Would you rather be?


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I would prefer not to be.


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s.a.f said:
emex4 said:
Definitely Bald. Gingers get a lot of sh*t.
Anyone who prefers bald over ginger should'nt really be on here.

Meh. Try again, troll.

I'm getting pretty used to myself with a shaved head and even if I wasnt, I still wouldnt want to have bright orange hair, with freckles and pale skin.

I'm a normal guy that joined this site 4 years ago at the age of 21 because I was bothered by my hair loss. I'm moving past it, I'm not letting it control my life and I'm not obsessing every day about it.

Hence the astronomical difference in our post counts.


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Aha so in other words you're one of those guys 'suffering' with a NW1.5.

somone uk

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Belmondo said:
Ginger looks cool. I read somewhere they're about to become extinct, that's sad. :(

P.S.: Eric Stoltz ROCKS!
people say that because the ginger chromosome is "most recessive" but even if you have a recessive ginger chromosome that is "inactive" it doesn't mean that you can't have ginger children
it's a bunch of bollocks, gingers aren't becoming extinct


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s.a.f said:
Aha so in other words you're one of those guys 'suffering' with a NW1.5.

Look man, I dont want to get into this same tired argument that you guys try to instigate on here (I'm balder than you are so STFU because you dont know what its like etc. etc).

I know your situation and I know you're in worse shape than me so you've got the right to be upset. But regardless of our situations, anyone with hairloss has the right to be on this site. So just chill with the troll comments ok?

And for your information, I do have pretty significant diffuse thinning and I hate it. But I choose to not let it rule my life.

Have a nice day.


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emex4 said:
s.a.f said:
Aha so in other words you're one of those guys 'suffering' with a NW1.5.

Look man, I dont want to get into this same tired argument that you guys try to instigate on here (I'm balder than you are so STFU because you dont know what its like etc. etc).

I know your situation and I know you're in worse shape than me so you've got the right to be upset. But regardless of our situations, anyone with hairloss has the right to be on this site. So just chill with the troll comments ok?

And for your information, I do have pretty significant diffuse thinning and I hate it. But I choose to not let it rule my life.

Have a nice day.

I think safs comment still stands though. If you would rather be bald then have ginger hair, you need to get a grip. Your on here on this forum yet you would rather be bald then have ginger hair. Jesus, do you realise just how f*****g self absorbed and pathetic that sounds?

There are people starving to death and dying from AIDs all throughout the world and here you are on a hairloss forum whining about haiirloss but you then have the audacity to say you would rather be bald then have ginger hair.

I come on this forum through habit. No way near as much as I used to, and that reflects my mindset, that I really dont f*****g care about going bald like I used to.

The bottom line is that you have to go with what you have and make the best of it. Bald, Great, make that work for you. Ginger? Great, make that work for you. There is nothing inherently bad about either possibility.

The real collective tragedy of people on this site, and perhaps in a more symbolic way, humanity, is not the fact that people are going bald. Its the fact that people come on here and spend valuable time of their precious life on here.

Thats the real tragedy. Life is too beautiful to even consider spending time on some dark and depressing internet forum about hairloss. I am guilty of this too. But its something I have become more aware of recently, when I stopped using this site so much, I came back and I was like wtf is even doing for me? How is this in anyway constructive or good for my life?

If anything it re-inforces your own sense of insecurity and ugliness. Remember that this is not how all people think. And by coming on here all the time, you going to catch on to this Uman kind of mindset. Whats more important than the amount of hairs on your head is your attitude to life.

''Live as if you were living a second time, and as though you had acted wrongly the first time.'' Viktor E. Frankl

I personally think this quote is beautiful. Just imagine being on your death bed. Im sure you would instantly realise that there was no point worrying about something out of your control. Just like death in fact. It is all a matter of acceptance.

As the great zen master Kodo Sawaki said ''you suffer because you do not accept what has to accepted.''

Its truly as simple as that. When you really look at the beauty of the world, its depth and magnificance, non-issues like hairloss become so trivial, in fact natural parts of life.


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I think this question is a little harder for me because it would also mean changing my race.


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So, to answer the original question, between nosferatu and ginger I would take the latter anytime; and some freckles please.


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Hope4hairRedux said:
emex4 said:
s.a.f said:
Aha so in other words you're one of those guys 'suffering' with a NW1.5.

Look man, I dont want to get into this same tired argument that you guys try to instigate on here (I'm balder than you are so STFU because you dont know what its like etc. etc).

I know your situation and I know you're in worse shape than me so you've got the right to be upset. But regardless of our situations, anyone with hairloss has the right to be on this site. So just chill with the troll comments ok?

And for your information, I do have pretty significant diffuse thinning and I hate it. But I choose to not let it rule my life.

Have a nice day.

I think safs comment still stands though. If you would rather be bald then have ginger hair, you need to get a grip. Your on here on this forum yet you would rather be bald then have ginger hair. Jesus, do you realise just how f****ing self absorbed and pathetic that sounds?

There are people starving to death and dying from AIDs all throughout the world and here you are on a hairloss forum whining about haiirloss but you then have the audacity to say you would rather be bald then have ginger hair.

I come on this forum through habit. No way near as much as I used to, and that reflects my mindset, that I really dont f****ing care about going bald like I used to.

The bottom line is that you have to go with what you have and make the best of it. Bald, Great, make that work for you. Ginger? Great, make that work for you. There is nothing inherently bad about either possibility.

The real collective tragedy of people on this site, and perhaps in a more symbolic way, humanity, is not the fact that people are going bald. Its the fact that people come on here and spend valuable time of their precious life on here.

Thats the real tragedy. Life is too beautiful to even consider spending time on some dark and depressing internet forum about hairloss. I am guilty of this too. But its something I have become more aware of recently, when I stopped using this site so much, I came back and I was like wtf is even doing for me? How is this in anyway constructive or good for my life?

If anything it re-inforces your own sense of insecurity and ugliness. Remember that this is not how all people think. And by coming on here all the time, you going to catch on to this Uman kind of mindset. Whats more important than the amount of hairs on your head is your attitude to life.

''Live as if you were living a second time, and as though you had acted wrongly the first time.'' Viktor E. Frankl

I personally think this quote is beautiful. Just imagine being on your death bed. Im sure you would instantly realise that there was no point worrying about something out of your control. Just like death in fact. It is all a matter of acceptance.

As the great zen master Kodo Sawaki said ''you suffer because you do not accept what has to accepted.''

Its truly as simple as that. When you really look at the beauty of the world, its depth and magnificance, non-issues like hairloss become so trivial, in fact natural parts of life.

LOL, ok?

somone uk

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thinking about it gingers are the most bald of people
ginger nw1 --> 90,000 hairs
dark nw1 --->120,000 hairs
blonde nw1 --->140,000 hairs


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somone uk said:
thinking about it gingers are the most bald of people
ginger nw1 --> 90,000 hairs
dark nw1 --->120,000 hairs
blonde nw1 --->140,000 hairs
Where these numbers come from?


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qball01 said:
Just a hypothetical question here out of curiosity....if God appeared to you out of the sky and gave you the choice of either being bald...or having a full head of hair...with the caveat being that you would otherwise be a Ginger (red hair, pale skin, lots of freckles)....which one would you choose?

BALD + good skin color
being arab im kinda tan so its not a big deal.
Plus i've never seen good ginger facial hair and without my goatee im not me :)