end on multiple independent occasions.


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Metropolitain Brussels has 2.9 million people.
Metropolitain Antwerp has 1.2 million people.
That makes 4.1 million people, or 36% of Belgium's population.

If Belgium has zero Muslims living outside of Brussels and Antwerp (lol), and if it has zero Muslims aged 20 or older (lol again), the fraction of people in Antwerp+Brussels that are Muslim is no more than 6/(25*0.36) ~ 67%, which is lower than your 90% in spite of a number of ridiculously overgenerous extrema assumptions.

What you're probably confused by is that entire neighbourhoods of Brussels/Antwerp have become Islamized, which is not altogether different from entire neighbourhoods in the United States being African American or Hispanic American or sometimes even other ethnic groups. There are schools where no white boy Christian will fit in.

I grew up in a neighbourhood that was over 70% Jewish, and went to a school that was 100% Jewish, that doesn't say anything about Montreal as a whole. Montreal as a whole was ~3% Jewish. Canada is a whole has a ~1.5% Jewish population.


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Again, nothing, air.


Of course I don't have a study for it, do you have any idea why? Probably not.

I'll explain it to you, because as other posters have said, I'm very patient and always ready to debate.

You see, in Belgium, like in France, ethnic censuses are actually forbidden by the law: http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/can-the-french-talk-about-race

This is not the US, we can't openly talk about race. So I would in fact never be able to prove my claim with a study.

But anyone who has a pair of eyes can see the reality here.

I'm right, you're wrong. Now: end of the debate.

You know rightly once you say something is 80%, and it's a FACT, you are presenting it as factual evidence, which you do not have and does not exist. You did it, as you often do, to strengthen your argument and instead of welcoming debate you tried to suppress others viewpoints with your made up, false statistical "fact".

You already lost the debate once you desperately scrambled to start de-railing it to general arguments with JD (nothing to do with me) and something about photoshopped girls that I've never heard of (again nothing to do with me), it showed weakness and insecurity in a very simple debate that you had already lost and had to throw in some smoke and mirrors to cover it up.


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My friends,
You can mind nothing I do or take nothing I say to heart:eek:r you can..____.
It's all yours to decide.-)

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Not as obsessed as you are with you LOLOL

My simple contribution; don't try and use false "facts" to put others off having an actual open debate, just so you can feel you're "winning". I don't always side with David but I do give him credit that most of the time he is just trying to have a progressive conversation which doesn't necessarily need an outcome, yet you are transfixed on just putting his ideas down and being right, as well as using your little tricks such as false stats. It's just annoying to see.

But Fred the more you get away with it, the more you do it, so when I saw it I wasn't going to let it go.

I can't be any more clear than that, you go ahead, you have the last word, you are the winner for now.


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I wish I had a "big brother in spirit" like you H.L.
Even though your tenacious approach may occasionally put some others off
I believe your intentions come from an honest place.
Just remember that good intentions, when not properly supervised,
can slip their leash like a good guard/rescue dog and bite or scare off
the subject they sought to assist and protect or subsequently turn on their master. -)


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I appreciate that and the advice, it may not appear obvious but even in the above exchanges I tried not to get overly personal, though there was no denying if it wasn't Fred that had written a dubious fact I probably wouldn't have said anything. It's just a matter of trying to stop history repeating itself over and over so obviously I have to acknowledge this is about him doing it yet again.

But I.D. your way with words will always be worth reading, like the last part of that post. You could probably take a dump on a guys doorstep and run off with his wife and kids, but as long as you left a note wording it in the style and tone as above, he'd be calm and at peace with it.


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Are you available to babysit anytime soon?


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I was going to instantly say no but you'll just Jedi mind trick me with your poetry into saying yes anyway, so there's no point in delaying the inevitable.