
Would you give up 90% of all your spare income in your life if it could get you hair?


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Recently I have come across some different opinions about possible impact of hairloss on someone. I think that in todays world, where almost everything is evaluated with money, this is a good way to evaluate individual impact of hairloss on someone. Also it will compare how much you evaluate other things in your life compared to your hair- because giving up large chunk of our income would definitely impact your life ( or lifestyle) in general.

By spare income I mean all your money after you cover just basic needs- food and accomodation- or just expenses you need to survive.

And I mean to the end of your life-you would have to do it even when you are 80 and possibly dont care about hairloss anymore.

I would give up regularly 90% of all my spare income I would make from now until I die if it would give me back nw1.

I am nw5, 26 yo.

Please state percentage of your income you would give up if it could get you hair you desire and your norwood scale and possibly age.
I wanna know if in general nw4 and higher nws would give up more( ie care more about their hairloss) than Norwood 1 up to Norwood 3.
I assume this will be the outcome and that the results will correspond with condition of someones hairloss.

Thanks for your opinion.


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As you are Norwood 5..
Can you please answer my question.
There is general assumption in society that bald look better with crpped buzz hair than less hair
I believe that nw3/4/5 with all thin hair dont look great..
Because the amount of hair in hair style is too ****ed up..

It looks like its pasted on scalp in single layer..

So my question to u..

Do u feel better looking now than in Norwood 2/3 time..

Because as a nw6...
People will atleast look at my face..
(forced shaved look)
But for thinning guys...
Attention neither goes to there face nor their head..


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Spare income is down to 150 bucks in my case...I still go out and so forth but after that really just have that left. I spend it almost all on treatment already.