wtf y i m so unlucky


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im only 20,still in university and my hair is thinning like hell,my hair line keep receding and i feel like wana die,my friends r teasing at me,y?y?y?can some1 tell me y im so unlucky,i dun wana bald in this young age!!!im still a kid!!!arrggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!


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I dont' think you're the only one that's "unlucky." I started thinning in my late teens. I'm 21 now.. turning 22 in like two weeks, and I'm a diffuse thinning. It's thinning everywhere on top to the point where you can see my scalp in the sun. Sad. :(


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JJ-85 said:
I dont' think you're the only one that's "unlucky." I started thinning in my late teens. I'm 21 now.. turning 22 in like two weeks, and I'm a diffuse thinning. It's thinning everywhere on top to the point where you can see my scalp in the sun. Sad. :(
>same here,my hair is thinning all over,can c my scalp under the sun and under the light,im on propecia for 4 months already,u guys think should i add in minoxidil or juz continue wif juz propecia?


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First off, learn to write and speak properly. No one will take you seriously while throwing around all that slang.

second, I started losing my hair junior year in high school, 5 years ago. There have been some really young hair loss users in here before, you're not the only one. If you're so upset, go and do something about it! Losing your hair is not life ending! Go to the gym, find your reasoning in life and FOCUS on those. Don't look at your damn hairline every time you go to the bathroom!

This young boy was unlucky, you're not. ... index.html


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What a sobering link, it really makes you stop and remember that some folks are much worse off.

To the kid in school, just buzz it.


Hi shin,

you are not alone. Technically, I am not a kid anymore but I still I feel like one. I know what you are going through. Hair Loss seems like the end of your youth and so the end of our lifes. Everything becomes different after you have realized that you are losing it. Get on treamtents and hope the best. Good Luck, mate!

Uncle Leo

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shin1987 said:
im only 20,still in university and my hair is thinning like hell,my hair line keep receding and i feel like wana die,my friends r teasing at me,y?y?y?can some1 tell me y im so unlucky,i dun wana bald in this young age!!!im still a kid!!!arrggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

I know the feeling dude. I started noticing a receeding hairline at 19, since then I've had some diffuse thinning and now have a nice baldspot starting. It has nothing to do with being unlucky, it's just part of life. If it's really bad then try adding rogaine. 4 months is pretty early so give it some more time. Try not to get down when people tease you, you just have to laugh along with them sometimes. Make the most of being 20 and still having some hair, don't waste your time worrying about it yet.


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I agree w/ uncle leo. I'm turning 23 tomorrow and I've noticed my hair has thinned out quite a bit since I started college and I graduate in May. I've tried to make the best of it because if you worry about it a lot you'll realize you've wasted much of your college life and you can't go back. I hope you realize this and best of luck.



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thanks guys,u all make me feel confident again,recently my hair shed like hell and it reli made me feel like wana give up,i will have my pics unloaded soon,im going to buy rogaine 2mr!!


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There are two things to do.

1. Stay on propecia on the daily 1 mg dose and be consistent.

2. Start minoxidil as you have stated. I highly recommend the foam as far as convenience and also is starting to show to be more effective as the liquid version.

Just stay the course amigo!


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im kinda worry if i start minoxidil the shed will become worse as many brothers here said minos will cause shed too...


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shin1987 said:
im kinda worry if i start minoxidil the shed will become worse as many brothers here said minos will cause shed too...

Well if your to scared to try anything your guaranteed to get worse so pick your route. Its your choice, nobody here will make it for you lad.

Good luck.


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shin1987 said:
ok guys,i decide to go for rogaine foam,should i apply it daily or .....???

apply it once every year.....or read the instructions on how to use it.....whichever suits you best


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haunted meant once daily. I usually use it once in the morning and once at night. Best of luck and post some pics.


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haunted-ballroom said:
shin1987 said:
ok guys,i decide to go for rogaine foam,should i apply it daily or .....???

apply it once every year.....or read the instructions on how to use it.....whichever suits you best
haha good joke.


Established Member
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You are not alone here...I'm also experiencing similar things as you did. At the age of 19, I don't really care about it as the thinning patch is not visible. But NOW I do care!! Loss more...and bald soon. I'm only 21 this year.

I'm joining your club dude...No worry. you are not alone...


pologuy514 said:
I agree w/ uncle leo. I'm turning 23 tomorrow and I've noticed my hair has thinned out quite a bit since I started college and I graduate in May. I've tried to make the best of it because if you worry about it a lot you'll realize you've wasted much of your college life and you can't go back. I hope you realize this and best of luck.


good post! if you are a Norwood 1.5 , a Norwood 3, have thinning or are a Norwood 6, dont waste your youth!

in ten years if you dont stop now, you will still be worrying and in another 10 years you maybe realize that you lost this time.

I for me want to go out more from now on. see, i didnt even go to university anymore coz of my hairloss. and im very bad behind now.
anyway, going to university is not only for studying, its for fun and learning social contacts too!
i know thats probably my own problem that i didnt go to university anymore and you guys handle it other, but beware! if you dont go out anymore you f*** up your life. its no fun, you loose all that time, which you could enjoy greatly.

i made an appointment with myself. i want to go to university now as often as possible and dont care so much about my hairloss anymore. i want to go out as much as possible and make party as much as my money lets me.

you are only young once and you only live once!