Would you ever marry a sl*t?


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I have been thinking about this one for awhile, seeing that the majority of girls I seem to attract are sl*ts. I have come to terms the world is changing, and women are becoming more sexually active and letting there legs spread like butter to just about anyone that pays them a compliment or attention.

Has anyone else found it damn near impossible to find a girl who hasn't banged a ton of people? And would you ever consider getting married to a disgusting sl*t?


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I wouldn't marry a sl*t, no.
I get turned off by the typical loud, make-up plastered, stereotypical slag myself.

Anyone who talks about having sex like a male does is an instant "no thanks" to me - unless I am drunk and am looking for a one-night thing :laugh:

Anyone who marries a girl like that is nuts.
She'll sleep around, get fed up of you, then take 50% of everything you own.

And if you fall for that, you deserve it. :laugh:

Why are you attracted to girls like that?


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All good women are sl*ts in the bedroom, so yeah...I would. Not an outward sluttish type though.

And if a women has any brains, she'll lie to you about how many men she's slept with!

I don't think how many men a woman has slept with is very important really.


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Petchsky said:
All good women are sl*ts in the bedroom, so yeah...I would. Not an outward sluttish type though.

And if a women has any brains, she'll lie to you about how many men she's slept with!

I don't think how many men a woman has slept with is very important really.

pretty much agree. As long as she is clean and doesn't cheat who cares?

I want a girl who loves sex as much as me.


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Ive heard something along these lines:

" whatever number of sexual partners a man says hes had, substract that number by half and whatever number a woman says shes had multiply that by two...(at least :whistle: ) "...


Young women 'have more sexual partners' than men
Young women are more promiscuous than men, according to a survey that claims the average 21-year-old has had nine sexual partners compared with seven for men.

By Martin Beckford, Social Affairs Correspondent
Published: 8:49PM GMT 08 Dec 2008

The poll of 2,000 by the magazine More also found that one in four young women has slept with more than 10 people, compared with one in five men who had done the same.

In addition, half of those questioned admitted they had been unfaithful, whereas only a quarter said they had been cheated on by a boyfriend.
It comes just a week after an academic study branded Britain one of the casual sex capitals of the Western world, with residents having more one-night stands and more liberal attitudes than those in Australia, France, the Netherlands, Italy and the US.

Lisa Smosarski, the editor of More, said: "Our results show that after decades of lying back and thinking of England, today's twenty-something women are taking control of their sex lives and getting what they want in bed."

The magazine's survey found that few young women today hold to traditional views on sexual morality.

Just 1 per cent of young women said they would want to get married before having sex, with the majority losing their virginity at 16.

More than half said they were not in love with their first partner, and only one in three believe it is important to be in love with someone before going to bed with them.

Seven out of 10 said they had had a one-night stand, with a fifth admitting to having had more than five casual encounters.

In addition, 60 per cent said they would be prepared to do a "kiss-and-tell", and would sell their account of a one-night-stand with a famous person for £20,000.

Four out of 10 said they would marry for money or sleep with their boss if it meant they would get promoted, while a quarter would have an affair with a married man.

The survey also found young women are taking "huge risks" with their health, with 38 per cent not using a condom with a new partner and 16 per cent having contracted a sexually transmitted disease.

However the respondents still claimed they are not having as much sex as they would like, with 13 per cent claiming their love life is "disappointing" and a further 10 per cent calling it "non-existent".

According to the survey, the average young woman has sex three times a week but would prefer to do it five times.


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Yeah, a really scientific study by "More" magazine I'm sure.

It's self selective, chances are women who subscribe to "More" magazine are probably more likely to be the promiscuous type. I wouldn't trust that survey as a reflection on the whole population.

This is a stupid double standard. If a woman has a lot of sex she's a dirty sl*t, if a guy has a lot of sex he's a stud.

That said, I don't think I'd want to marry a girl whose had way more sexual partners than me, just personal preference.

Too bad it's directly correlated to attractiveness (in most cases).


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yeah, the article by that magazine is silly but we see those same articles in mens mags all the time as well..... it seems that woman still have to keep hush hush about their sexual experiences in comparison to men who usually feel the need to brag about them.


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It depends on your definition of a sl*t...

I hate girls that dress like barbies and put on a tone of make up. Those girls behave like sl*ts but they aren't necessarily sl*ts.

My definition of sl*t is an insecure woman who sleeps around to feel better about herself, ie her self worth is dependent on her attractiveness and the amount of sex she gets... In other words, an attention seeker.

Saying that, I do not feel threatened by the independent type who sleeps with whoever she wants... If I ever have daughters, I hope they turn out to be independent girls who get sex whenever they want. I don't see anything wrong with getting sex now and then.

TBH, I wouldn't want to date a "clean girl". I want someone with a bit of life experience and an open-mind.

Cheating is a separate issue. I wouldn't tolerate a cheating gf.

I know for a fact my current gf has had more sexual partners than me, but I also know that she wouldn't cheat on me. The number doesn't mean anything...


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neis said:
I have come to terms the world is changing, and women are becoming more sexually active and letting there legs spread like butter to just about anyone that pays them a compliment or attention.
god damn i wish it were like that where i live

alot of work has to be put in around these parts

Bald Dave

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I agree with Petchsky here. I would like a girl who is a sl*t in the bedroom but a nice innocent girl outside the bedroom. But to answer the original question then no i wouldn't marry a sl*t that sleeps with anyone :shakehead:


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I actually fell in love with a sl*t recently and now I'm paying the heavy price. :( I always considered myself to be the most rational person in the world, I never thought this could happen to me.

Bald Dave

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Metropolis is that a pic of you in your avator? If so then you look like a nice and friendly guy a bit like myself. You are better off not being with a sl*t and finding a decent girl. She is out there but you just haven't found her yet :)

PS are you wearing concealer in your pic. I wear concealer at the front part of my head as my hair has nearly gone at the front! Im asking this question because my hair looks very similar to yours.


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Bald Dave said:
Metropolis is that a pic of you in your avator? If so then you look like a nice and friendly guy a bit like myself. You are better off not being with a sl*t and finding a decent girl. She is out there but you just haven't found her yet :)

PS are you wearing concealer in your pic. I wear concealer at the front part of my head as my hair has nearly gone at the front! Im asking this question because my hair looks very similar to yours.

Hi Bald Dave! Thanks for your friendly words - I really need them right now. :)

Yes, that's me and no, I don't wear concealer.


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I feel a big man cuddle coming on................................. :gay:


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If you're into sl*ts theres no need to marry them just keep replacing them, Barca they're everywhere you're just not looking in the right places.


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cuebald said:
I wouldn't marry a sl*t, no.
I get turned off by the typical loud, make-up plastered, stereotypical slag myself.

Anyone who talks about having sex like a male does is an instant "no thanks" to me - unless I am drunk and am looking for a one-night thing :laugh:

Anyone who marries a girl like that is nuts.
She'll sleep around, get fed up of you, then take 50% of everything you own.

And if you fall for that, you deserve it. :laugh:

Why are you attracted to girls like that?

Oh, I dunno, I just find them more sexually attractive..


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Well I suppose once a sl*t always a sl*t but if the days of f*****g 10 guys a week are long behind they I guess im ok with it. Now if shes bringing other dudes into our bedroom well I dont think shes the marrying type.


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ali777 said:
It depends on your definition of a sl*t...

I hate girls that dress like barbies and put on a tone of make up. Those girls behave like sl*ts but they aren't necessarily sl*ts.

My definition of sl*t is an insecure woman who sleeps around to feel better about herself, ie her self worth is dependent on her attractiveness and the amount of sex she gets... In other words, an attention seeker.

Saying that, I do not feel threatened by the independent type who sleeps with whoever she wants... If I ever have daughters, I hope they turn out to be independent girls who get sex whenever they want. I don't see anything wrong with getting sex now and then.

TBH, I wouldn't want to date a "clean girl". I want someone with a bit of life experience and an open-mind.

Cheating is a separate issue. I wouldn't tolerate a cheating gf.

I know for a fact my current gf has had more sexual partners than me, but I also know that she wouldn't cheat on me. The number doesn't mean anything...

Yeah who really likes leftovers ? Slutty girls remind me of the Pizza you come home to after work or whatever theres like 2 pieces left and you can tell someones done had there meesly *** hands all over it and it disgust you.