Would say that parrt of hairloss/being bald is mentality?


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The way you act/act around others/treat yourself? If you act like a terrible person to yourself/others then people will see the negative in you. Yet, if you keep in upbeat manor and even manage to laugh about it, then people can see past that. Now that will not always be the case especially in your 20's when people will still laugh/poke fun at you about it. Yet, I figure if try to not obsess about it and keep a sunny-disposition then maybe people can see past me for that.


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Just like any insecurity, it can manifest itself into your personality. I believe that if you're uncomfortable, other people pick up on that and they become uncomfortable. And who wants to hang around with someone who makes them uncomfortable? I try to make a joke about my own hair loss every once in a while, people laugh and they don't talk about it because there's nothing to talk about.


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Don't show weakness, and you likely wont get picked on. But in order to do that, you really gotta accept it first.

uncomfortable man

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This issue of confidence or lack thereof is kind of a conundrum. I think of it like a child whose parents tell him over and over again that he is worthless, after a while the child believes it and this behavior carries over into other aspects of his life, like he is unable to make friends and will become a target for bullies which in turn only reaffirms the original message that he is worthless. It is a vicious cycle. Similarly, the media usually either vilifies, makes fun of or just excludes the bald from fair representation which then saturates the public consciousness and creates the stigma that bald=inferior. Consequently, bald people experience an unfair bias held against them which can be very damaging to their self confidence, only resulting in further alienation.


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I'll be honest with you, 2-3 months ago my confidence was shaken and the hair was part of it.

Now I'm fine with my hair. I know I'm receding, I know I'm NW2.5 and I might be NW3 in a year or two but I don't care anymore.

There are more important things in life.


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uncomfortable man said:
This issue of confidence or lack thereof is kind of a conundrum. I think of it like a child whose parents tell him over and over again that he is worthless, after a while the child believes it and this behavior carries over into other aspects of his life, like he is unable to make friends and will become a target for bullies which in turn only reaffirms the original message that he is worthless. It is a vicious cycle. Similarly, the media usually either vilifies, makes fun of or just excludes the bald from fair representation which then saturates the public consciousness and creates the stigma that bald=inferior. Consequently, bald people experience an unfair bias held against them which can be very damaging to their self confidence, only resulting in further alienation.

So what the f*** do we do? Are we supposed to accept defeat? does that make it easier or something


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I am the point where the hairloss still bothers me greatly. It pains me everytime I look at it but I realized that it is a bigger deal to me than it is for most other people. I can sit in my room crying about the unfair cards I've been dealt, (hey I'm also only 5'4'' bet most of you guys can't say that!) and be alone and miserable....or I can go outside and enjoy life. Some people are blind, I happen to be fortunate enough to see and on nights like tonight look at the beautiful manhattan skyline and walk the streets of this fantastic city and know I get to do it every single day. Some people are mentally handicap and will rely on other people the rest of their lives, some people are just stupid/lazy and will be stuck in a dead end job the rest of their lives. I have 2 degrees and have a job doing what I love and have wanted to do since I was 14 years old. I have great friends who couldn't give a sh*t about my hair. I have a couple dates lined up this weekend with 2 very lovely women.

Do I wish I had a full head of hair, yes. Do I wish I was taller, sometimes. In the meantime I'll keep taking these pills and rubbing minoxidil on my head until the day something better comes along. I can eat healthy and exercise to make the best of my physical appearance but if I have a shitty outlook on life, it will reflect on my personality and who the hell wants to be around a negative/depressed person no matter what they look like? I sure the hell don't.


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I am the point where the hairloss still bothers me greatly. It pains me everytime I look at it but I realized that it is a bigger deal to me than it is for most other people. I can sit in my room crying about the unfair cards I've been dealt, (hey I'm also only 5'4'' bet most of you guys can't say that!) and be alone and miserable....or I can go outside and enjoy life. Some people are blind, I happen to be fortunate enough to see and on nights like tonight look at the beautiful manhattan skyline and walk the streets of this fantastic city and know I get to do it every single day. Some people are mentally handicap and will rely on other people the rest of their lives, some people are just stupid/lazy and will be stuck in a dead end job the rest of their lives. I have 2 degrees and have a job doing what I love and have wanted to do since I was 14 years old. I have great friends who couldn't give a s*** about my hair. I have a couple dates lined up this weekend with 2 very lovely women.

Do I wish I had a full head of hair, yes. Do I wish I was taller, sometimes. In the meantime I'll keep taking these pills and rubbing minoxidil on my head until the day something better comes along. I can eat healthy and exercise to make the best of my physical appearance but if I have a shitty outlook on life, it will reflect on my personality and who the hell wants to be around a negative/depressed person no matter what they look like? I sure the hell don't.

Well stated. I agree.

uncomfortable man

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barcafan said:
So what the f*** do we do? Are we supposed to accept defeat? does that make it easier or something
Barcafan, neither you or obsidian have anything to worry about. I mean you guys are talking like you're NW6s already when in fact you both still have full heads of hair and are nowhere near bald. I'm talking about bald guys here, as I'm sure nobody is gawking or laughing at you when you walk down the street. This kinda sh*t happens to me all the time. Just the other day I was walking to the bus stop and this suv pulls up next to me and slows down. Some girl was driving and her boyfriend or whatever in the passenger seat sticks his head out and asks me where the nearest "Hair Club" is, then skidded off in an uproar of laughter. Not even five minutes later a different car passes by and someone yells at me out the window, "Get some hair!". I did nothing to solicit this kind of harassment other that just being bald and minding my own business. What I'm trying to say is that there are alot of insensitive assholes out there and the consistent build up of incidences like these have a tremendously negative impact on my self esteem. I don't know what to do about it other than cover it up and avoid any uncomfortable confrontations.


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Thats rough man! I've never got that degree of abuse, I think the odd "hey Kojack" or something similairly original was about the worst I got. But I have seen that to some people (usually NW1's who dont have it in their family genetics) the sight of a bald head is so bizarre that they have to comment on it.


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Pretty cruel thing to say to you Bar. Then have the adacity to speed off. Don't worry..there is such a thing called Karma. I mean..everyday I walk into the office and meet with peers, etc..right away rather than speak to me and look in my eyes ..they often stare at my hairline and forget theyre doing it and I begin to clammer up. I know it looks like sh*t but all I can do is stand there and take it. Its funny ..cause the other day one of the cats that made a comment about my shoddy hairline months ago..I caught him in the bathroom mirror at work looking at his temples then fluffing his hair forward as if just straightening up. But I did see a glimpse of recession in his hair. I didnt say anything though. Didnt have to.


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uncomfortable man said:
barcafan said:
So what the f*** do we do? Are we supposed to accept defeat? does that make it easier or something
Barcafan, neither you or obsidian have anything to worry about. I mean you guys are talking like you're NW6s already when in fact you both still have full heads of hair and are nowhere near bald. I'm talking about bald guys here, as I'm sure nobody is gawking or laughing at you when you walk down the street. This kinda s*** happens to me all the time. Just the other day I was walking to the bus stop and this suv pulls up next to me and slows down. Some girl was driving and her boyfriend or whatever in the passenger seat sticks his head out and asks me where the nearest "Hair Club" is, then skidded off in an uproar of laughter. Not even five minutes later a different car passes by and someone yells at me out the window, "Get some hair!". I did nothing to solicit this kind of harassment other that just being bald and minding my own business. What I'm trying to say is that there are alot of insensitive assholes out there and the consistent build up of incidences like these have a tremendously negative impact on my self esteem. I don't know what to do about it other than cover it up and avoid any uncomfortable confrontations.
im starting to believe youre just flat out lying.
noone would ever do that...especially noone able to drive. most 17-18 year olds would not give a sht about an older man they see with no hair.

the only time i was with someone and they laughed at a bald guy was when we were in new york city together, and the guy was getting his haircut in some fancy hair salon with windows where everyone could see, on broadway. And my friend laughed and said "dude come on, are you serious with that". Obviusly the guy couldnt hear him, or even probably see us.

But who on earth would just make fun of someone for that to their face or in such a ridiculous manner. You always seem to have very odd stories of how people throw pie in your face when you did nothing to provoke them. I have never seen anything like that happen to anyone and we all come across bald men every day.

Hans Gruber

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uncomfortable man said:
barcafan said:
So what the f*** do we do? Are we supposed to accept defeat? does that make it easier or something
Barcafan, neither you or obsidian have anything to worry about. I mean you guys are talking like you're NW6s already when in fact you both still have full heads of hair and are nowhere near bald. I'm talking about bald guys here, as I'm sure nobody is gawking or laughing at you when you walk down the street. This kinda s*** happens to me all the time. Just the other day I was walking to the bus stop and this suv pulls up next to me and slows down. Some girl was driving and her boyfriend or whatever in the passenger seat sticks his head out and asks me where the nearest "Hair Club" is, then skidded off in an uproar of laughter. Not even five minutes later a different car passes by and someone yells at me out the window, "Get some hair!". I did nothing to solicit this kind of harassment other that just being bald and minding my own business. What I'm trying to say is that there are alot of insensitive assholes out there and the consistent build up of incidences like these have a tremendously negative impact on my self esteem. I don't know what to do about it other than cover it up and avoid any uncomfortable confrontations.

those people prob got the sh*t kicked outta them by their parents,people can be real dicks but f*** em' !not worth getting bothered over.


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BlahBlah12 said:
uncomfortable man said:
barcafan said:
So what the f*** do we do? Are we supposed to accept defeat? does that make it easier or something
Barcafan, neither you or obsidian have anything to worry about. I mean you guys are talking like you're NW6s already when in fact you both still have full heads of hair and are nowhere near bald. I'm talking about bald guys here, as I'm sure nobody is gawking or laughing at you when you walk down the street. This kinda s*** happens to me all the time. Just the other day I was walking to the bus stop and this suv pulls up next to me and slows down. Some girl was driving and her boyfriend or whatever in the passenger seat sticks his head out and asks me where the nearest "Hair Club" is, then skidded off in an uproar of laughter. Not even five minutes later a different car passes by and someone yells at me out the window, "Get some hair!". I did nothing to solicit this kind of harassment other that just being bald and minding my own business. What I'm trying to say is that there are alot of insensitive assholes out there and the consistent build up of incidences like these have a tremendously negative impact on my self esteem. I don't know what to do about it other than cover it up and avoid any uncomfortable confrontations.
im starting to believe youre just flat out lying.
noone would ever do that...especially noone able to drive. most 17-18 year olds would not give a sht about an older man they see with no hair.

the only time i was with someone and they laughed at a bald guy was when we were in new york city together, and the guy was getting his haircut in some fancy hair salon with windows where everyone could see, on broadway. And my friend laughed and said "dude come on, are you serious with that". Obviusly the guy couldnt hear him, or even probably see us.

But who on earth would just make fun of someone for that to their face or in such a ridiculous manner. You always seem to have very odd stories of how people throw pie in your face when you did nothing to provoke them. I have never seen anything like that happen to anyone and we all come across bald men every day.

Gotta agree here man, it seems as if whenever UCMan posts, it always includes some new ridiculously outlandish story about how he gets ridiculed for his baldness. Seriously maybe it's like the way you walk or some weird bodylanguage you're giving off. I JUST CANNOT SEE young people giving a f*** about your head.


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UC stories are too much offensive to be real. Though i got some comments about my rot flaking scalp (in the bad days). Once there was a girl commenting to other saying that i was losing hair and my hair was white at temples but i got it cover very well. She found my white hair as something from planet Mars.
It was five years ago when my hair was in very bad shape.

Other was like six years ago a girl at a bus said to other that my hair was horrible (of course i was serious sick).


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BlahBlah12 said:
im starting to believe youre just flat out lying.
noone would ever do that...especially noone able to drive. most 17-18 year olds would not give a sht about an older man they see with no hair.

Well UCman is at the higher end of the baldness scale, not just balding but plain bald. So dont see him the way that they see someone like yourself. You may not believe that people get treated like that because you've never experienced it, but I'm sure if you were to ask someone who was eg obese they could tell you some similar tales.
I agree these examples do seem abit extreme but I'm sure it could have happend.

Dan_NW2 said:
Don't worry..there is such a thing called Karma.
What world do you live in?


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im yet to have any kind of insults thrown at me about my hairloss, i sometimes get comments off friends like 'why dont u grow ur hair' etc...but they dont seem to understand that growing out hair that has receded at the temples and is thin on top just looks stupid..apart from that. nothing. maybe because when im out i walk around with a look on my face that says 'talk to me and i'll rip your eye balls out' hahaha :punk:


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i saw sex and city today. Charlotte and Jessica Parker were counting how many random man, walking in the street, they would sleep...
There came a bald and Carllote said "oh (with a disgusting face) not that guy, he's balding".


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IBM said:
i saw sex and city today. Charlotte and Jessica Parker were counting how many random man, walking in the street, they would sleep...
There came a bald and Carllote said "oh (with a disgusting face) not that guy, he's balding".

For heaven sake are you stupid or what???
Do you have any brain at all...no really...I'm not joking?
It is my only possible conclusion after I saw this message...have you ever gone out, talked to the people...does your mommy love you?

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


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Dario said:
IBM said:
i saw sex and city today. Charlotte and Jessica Parker were counting how many random man, walking in the street, they would sleep...
There came a bald and Carllote said "oh (with a disgusting face) not that guy, he's balding".

For heaven sake are you stupid or what???
Do you have any brain at all...no really...I'm not joking?
It is my only possible conclusion after I saw this message...have you ever gone out, talked to the people...does your mommy love you?

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Womens in Sex and the city represent what young women are in big cities. So i'm not stupid.

Once a collegue also said that she does not want bald man. She remarked that his boyfriend was thinning and she said to him that he must do something about it or the relation is over.