It depends on which type of wig you wear. I spent thousands of dollars a year on high end pieces (and I'm not wealthy, so it's a struggle). They look pretty realistic and everybody who knows says they can't tell, I also always wore bangs so that hides the rim. But you can feel it is not natural hair is you run your hands near my scalp, and I can't swim/shower in them. For men who glue a top thin skin piece, I would think it doesn't feel as fake, but I do understand the stigma of wearing hair for men is much much worse than women, while the stigma of hairloss itself for women is worse than for men. For me as a female, hairless has made me feel less feminine and more masculine, on top of the other emotions. I don't think the same can be said for men, young or old who are losing their hair. I think it just makes men feel old or freakish/sick. Me as a female, I feel old, freakish/sick, AND masculine. BUT It sucks majorly for all. I read the men's boards and feel the pain of the young men going through this and realize my son is going to go through it also. He's got awful hair genes on both sides. I would gladly lose every hair on my head for him to not go through it. Hugs to all.
So funny you say it makes you feel more masculine, well I can tell you hairloss on a guy makes you feel LESS masculine so its really 6 of one.
I have never felt less masculine than when I was REALLY thinning. Even with the hair transplant I still feel like a massive chunk of my "man" is just gone. Its what it is.
The funny thing is you will feel masculine but can wear a wig and conceal it. Most people will understand.
Men put on a wig and its even MORE emasculating for them. They do it to present the virility and strength a good head of hair portrays but deep inside its killing them a little more. Im not saying the same emotions wouldnt affect you to but at least you would not deal with the ridicule a man would if that emasculating secret was surprisingly revealed.
Im sorry but men still have it harder to me in this category.
But you know, just love yourself, present confidence and self esteem, radiate good vibes and all that jazz. Or get a hot body and start being a little looser in the sack.
At least as a woman you have option 2. You could just sack a bunch of guys and hope one sticks. Guys have to waste pride, money and time and rarely still get laid.
Im going to add an update here.
Everytime we (men and women) post one of these hypothetical questions its complete and utter sh*t. I was actually googling polls about "oh would you girls date a balding guy" and thinking to myself the odds of really hearing what you want from WHO you want.
You arent posting this question here for a group of guys suffering baldness to answer you. You already KNOW that answer. Most would because its equal ground.
What you REALLY want to know is would THIS guy date you.
Answer in short..... probably not.
Same as guy creating polls for their own self esteem boosts.
For he most part 10s will say "I will not date a bald guy"
Some below that might but it will be to be nice. The majority of women who will entertain the idea are going to be less attractive. Im speaking averages NOT 100% every time.
Asking these questions is like asking the average person on live television if they are at all racist. Of course they will say no, they may even believe it but mehhhhhhhhh deep down........