Yassin's story (last pics page 6)

what do you think of my result

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Re: Yassin's story (last pic page 2)

I'm back on minoxidil after about one week of stoppage
I'm still shedding
I changed the company of minoxidil .
the new solution is oily and not alcoholic as the old one and it's good for long hair as mine now

I don't think it's as effective as the alcoholic one as I used this oily one for about 6 months and gave no results but without nizoral or finasteride

but I cant stand the alcoholic one anymore

I'm on it once daily


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Re: Yassin's story (last pic page 2)

today I've shed alot of hair
It's hard to apply minoxidil with your long hair
it's allso very hard to massage your scalp with nizoral shampoo with that hair
so I've decided to switch on my electric razor
and reveal my real scalp and see my result
is it just long hair that covers my baldy head or not ????!!!
I wanted to compare my pictures in the same conditions
here are today's pictures
what do you think???


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Re: Yassin's story (last pics page 5)

comparing to a year ago , your hair looks still a lot better and in a better condition even when buzzed. their might be some little spots here and there but they are recovering , maybe they are just late recoverer! just continue with your regiment , you are doing great!
and thanx for sharing, that was a real success test. because most here in before/after pictures they show only longer hair in their "after".
your are doing fine my friend


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Re: Yassin's story (last pics page 5)

need4hair & alex_nsk
thanks for commenting


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Re: Yassin's story (last pics page 5)

Definitively a great improvement!

Few question;
Still following same regimen posted in page 1?
Did you shade when starting using Finasteride?
Why would you think this last shade started (any idea why or what could have made it start?)


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Re: Yassin's story (last pics page 5)

Seiya said:
Definitively a great improvement!

Few question;
Still following same regimen posted in page 1?
Did you shade when starting using Finasteride?
Why would you think this last shade started (any idea why or what could have made it start?)

yes on the same regimen in page 1
I was losing hair before starting using finasteride and the shedding gradually stopped in shower and during applying minoxidil till it stopped

now think I started shedding again cause when my hair was long I could find a higher amount of hair in my pillow, during shower and during applying minoxidil

I think this was because long hair don't allow minoxidil or nizoral to reach the scalp specially when I use the solution form
I also wasn't religious on the last month. maybe I was applying it not more than 5 times a week once daily.
it's curse with long hair :dunno:
I'll try to ship rogain foam
I think it'll cost me alot but I have no options
I'll keep my hair short till I get the foam

the original topic is here it was posted in november 2010
and I remember the picture I posted was only 9 months ago not a year ago
I'll correct it



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Re: Yassin's story (last pics page 5)

today I've shed about 50 hair or alot more only from scalp
normal hair not villus
every time I rub my hand into my hair I can count 4 or more hairs
That's not only today , it's about two weeks or more
I could see alot of dandruff on my scalp where I apply minoxidil
what the hell is going on !!!!!!
what is happening to my success story !!!
is it the sad end !!!!
I only buzzed my hair
I thought a lot, is it routine shedding of my hair????.
but if this rate contiues I'll lose all my hair . within few months
I was frustrated, and I this did't let me think well

then I switched to link the shedding to the new minoxidil oily form.
I've used this form for more than 1 year and gave me zero results and my hair turned from bad to more bad.
I only noticed dandruff after using this

I went through google to find out what is the nature of Rogaine the original form made in USA
and I found out that it's alcoholic and it dries only after 5 minutes
WTF the oily one takes more than one hour to dry
I confirmed in my searches through the internet and wikipedia "minoxidil"
oil must prevent minoxidil from reaching to the scalp
putting oil two time a day for one year must damage my scalp

I turned from frustration to anger >>>>>
f***< I used this for more than one year , it exhausted me psychologically and physically and it costed me a lot of money
f*** they earn money from nothing
they only copy the prescription, and put some sort of oil int the bottle
I searched more for the name of the company and could hardly find something
no website nothing, and it's one of the most used minoxidil forms in the market
I've read about billions of dollars made out of fake drugs

I washed my head from this stuff, and dry it then I borrowed the alcoholic one from my brother and put it,
I'll be back into the alcoholic one. I'll not put a finger into my scalp till one week and see if the shedding stop or not within this week.
If shedding stops. I'll go to every pharmacy in the city and tell them not to sell this stuff again. and I'll tell every body I know using minoxidil not to use this stuff
f***, I feel very angry now
I think I may find a way to ship Rogaine in the future


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Re: Yassin's story (last pics page 5)

So basically you are saying that minoxidil in liquid form could damage the scalp? And that maybe foam form is an option?


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Re: Yassin's story (last pics page 5)

I don't mean that
it's not the minoxidil that damaged my hair. it's about the company. how they prepare it to be safe for your healthy hair follicles
the form I used for one year was oily and two times a day for oil is too much for your scalp. and oil must disrupt minoxidil absorption


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about 1 month update after haircut
shedding decreased alot but I still have some shedding maybe the normal amount
no more dandruff.
less itchy scalp

it's about my 6 months update on big 3, I know it's not perfect hair density, but it's too much away from my baseline photos. at least I wish to keep this result for the rest of my life. and hoping for more. I just have to wait and update 3 or 6 months later
here's today's picture


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keep fighting bro, looks allot better. i have diffused thinning also(not as bad) but i feel its the worse kind of hairloss. it creeps on you hard


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today it's the 8th of decembre, exactly 2 months away from my latest post, 3 months from my last haircut , 8 months from start of treatment
my hair is longer that I can comp it backward
I can say that I stopped my last shedding along ago maybe two months
I reduced nizoral to once a week , it makes my hair looks very dry and brittle
and began to add a moisturizing shampoo
I can say I stopped shedding totally and my hair is strong that It's not easy to get one
my self esteem is high up again
I can notice again the eyes of the girls going towards me :)))
10 minutes ago I got a positive comment from a relative, who I didn't see since I last cut my hair. " I see you grow your hair , why do you buzz it ?? you look very nice now, don't buzz your hair again, "

the effect is progression of my medical treatment , moisturizing shampoo
i still can see frontal thinning that's easy to hide

I don't want to post a picture now I'll add one later


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Re: Yassin's story (new picture page 6)- maybe the last message

It's important today to read your replies and comments on this post as it maybe the last time I post here in HairLossTalk.com
today is not a very good day for me. and also it is not a bad day
after about 18 months of cutting the hair with my electric razor. I went to the barber shop which I used to go when I was only 6 years old.
that's because my father said to me " go to the barber , every time you cut your hair you damage it"
I know that he is right
he welcomed me
I remembered every time when I ask him to spike my hair , some times to to comb it backwards .
he asked me " would you like to spike it?"
I told him " do what you want"
he concluded what I want to tell him
at first he cut the sides then he tried to spike it up as usual.
but simply he couldn't
he was gentle and never said something about my hairloss like some idiot friends.
I preferred comping it to the side rather than spiking it like an idiot and told him to do that
the result was good enough for me

but I came to some conclusions:

1. I don't look bad even if I am completely bald :whistle:

2. I will never be known again for my good hair again. :(

3. finasteride, minoxidil and Ketokonazol are good , but are not enough to regrow you lost hair at least for my case. even if to regrow what you had 3 years ago. and I think Finasteride is the best. :bravo:

4. I may consider hair transplant in the future but at least 10 years later for many reasons :
a. I'm satisfied with my look now and I think I look very good and I can easily hide my hairloss and nobody can tell I'm balding.
b. I am not a good candidate now for hair transplant. a diffuse thinner and I don't know which pattern it will end up with me. some patients transplants hair to get a result as what I have now.and I think that my donor area is of low density
c. I think that the money I have now is not enough for a good hair transplant center.

d. I will continue using my medications and I may see more positive results.
e. And finally I think that science will reveals something important sooner or later about using stem cells in male pattern baldness and I hope to use it.

5. that's the first lesson to me as a doctor how to treat my patients ,and to be serious on every problem they have not like some silly comments I heard about my hairloss in the past. and I appreciate the barber who avoided to tell any comment that would hurt me.

and finally thanks to god for every gift he gave me . and hoping he will forgive me for every sin I mad in my life.


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Rocky V

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good stuff yassin,

your hairloss isnt that bad at all man. just add some concealer like toppik to your diffuse areas and youll be good


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great results

btw in the japanese keto study they used nizoral 2% cream ewery day and saw good results so I dont think nizoral shampoo 5 times a day is to much


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these 4 months I grew my hair long, it was nice
but I wasn't regular at my regimen , and long hair was a barrier for my medications. I also had a great amount of dandruff .
my scalp was very very itchy , and I was shedding alot
I could count about 100 hairs from the top only daily.
so last week I decided to have a new hair cut,
actually it is worse now and still itchy and shedding, but could get rid of dandruff
so I decided to go back to my old regimen of the daily nizoral and keep my hair at that length. till I see another positive result