Would male pattern baldness be considered a more serious disease if less men were to go bald?


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Sorry, the comparison between breast and prostate cancer is not as trivial as Hellouser's post might imply. They're not equivalent diseases.

Here's a chart:

Overall more men eventually die of prostate cancer than women die of breast cancer. But breast cancer, when it does kill women, it kills women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s, which makes it a far worse disease from a government policy point of view than prostate cancer, which disproportionately kills men in their 70s, 80s, and 90s.

The gender issue that may be at play is that I think a lot of society thinks that physical appearance only matters for women. When it comes to women, the media and pop culture blast the importance of appearance on loudspeakers and often ignores the importance of brains, and for men it is the opposite. It's a false mythology, that is why we laugh about Donald Trump having a combover, but nobody ever talks about Hillary Clinton dying her hair and wearing blue-coloured contacts.

In general though the pharmaceutical industry does a poor job with appearance related issues. There continues to be poor solutions not just for male pattern baldness, but also for obesity, wrinkles, acne, and so on.

Oh man hellouser BTFO right thur pow pow pow.

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everyone has issues/problems/hurdles they must overcome in life
yes baldness is ****ing bad but be glad your ****ing alive, geez. I thought fred was depressing on these forums you are another level.

Have you heard of this fella called "cocohot"? He's the real deal, if only more people took the blue pill like him then we'd all be ****ing mental.


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The only way male pattern baldness would be considered a more serious disease is if it could be tied down to an actual health issue other than potential mental health, there was talk a while back about how people who bald young have a higher risk of prostate cancer, but they couldn't definitively link the two and even if they could it would unlikely be enough, I am saying that male pattern baldness would have to be tied down to something serious that comes with the balding, like a tumour or some ****, and this had to be a very real side effect of balding, like 10%+ would need to get it for male pattern baldness to even be considered as worth curing from a governments point of view.


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The biggest problem with male pattern baldness is that it's just seen as a natural thing that happens to lots of men as they grow old. When it happens to a 19 year old or a 25 year old, he's just supposed to accept it as a natural part of aging.

People forget that 19 or 25 is not old, and you're not supposed to go bald when you're still so young/ supposedly in your prime... Hell, this "natural part of aging" happens to some kids before they're even fully grown/developed!!

People just don't see the difference between age related male pattern baldness and early onset male pattern baldness. It's not the same, not even close!

True, and this is what bugs me the most. I started to lose it at 19 at a fast pace. I thought "there is no way any doctor is going let a 19 year old go bald, that would be rididculous." I was completely wrong. Not only did they come with this acceptance BS, but on top of that they just told a bunch of lies about hair loss treatments as finasteride in particular and the process of hair loss in general. I wouldn't recommend anyone to trust a doctor regarding male pattern baldness.


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Well, I think the mental health connection could possibly be enough on its own; the problem is that even that isn't given nearly enough attention right now. We need to start compiling research and data from psychological/sociological studies on hair loss. Things like perception and attitudes, as well as correlation with stress, depression and suicide.

I'm fairly certain we'd find things that would be shocking even to us, let alone society at large.


Senior Member
My Regimen
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everyone has issues/problems/hurdles they must overcome in life
yes baldness is ****ing bad but be glad your ****ing alive, geez. I thought fred was depressing on these forums you are another level.

What the **** are you even doing here?


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everyone has issues/problems/hurdles they must overcome in life
yes baldness is ****ing bad but be glad your ****ing alive, geez. I thought fred was depressing on these forums you are another level.

Practice what you preach: get over your own baldness. You can begin by ceasing your incessant
search for hair loss cures. Every time you come here or go to any hair site you're searching for relief
from your own hair loss because you can't get over your own hair loss. So you say I should get over my
hair loss even as you are not getting over your own hair loss. What a phony hypocrite.

You're right that the stuff I posted, especially the links, are depressing. And like I said, I could post a lot
more studies showing that unattractive people are being harmed in all aspects of life. Their financial futures,
health, and well-being are being damaged and their very lives are being lost. Your efforts to fool yourself and
others into rejecting this truth is your way of hiding from this truth. Grow a pair and accept the truth. Man-up and
take it...if you can.

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Well, I think the mental health connection could possibly be enough on its own; the problem is that even that isn't given nearly enough attention right now. We need to start compiling research and data from psychological/sociological studies on hair loss. Things like perception and attitudes, as well as correlation with stress, depression and suicide.

I'm fairly certain we'd find things that would be shocking even to us, let alone society at large.

I agree with you that the mental health aspect of male pattern baldness could be serious enough by itself. Mental health is taken seriously if you have
proof. You would have to gather all of the data you mentioned plus you would have to gather any and all proof of suicides due to hair loss.
And that would probably be extremely difficult because when people get to the point of suicide they sometimes don't bother leaving behind notes
explaining why they killed himself. Sometimes they do; sometimes they don't. And even when they do it's hard to get that information for
privacy reasons.

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What the **** are you even doing here?

He comes here searching for hair loss cure information because even as he
tells me to get over my hair loss he himself can't GET OVER his own hair
loss. So he's talking out of both sides of his mouth.


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Practice what you preach: get over your own baldness. You can begin by ceasing your incessant
search for hair loss cures. Every time you come here or go to any hair site you're searching for relief
from your own hair loss because you can't get over your own hair loss. So you say I should get over my
hair loss even as you are not getting over your own hair loss. What a phony hypocrite.

You're right that the stuff I posted, especially the links, are depressing. And like I said, I could post a lot
more studies showing that unattractive people are being harmed in all aspects of life. Their financial futures,
health, and well-being are being damaged and their very lives are being lost. Your efforts to fool yourself and
others into rejecting this truth is your way of hiding from this truth. Grow a pair and accept the truth. Man-up and
take it...if you can.

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I agree with you that the mental health aspect of male pattern baldness could be serious enough by itself. Mental health is taken seriously if you have
proof. You would have to gather all of the data you mentioned plus you would have to gather any and all proof of suicides due to hair loss.
And that would probably be extremely difficult because when people get to the point of suicide they sometimes don't bother leaving behind notes
explaining why they killed himself. Sometimes they do; sometimes they don't. And even when they do it's hard to get that information for
privacy reasons.

- - - Updated - - -

He comes here searching for hair loss cure information because even as he
tells me to get over my hair loss he himself can't GET OVER his own hair
loss. So he's talking out of both sides of his mouth.

Er man i come on here to laugh at posts like these. I don't come on here to search hair loss cures. I don't even care about a cure right now. Like shookwun and fred etc ill take the necessary steps to maintain my hair, and im happy with that

Reading your posts make me laugh because you are more deluded than patients in a mental institution.


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Er man i come on here to laugh at posts like these. I don't come on here to search hair loss cures. I don't even care about a cure right now. Like shookwun and fred etc ill take the necessary steps to maintain my hair, and im happy with that

Reading your posts make me laugh because you are more deluded than patients in a mental institution.
