Would you ever marry a sl*t?


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Smooth said:
Whats "your people" :dunno: i dont have people.... (if you mean jewish, im "hilony" like 90% of the jewish people, that means im not wearing black clothing or go to synagogue eve?y Saturday you should think out of the preconceptions )

I think you mean "you should NOT think out of preconceptions".... Anyway, you have a point... I have seen enough images of Israel to know that you have a very "modern" lifestyle :punk:. I didn't mean you are all conservative, or anything against the Israelis.

However, the fact that our moral standards are based on Jewish teachings still remains.

I had this conversation with a sociologist recently... We, the society in general, have hard time distinguishing what's human nature and what's taught. Despite being very liberal and atheist, I respect most of the social protocols as they are there for a reason and they were born as a result of human nature. I also believe in more softly approach, things change in time and there is no need to force the issues. She, on the other hand, despite having religious tendencies, thinks most of the social rules are taught and should be challenged....


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ali777 said:
I think you mean "you should NOT think out of preconceptions"....
I meant what i've said - reread.

ali777 said:
I have seen enough images of Israel to know that you have a very "modern" lifestyle :punk:.
You probably saw the Palestinian parts, have a look at Tel-Avev\Haifa\Bear-Sheva\Eilat....and btw, where exactly are you from again Eli?

Back on topic, i think even in nature you can see that males tend to be more polygamous, i remember watching some national geographic program about lions and that they lead a pack of females...


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Smooth said:
ali777 said:
I think you mean "you should NOT think out of preconceptions"....
I meant what i've said - reread.

Right... I got it.. you mean, think outside of the preconceptions. My apologies!

Smooth said:
ali777 said:
I have seen enough images of Israel to know that you have a very "modern" lifestyle :punk:.
You probably saw the Palestinian parts, have a look at Tel-Avev\Haifa\Bear-Sheva\Eilat....and btw, where exactly are you from again Eli?

Man.... I'm not always mean to you :)

I mean I've seen lots of pics of the nice parts of Israel.. I meant what I said. Your cities are like Oasis in the middle of the desert, in a nice way :punk:. I know the Med coast is actually rather fertile, it's far from being a desert, but you get the idea.

I would like to visit Israel one day... Couple years back, I could have gone to Damascus for a business trip. I looked into visiting Beirut and Israel at the same time, but the logistics of it were too much pain in the back side... If I get a visa or a stamp from Israel, I can't enter the Arab countries, etc... At the end, another guy from my office went and he spent a week in Syria.

One of my cousins was contracted by an Israeli company, his facebook pictures of the time he spent there look nice as well.... I think he still occasionally goes to Tel Aviv.

Smooth said:
Back on topic, i think even in nature you can see that males tend to be more polygamous, i remember watching some national geographic program about lions and that they lead a pack of females...

If you look at the biology, ie natural selection, you'll find that the female is always in search of the strongest genes and she isn't monogamous neither. In theory, when a stronger man comes along, the female would leave you in a flash and get the stronger gene. Your services are no longer required. One of the sexes tries to spread the seeds, and the other one tries to get the strongest possible seed. Can you see the competition?

I think if we follow our animal instincts, the male of the species is going to be the real loser. We'll end up killing each other for the "alpha male" position, where the alpha male is going to mate with a group of females as opposed to one...

In the game of polygamy and fighting, even the average male is expendable. The survival of the species does not depend on the male but on the female.

Be careful what you wish for!!!

PS: For example, Islamic polygamy is a form of alpha male thing. The requirement is that he's able to provide for multiple women at the same time, and one of the assumption muslims keep stating is that in the time of conflicts the number of men is low and number of women is high... In the time of peace, that model would not work...


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ali777 said:
Man.... I'm not always mean to you :)
oh sorry, i thought you were taking the piss, my bad, i know i tend to be over-sensitive when it comes to my country. (and btw, you can always visit Egypt and Israel {Egypt is beautiful, epically Sinay - a most} and i think even Jordan not sure about the last one tho...)
ali777 said:
If you look at the biology, ie natural selection, you'll find that the female is always in search of the strongest genes and she isn't monogamous neither.
Actually when i was writing my last post i was just thinking the same thing, even females are not monogamous in nature.... so how come we tend to keep one partner ?!... that has to be strictly a cultural thing... so i can go safely to my last statement about having a nice girl at home while banging on the side, well atleast i think this is a key for a happy-long-term marriage - how ironic that might sound... (dont let the attitude determine the tone of the idea)


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Smooth said:
so how come we tend to keep one partner ?!... that has to be strictly a cultural thing...

Call it evolution, culture, whatever you wish...

I personally would like to think we evolved that way. We learnt how to cooperate and share. Share not in a sense that we share our mates, but share our resources without fighting each other.

We are social animals, we aren't meant to survive on our own. Our survival depends on the group's survival, and that's why we have to cooperate for the collective good.. (Eg, you being patriotic is an example of cooperating for the collective good, the collective being the nation of Israel)

As I was saying earlier, with some social rules, it's very difficult to class them as learnt/taught behaviour or natural instinct. To test these theories, we would need to isolate a large group of people for a few generations and observe how they learn to interact with each other. Such a social experiment would not be ethical and we'll never find out...

I think this is a subject for Gardener. I'm sure he would have something very smart to say, but he ain't around :)


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Smooth said:
so i can go safely to my last statement about having a nice girl at home while banging on the side, well atleast i think this is a key for a happy-long-term marriage - how ironic that might sound... (dont let the attitude determine the tone of the idea)

I was thinking.... "The sl*t" might actually have an evolutionary advantage over the "nice girl". At least the sl*t is out there actively looking for the best gene possible. She maximises her chances of having the strongest possible offspring.

This is going to sound like CCS.... She might get her genes from what's perceived to be a strong male and then make a "lesser" man provide for her offspring....

Smooth said:
you can always visit Egypt and Israel {Egypt is beautiful, epically Sinay - a most} and i think even Jordan not sure about the last one tho...

As I was saying, I looked into it... Damascus, Beirut, Aman, etc are very close to each other. I didn't rule out Jordan, although Aman is supposed to be very "boring" in a sense that it's just a mega city. A trip down there wouldn't be complete without a visit into Israel and Sinai peninsula, but the official work is going to be pain... Anyway, I'm not thinking of visiting in the near future, but it's a potential destination for me... The best way of visiting is through work, I'll have to wait until an opportunity comes along.


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I will never get married.
Its an outdated concept in this day and age, I believe that in todays society we are no longer capable of tolerating someone for a sustained period of time.
I look around and all I see is people in bad relationships, people getting divorced and having affairs.
Its more than enough to put me off.
After all if you have a good relationship why do you need a piece of paper and a title? Marriage changes nothing it offers no guarantee.


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s.a.f said:
I believe that in todays society we are no longer capable of tolerating someone for a sustained period of time.

so true.

Living alone is the only way to go. Visitors are good but live-in's, housemates, permanent partners and long term guests are conducive to irritability.


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neis said:
Nicky said:
unless they admit it or you grew up with them there is no way to know.

b****s ALWAYS lie about how many guys they have f***ed. I knew a b**ch that had f***ed 50 but tried to tell me she only had slept with 10 guys. My friend grew up with her and told me the real story. Then on top of that, who wants to be married to a broad who slept with almost every guy in your town.

There really is no way to know for sure..........

Did she have a glass jaw as well?

she was Irish-American so probably..


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I'd say that was true for some...

No point in getting married as the government offers no incentive to do so, for example tax breaks for married couples etc...and you could be fleeced of half your earnings, that's enough to scare me off for life. I think it best to have 'Lovers' instead of girlfriends, wives and ex wives.


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-veteran420- said:
I'd marry a sl*t or hussy, but I draw the line at slag.. :punk:



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ali777 said:
-veteran420- said:
I'd marry a sl*t or hussy, but I draw the line at slag.. :punk:

Is having slept with 20 men a sl*t?? If its at the same time then yes but otherwise I don't nessarcerily think so.

IMO, most "normal" girls have had somewhere between 5 to 20 sexual partners. In that sense, 20 isn't necessarily too many.

If a girl has been sexually active for 10 years, and she has had 20 sexual partners, that's about 2 a year. That's not exactly sleeping around.

I dunno Guys, f*****g hell, that's quite a few

Too many for me by a lot

But then I met my girlfriend when I was 19, she was 17, so obviously that's a huge factor

If you've done a decade of your adult life single you'd rack em up I suppose, I'd like to f*****g think so anyway lol


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neis said:
ali777 said:
-veteran420- said:
I'd marry a sl*t or hussy, but I draw the line at slag.. :punk:

Is having slept with 20 men a sl*t?? If its at the same time then yes but otherwise I don't nessarcerily think so.

IMO, most "normal" girls have had somewhere between 5 to 20 sexual partners. In that sense, 20 isn't necessarily too many.

If a girl has been sexually active for 10 years, and she has had 20 sexual partners, that's about 2 a year. That's not exactly sleeping around.

I dunno Guys, f****ing hell, that's quite a few

Too many for me by a lot

But then I met my girlfriend when I was 19, she was 17, so obviously that's a huge factor

If you've done a decade of your adult life single you'd rack em up I suppose, I'd like to f****ing think so anyway lol

Hooking up so early on has advantages and disadvantages. I believe people that feel sexually deprived would be more likely to cheat. I mean someone who ends up in a relationship and feels like he/she didn't have enough experiences is more likely to seek new experiences. Statistically speaking, people that get married younger are more likely to divorce.

With "sl*ts" that have done everything, they don't really have the need to look for something new. They've done it and moved on, and they settle down with someone when they feel ready to settle down.

The number that would make me nervous is 20+, even then I wouldn't rule her out as a sl*t but I would follow my instinct. If I trust her, then no problem.


ali777 said:
Hooking up so early on has advantages and disadvantages. I believe people that feel sexually deprived would be more likely to cheat. I mean someone who ends up in a relationship and feels like he/she didn't have enough experiences is more likely to seek new experiences. Statistically speaking, people that get married younger are more likely to divorce.

With "sl*ts" that have done everything, they don't really have the need to look for something new. They've done it and moved on, and they settle down with someone when they feel ready to settle down.

The number that would make me nervous is 20+, even then I wouldn't rule her out as a sl*t but I would follow my instinct. If I trust her, then no problem.

yea 20 is not high. durex did a study a while back that said the average for women was 9 tho. this is probably unreliable.

Whatever the rights and wrongs of it, women who've had a few too many partners put me off big time

So no, no way
That said, if you meet someone you like, don't delve into the past too much... pointless and only ever negative

Thats the thing, I met my ex gf when we were both 18 and she'd had around 7 blokes. Spread over 3-4 years thats not a bad average and too complain too much is just hypocritical IMHO...:)

TBH its not something thats ever bothered me or crosses my mind with women, as long as they don't sleep around when they're with me then I don't tend to give a f*** (them having knocked off a few of my mates would be a problem though!!).


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-veteran420- said:
yea 20 is not high. durex did a study a while back that said the average for women was 9 tho. this is probably unreliable.

9 sounds about right to me... Actually, self reported studies usually tend to show the number bigger than it really is as only confident people reply to them.

Also, statistically speaking I'm more interested in the median and not the average. The average is usually higher than the median.


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ali777 said:
-veteran420- said:
yea 20 is not high. durex did a study a while back that said the average for women was 9 tho. this is probably unreliable.

9 sounds about right to me... Actually, self reported studies usually tend to show the number bigger than it really is as only confident people reply to them.

Also, statistically speaking I'm more interested in the median and not the average. The average is usually higher than the median.

I dont believe for one second the average North American girl has been with 9. No way in f*****g hell.


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I wanted to add this..

Girl I know told me about her friends on holiday, they bang a guy a night, seriously

One of her friends had her eye on this guy all week and he'd eyed her up too, so last night of the holiday she said 'this has to happen', approached him and 20 mins later he shagged her down some alley. No idea of each others names. One of the street kids saw them and nicked her handbag while they were at it

Now, they holiday a couple of times a year... 7 guys a holiday... jesus H christ imagine how many they rack up by their early 20's? Never mind slagging it up back home on the weekend.

That, to me, is a sl*t, and I don't know whether I'm more disgusted ... or pissed off that when I was a teenager it wasn't quite that easy lol

I blame the AIDS scare, it set promiscuity back years :shakehead:


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s.a.f said:
I will never get married.
Its an outdated concept in this day and age, I believe that in todays society we are no longer capable of tolerating someone for a sustained period of time.
I look around and all I see is people in bad relationships, people getting divorced and having affairs.
Its more than enough to put me off.
After all if you have a good relationship why do you need a piece of paper and a title? Marriage changes nothing it offers no guarantee.

Yeah, I was with a girl for seven years and it fell apart. Man... it sucks cause some girls you meet make you feel extremely happy about life for some years. I wish it would stay like that until you died and nobody got divorced. Wouldnt that be easy. lol.


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Yeah, I was with a girl for seven years and it fell apart.

Did she escape from your basement?

it sucks cause some girls you meet make you feel extremely happy about life for some years. I wish it would stay like that until you died and nobody got divorced. Wouldnt that be easy. lol.

I am thinking "The Stepford Wives"?