Would you rather be?


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Just a hypothetical question here out of curiosity....if God appeared to you out of the sky and gave you the choice of either being bald...or having a full head of hair...with the caveat being that you would otherwise be a Ginger (red hair, pale skin, lots of freckles)....which one would you choose?


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Bald. No guy can get away with red hair AND freckles imo..Plus adolescence would be harder.


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Better than looking like an egg IMO.[attachment=1:gamemc4v]Damian%20Lewis%20as%20James%20Frayne.jpg[/attachment:gamemc4v][attachment=0:gamemc4v]main1.jpg[/attachment:gamemc4v]


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uncomfortable man

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What would the hair texture be like? If it's not curly and easy to style then in a heartbeat... even if it is curly then I could always shave it close and look better than I do now. Plus you could always die your hair, another option I don't have. Sunburns would be a b**ch though.


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I think red hair looks cool, so i'd go for it. I've seen some very attractive people who had red hair etc.


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keep in mind, I don't just mean red hair...I mean full on giner...the pale skin, freckles and bright red hair...and lets assume that you weren't allowed to dye your hair (because you could always use the toupee argument for not HAVING to be bald)...you always had to keep your hair its natural colour and have it at a somewhat reasonable length.

So take those stipulations into account...and obviously don't just consider it from an aesthetic perspective, but from a social one as well...I know for a fact that unfortunately, the younger generation of kids are extremely mean towards ginger kids, especially since that South Park episode aired. Recently, highschoos in America and Canada suspended students for establishing " National kick a Ginger Day"

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAx8WVSt ... re=related



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emex4 said:
Definitely Bald. Gingers get a lot of sh*t.
Anyone who prefers bald over ginger should'nt really be on here.


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yea...what a bald guy would say? of course...I would like to be bald...lol...ok and I'll be the guy with red hair and I laugh every day every minute...about your egg shape head...:)) obviously a red or gray thick hair would be waaaaaaaayyyyy much better than no hair...you can always die your hair...


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qball01 said:
...and obviously don't just consider it from an aesthetic perspective, but from a social one as well...I know for a fact that unfortunately, the younger generation of kids are extremely mean towards ginger kids
Not being a native British or American, and not living in such countries, I really do not see what is the problem. In fact, it is the first time I come across the term "ginger". Would you like to explain a little bit more?


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living in the real world, gingers arn't really that hard done by. I go to university and there's a ginger haired guy, pale skin in my class. He is really really sound and genuine, like a nice person, and also totally not insecure about his ginger hair. He also gets on really well with the ladies. Though, he straightens his hair, otherwise it's apparently curly lol. But yeah, being ginger isn't that bad lol


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In my experience, red haired kids (only males) have it really bad, or at least when I was growing up. But as soon as everyone matures the jokes stop.

So the dilemma here is.
Having a horrible childhood thanks to your appearance.
Having a horrible adulthood thanks to your appearance.

Wonder what Ron Howard must be thinking.


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bigentries said:
In my experience, red haired kids (only males) have it really bad, or at least when I was growing up.
Why is that? I really do not understand. Is red hair considered as girl-ish characteristic?


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Vox said:
bigentries said:
In my experience, red haired kids (only males) have it really bad, or at least when I was growing up.
Why is that? I really do not understand. Is red hair considered as girl-ish characteristic?
Kids like to pick on everyone that looks different to them.
Where I grew up 99% of the people had black eyes and hair, with skin tones ranging from white to dark brown.
Everything that was not the norm was considered enough reason to bully.
Very pale kids, blond kids, black kids, you name it were targets to bully, but never to the extent of the few ginger kids I knew.

Why only males? I guess females also had it rough, but over there, those kind of features were considered "pretty" in girls, while in boys it was considered undesirable. But that's my theory. That, and that in general boys and men are more mean and hurtful than females.

Why does this extents to places were read haired people are more numerous? I don't know


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I'm from Ireland where I'd guess one in 15 or one in 20 people are ginger, and ginger kids get a really hard time. For some reason most of my classes in school didn't have any ginger kids (as far as I remember) but I do remember most people having no qualms whatsoever about making gingers feel really bad about it.. Also they seemed to have a pretty interesting coping strategy... they would look out for kids in the school whose hair was a brighter shade of orange and argue that that kid was really ginger and that they themselves weren't 'that' ginger or were 'strawberry-blond'..

A ginger guy I knew in college got a really hard time over it from people who'd consider themselves intelligent and were over 20 years old...Pretty ridiculous really..It doesn't really make much sense seeing as it's commonly known that being ginger is a particularly Irish trait..Maybe it's some sort of nationwide post-colonial inferiority complex? Or maybe kids are just pricks..Also some of you seem to have not noticed that the OP said ginger AND freckles


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Ginger looks cool. I read somewhere they're about to become extinct, that's sad. :(

P.S.: Eric Stoltz ROCKS!