Would You Feel Better If People Acknowledged That Going Bald Is Hard?


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When will people realise that baldness and low confidence goes hand in hand.

Don't think that i am insulting anyone,
i have disliked post of one guy when he speaks bad about himself.
My dislike is not for him,but for his self loathing post.
I have suffered huge damage because of hairloss.
I never want others to suffer from low confidence.
There is a reason why my posts are not related to any topic related to personal baldness experiences.


Senior Member
My Regimen
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Your posts are pointless and barely relate to anything at all, they serve no purpose. Also, you always try to give depressed people shitty advices and indirectly blame them for their sh*t lives and luck.
That's my problem. Why must I be not only ridiculed, but BLAMED for being depressed?

This is where you are wrong.
People may have different opinions about baldness.
You know there are people who will laugh on your mouth while talking on baldness.

To possess perspective of other people who are not conditioned to baldness related mentality is not a joke.
Your point of view and my point of view is different.

Always assess a condition from people who are affected and also control group who don't even know anything about problems of baldness.

Okay man. Whatever you say.
Where I do agree with you is that it is best to accept baldness and move on. Where I'm not on the same page is that I feel only 1 in a 1000 guys can do that. Hair loss changes your life.... whether you shave it or undergo surgery, you are forever a changed man.