Wow, this guy sitting before me......


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I just thought it happend when you gave up caring about looks and style. eg if you got some boring suit job and got married had kids and all your motivation went to paying the bills etc.
I imagined that if you kept playing sports following the latest music and stayed young at heart the m.p.b fairy would leave you alone.
Maybe most of the boring baldies I saw only became dull because of the negative effects of m.p.b?


i always thought i would go bald at 35. and i thought until then there was a cure for it. now it seems like there will be a cure for it when im 35, but i started balding before, so f***.

i denied that i got hairloss in my early stages. i thought its normal for a guy at 19 that his hair gets a bit thinner, but i didnt think that was a sign of balding. what a fault. i f*****g denied it.

the first time i really thought i was going bald was when i went to my derm. before i denied or i put it on a special diet which i did at that time. so i thought, "well , my hair gets a bit thinner due to this diet and when i stop it then my hair gets full again". umm how f*****g retarded.

when i went to my derm - and i had long hair at that time and always before, so you didnt see it - i showed it to him and he just said something like "yes, that happens to guys. there is a pill you can take to stop and reverse it".

damn, if my derm wouldnt describe propecia and hadnt recommend it to me at that time i was completley bald now. umm what a f*****g horror dream.

the first three months i really thought my hair would get full again, but then i saw that it wouldnt and read on the internet that it wouldnt and i fall into depression.

from there on , i hided it until now.

im so happy its ok again. still a bit thin, but if i style it, it looks ok and most people wont notice that im balding. look at my pic in the "tell your story" forum if you want to see it.

now i am adding eucapil today and hope that it will make the hair even thicker, so i hope in a few months even baldies like tauge will hardly see any balding in me. though i think i wont reach that point that a tauge wont see that i got hairloss because for that it would have to get really perfect again which i doubt will happen.


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Aplunk said:
s.a.f said:
[quote="Captain Obvious":cbbea] I used to not give a d*** about a bald guy because he's a bald guy! i assumed they were old and boring.

I wonder how many people out in society think that way? :(
As a kid I used to think that you could'nt go bald if you were cool. (hence the rock stars theory).

Haha, thanks s.a.f.,
I once thought this way, too. I thought that bald people did something wrong... like they ate too much meat, or didn't take care of their bodies, or were sexually frustrated or something... I made fun of them, and I probably hurt some honest guys' feelings... Karma, right?[/quote:cbbea]

See I don't get it. I NEVER ever made fun of bald guys when I was younger with a full head of hair. I actually even wore my hair really short, down to a #1. Why did this happen to me. I didn't harm anybody's feelings.


hair today gone tomorrow

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Nathaniel said:
Aplunk said:
s.a.f said:
[quote="Captain Obvious":845b8] I used to not give a d*** about a bald guy because he's a bald guy! i assumed they were old and boring.

I wonder how many people out in society think that way? :(
As a kid I used to think that you could'nt go bald if you were cool. (hence the rock stars theory).

Haha, thanks s.a.f.,
I once thought this way, too. I thought that bald people did something wrong... like they ate too much meat, or didn't take care of their bodies, or were sexually frustrated or something... I made fun of them, and I probably hurt some honest guys' feelings... Karma, right?

See I don't get it. I NEVER ever made fun of bald guys when I was younger with a full head of hair. I actually even wore my hair really short, down to a #1. Why did this happen to me. I didn't harm anybody's feelings.


Oh...ghandi was you think he "harmed" anyone's loss is just like anything else in all comes down to luck.


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i used to laugh at people who were bald and looked bad without hair. didn't want to think that it happened to normal people either. i used to think i wasn't going to ever go bald cause my dad who is 30 years older than me has a full head of black hair (with a little grey on his sideburns area) and i was naive and just thought it meant the same destiny for me.

how wrong i was, and it's now come back to bite me in the ***.


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I guess I was lucky because I grew up seeing bald guys in a positive light, so I didn't view them negatively. The athletes I watched were bald, film stars I admired were receding or bald, video games I played had cool bald guys in them (Kane, anyone?), and many musicians I listened to had shaved heads. The image was always presented to me as cool and edgy.


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blondeguy said:
I guess I was lucky because I grew up seeing bald guys in a positive light, so I didn't view them negatively. The athletes I watched were bald, film stars I admired were receding or bald, video games I played had cool bald guys in them (Kane, anyone?), and many musicians I listened to had shaved heads. The image was always presented to me as cool and edgy.

Guys with shaved heads look cool. Guys who are bald on the top and let the sides of their hair grow out look like hideous monsters.


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gsxr60097 said:
Taug, From what I read you are tall, rich, goodlooking and have a larger than average penis. Just take the big first step and hit on a chick and see where it goes. Its all about distractions from this hair crap. its hard but I force myself out and meet some cool people. On a side note college chicks probably are more superficialy but if you are any sort of NW2 they don't give a crap. Wish the best for you man.

Thx gsxr for your encouragement, but it is not so easy. Yes, I am tall, but height doesn´t matter that much. I was always teased by people who were shorter than me. And my money doesn´t really help me. You can´t buy yourself real friends or real love.....
And what does a big dick help? Girls can´t see in your pants.

And I never said I was goodlooking, people have told me repeatedly that I am very ugly, probably a 2 or 3 on the CCS scale. So, my looks are the main reason for my failure with women, I don´t think it has to do anything with my hairloss, I mean I never had any success long before I was balding.

Good Luck to you as well.

To the morons linking my obsession to homosexuality. Of course I knew that my post would sound gay, but I don´t care.

Why should I check out the hot girls at my University? I know that they aren´t interested in me and ignore me at best. If I want to see good looking women I watch p**rn, I mean the chances for scoring with Sylvia Saint, Jenna Haze or Monica Sweetheart are about the same as scoring with the pretty girl next door: ZERO. I have accepted it. It is easier for me to deal with my life like that. Why should I give hot girls any attention? They will react arrogant and disgusted feeling superior to me (and making me feeling inferior....), I don´t want to give any girl the power to do this with me. That guy on the other side I admire, because he is like I would like to be. He is slim, good looking and with great hair, exactly the opposite of me.


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Taugenichts said:
Why should I give hot girls any attention? They will react arrogant and disgusted feeling superior to me (and making me feeling inferior....)
Why not give the average looking girls some attention then? Also just remember that womens priorites change over time. They dont place so much emphasis on looks in their late 20/30's as in their teens/early 20's.
People put you down because you let them theres no way that you are a 2 or a 3 on the CCS scale.


umm, you have a pretty wrong attitude towards life.

thats where your problem with your hair comes from.

you need to learn. i think you pretty much missed some things in your developing.

its good that you go to university now. what makes you developing is goals and experience. remind that. i guess you got the goal to develope socially? and now you are getting experiences.

but are you ready to do everything for your goal? do you really want it? or do you just think, "it would be nice".

try harder to make new friends and to develope socially and the success will follow.

and some time soon, it may take some time, you will be the lady checker ;).

maybe you cant something for your problems because these kids in school picked on you. ya i pretty much think its that. bad thing.

you are not responsible for that , but you are responsible what you make out of it.


s.a.f said:
Taugenichts said:
Why should I give hot girls any attention? They will react arrogant and disgusted feeling superior to me (and making me feeling inferior....)
Why not give the average looking girls some attention then? Also just remember that womens priorites change over time. They dont place so much emphasis on looks in their late 20/30's as in their teens/early 20's.
People put you down because you let them theres no way that you are a 2 or a 3 on the CCS scale.

The "CCS scale" is very fucked up anyways, so why care?