
Would working out aggravate hair loss?

Autumn Sundown

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I'm 18 with very thick hair and a low hairline but I do have hairloss in my family. I want to start working out but I'm afraid it will make this gene express itself early.

My father is a NW5 (with very high sides and back) at 50 and started losing his hair around 22. His brothers are NW6 and started losing their hair around the same age. My aunt has 2 sons (their father has a low, thick NW1 at 60) and both of them started losing their hair around 22. My paternal grandfather was a NW2 at 20 and eventually became a NW6.
My mom has a full head of hair at 50. Her brother started losing his hair at around 45 and is a NW5 at 50. My maternal grandfather died with a full head of hair at 75. Everyone else on that side of the family keeps a full head of hair their whole lives.

I'm practically a genetic clone of my maternal grandfather, which gives me some hope. Regardless, I would rather dodge this demon for as long as possible.

Would the rise in testosterone from working out cause the hairloss gene to express itself early if I did inherit it? I would honestly rather have hair than work out.

By the way, I really wouldn't care about losing my hair in my 40's, I would just like to make it through my 20's with a good head of hair.


I've been working out for over a year, taking protein supplements and stuff aswell.. If anything, I'd say my hair has become better (Maybe because I started nizoral some time ago).. It is a myth


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Its in the genes, if you're going to lose it you will wether you work out or not, if you're not going to lose it you can train for the Olympia and it wont make any difference. Its the follicles sensitivy to DHT that counts not your levels of testosterone.


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macimate said:
I've been working out for over a year, taking protein supplements and stuff aswell.. If anything, I'd say my hair has become better (Maybe because I started nizoral some time ago).. It is a myth

Do you take Isolate or concentrate?


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I can only say that it's a myth. Look at athletes, they have all sorts of hairlines. The other myth is that hair loss is some harbinger of bad health. Look at all the bald soccer players, etc. Look at all the obese guys with full heads of hair that wear baseball caps- Michael Moore, etc.

I worked with a guy that was very obese, diabetic, nice guy though, and a great, great head of hair!

That being said, hair loss sucks, no matter what your age! Don't think that when you're 50, it's OK. It still sucks when your 80. The only thing is, at a certain age, if you have a huge head of hair, it looks a little freaky in itself. Kind of like bad plastic surgery.


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Nah just a myth i rekon mate. Iv'e worked out on and off for the last 4 years (depending on how busy i am, sometimes 4 times a week for a series of months and then not at all for a couple months) and it hasnt had any adverse effects on my hair when i start and stop.

I do have one question though for others, im lookin at going on Jack3d, and dont have a ton of knowledge on how the ingredients could alter T levels etc. and if some of these ingredients may increase male pattern baldness? Heres these the ingredients list