You are all NUTS

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This may sound harsh but

most of you people are the most self obsessed, self conscious, dysfunctions.

You are to hair as an anorexic is to keeping skinny.

This is my first time on here, since for some reason i had a problem with my rogaine,...i used it for like a week or two and my hair is getting weak and falling out, i guess thats the shedding thing, but OMG PEOPLE...the posts on here...

GET A GRIP. im seroius. im sure ur all cool but ugh.. In this year of 2005....there STILL arent that many wonderful miracle cures for balding, snake oils have been around forever, and you people are so desperate i bet you all count ur hairs one by one, and make sure your dosages are precise.

It makes me sick, because #1, no one out there really cares about your hair unless you're an actor in LA, and even some actors like Bruce Willis are fine. If you dont look good bald, then guess what, get a therapist, not a snake oil. Being desperate and chugging pills and rubbing lotions really isnt much better than dealing with your insecurities out in the open.

stop being losers. Also, of COURSE you hope, its all you have that probably keeps most of you from jumping over a bridge.

This is literally insane. you people devote so much time to something so petty,...

and yes, it IS petty in the big picture. You vain, queens. ;-P


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There is an element of truth to what you are saying, but there is one important question I would like to ask you:

How old are you? Where are you at in your life at this point?

I have a feeling you may be a middle aged, perhaps happily married man.

If you are either or both of those, then your statements don't hold up too well, because you can't realize how hard it is for some of the kids on here to struggle through college or, like me, high school, with a balding head.

It's tough.

If not, and you are truly just a stronger, more secure man than any of us: congratulations. You are better off than any of us, and I really mean that.

Bone Daddy

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And people making accounts, to b**ch and whine about people making b**ch posts are'nt losers?



Established Member
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If he wasn't worried about hairloss then he:

1-Wouldn't have used Rogaine
2-Wouldn't have looked for a hairloss site on the internet

hypocrites, of the worst kind, and he's the type that doesn't even know it

the world is full of 'em

The Gardener

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LucMarl said:
This may sound harsh but

most of you people are the most self obsessed, self conscious, dysfunctions.

You are to hair as an anorexic is to keeping skinny.

This is my first time on here, since for some reason i had a problem with my rogaine,...i used it for like a week or two and my hair is getting weak and falling out, i guess thats the shedding thing, but OMG PEOPLE...the posts on here...

GET A GRIP. im seroius. im sure ur all cool but ugh.. In this year of 2005....there STILL arent that many wonderful miracle cures for balding, snake oils have been around forever, and you people are so desperate i bet you all count ur hairs one by one, and make sure your dosages are precise.

It makes me sick, because #1, no one out there really cares about your hair unless you're an actor in LA, and even some actors like Bruce Willis are fine. If you dont look good bald, then guess what, get a therapist, not a snake oil. Being desperate and chugging pills and rubbing lotions really isnt much better than dealing with your insecurities out in the open.

stop being losers. Also, of COURSE you hope, its all you have that probably keeps most of you from jumping over a bridge.

Where you off to next? Off to the acne sufferers' forum to tell them that they are just going through puberty and need to 'toughen up' and stop being such pussies about it? Or maybe off to the comic book collectors' forum to inform them that they are overgrown children for having such a childish hobby? Personally, I suggest an immediate visit to the suck my c*** forum.

Bone Daddy

Established Member
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Where you off to next? Off to the acne sufferers' forum to tell them that they are just going through puberty and need to 'toughen up' and stop being such pussies about it? Or maybe off to the comic book collectors' forum to inform them that they are overgrown children for having such a childish hobby? Personally, I suggest an immediate visit to the suck my c*** forum.

oooooooh Gardener, can I be the first member?

I want your coal sausage!


Not Gay!


Experienced Member
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This jizzbag is so much of an idiot he doesn't even deserve replying to.


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LucMari, if you do your research then you know that Rogaine starts shedding your hair at the first couple of months before getting better. Also no drug will help you in just 2 weeks of using it. Must give your self one year before see result like Propecia. I know your upset because your not getting the results you wanna in the short time of using Rogaine. Just give it sometime and you may see results. Better off with Propecia.


Senior Member
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I hate to stop in here guys, and give this f****r an extra 'reply'..

I just wish that we could all somehow be 'in tune' with eachother to know better, when we read such miserable crap, to NOT reply..

If that makes any sense. Hypocrite? Yeah, at times... sorry.


This guy is a douche, f*** his opinions.


Rawbbie said:
If he wasn't worried about hairloss then he:

1-Wouldn't have used Rogaine
2-Wouldn't have looked for a hairloss site on the internet

hypocrites, of the worst kind, and he's the type that doesn't even know it

the world is full of 'em

Busted :lol: :lol: :lol:

The Gardener

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IwantMyhair said:
I hate to stop in here guys, and give this f****r an extra 'reply'..

I just wish that we could all somehow be 'in tune' with eachother to know better, when we read such miserable crap, to NOT reply..

If that makes any sense. Hypocrite? Yeah, at times... sorry.


This guy is a douche, f*** his opinions.

You are SO right. We should know better when we get a wind-up posting.

too bald too furious

Experienced Member
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LucMarl said:
This may sound harsh but

most of you people are the most self obsessed, self conscious, dysfunctions.

You are to hair as an anorexic is to keeping skinny.

This is my first time on here, since for some reason i had a problem with my rogaine,...i used it for like a week or two and my hair is getting weak and falling out, i guess thats the shedding thing, but OMG PEOPLE...the posts on here...

GET A GRIP. im seroius. im sure ur all cool but ugh.. In this year of 2005....there STILL arent that many wonderful miracle cures for balding, snake oils have been around forever, and you people are so desperate i bet you all count ur hairs one by one, and make sure your dosages are precise.

It makes me sick, because #1, no one out there really cares about your hair unless you're an actor in LA, and even some actors like Bruce Willis are fine. If you dont look good bald, then guess what, get a therapist, not a snake oil. Being desperate and chugging pills and rubbing lotions really isnt much better than dealing with your insecurities out in the open.

stop being losers. Also, of COURSE you hope, its all you have that probably keeps most of you from jumping over a bridge.

This is literally insane. you people devote so much time to something so petty,...

and yes, it IS petty in the big picture. You vain, queens. ;-P

Listen Dick,

No one asked you to post in this forum. We all are pretty sure that you are one of those losers who keep pointing finger to everyone around you.

Everyone here has a self esteem and thats why each poster is taking some action to combat the force of hair loss.

You could not even keep up the dosage of minoxidil and post this crap here?

May you get bald very soon and every one laughs at you!

Then dont come whining and crying on this forum for help



LucMarl said:
This may sound harsh but

most of you people are the most self obsessed, self conscious, dysfunctions.

You are to hair as an anorexic is to keeping skinny.

This is my first time on here, since for some reason i had a problem with my rogaine,...i used it for like a week or two and my hair is getting weak and falling out, i guess thats the shedding thing, but OMG PEOPLE...the posts on here...

GET A GRIP. im seroius. im sure ur all cool but ugh.. In this year of 2005....there STILL arent that many wonderful miracle cures for balding, snake oils have been around forever, and you people are so desperate i bet you all count ur hairs one by one, and make sure your dosages are precise.

It makes me sick, because #1, no one out there really cares about your hair unless you're an actor in LA, and even some actors like Bruce Willis are fine. If you dont look good bald, then guess what, get a therapist, not a snake oil. Being desperate and chugging pills and rubbing lotions really isnt much better than dealing with your insecurities out in the open.

stop being losers. Also, of COURSE you hope, its all you have that probably keeps most of you from jumping over a bridge.

This is literally insane. you people devote so much time to something so petty,...

and yes, it IS petty in the big picture. You vain, queens. ;-P

1) Why the f*** are you here then?

2) Good luck at getting any advice with your attitude.

3) Hairloss affects people in terms of confidence, self esteem. Its not just about vanity. I dont want to keep my hair for women or anybody else, it is a matter of CHOICE. A choice to LOOK how I want to. Now if that is considered mental illness then tell that too anybody who even spends one second of the day grooming themselves. It is no diffirent.

4) Now your not welcome here so f*** OFF with your attitude.


New Member
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Read em and weep, Boyz.


First of all.

to reply to all these posts:

-- Im not middle aged or married im 22 and im in college.

-- I am secure, and i do possess a "self conscoiusness" like everyone else, that likes to look good, etc etc, which is why i came on this site to see what the possibilities are. but you're all missing the point.

1) I'm not posting 10000 entries, devoted to every crevice of hair loss information. This is only my 2nd post.

2) I'm not being miserable, or negative on purpose, only naturally reacting to reading so many entries, and seeing what pain people go through with the procedures and suffering to just get an ounce of hair, not to mention f*****g with your body hormones.

3) I don't care what any of you "Fuckers" think, and I'd take any of you on one on one in person, lol, not that its that serious, this is actually VERY childish and petty, but you can disagree or discard me as an idiot. I don't care. The point is, EVERYONE has a right to their own opinion, and I made mine. And not all opinions will be in SYNC with yours. So, find better ways to deal with it, than attacking with negative replies.

Thank you. :fart:

P.S. -- im not making any posts because of negative results with rogaine. WTF? thats ridiculous, i just discovered the crap. Obviously I don't know as much, because i'm not a fanatic like you guys.

;-) now f*** off and retreat to your hair-loss cults, before i nuke you. lol.


Most people are here to help others and with your attitude shown with your first posts then you can take a hike.

Bone Daddy

Established Member
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lmao, he said "I'd take you all". Remember that sweaty bath-house scene, that we all vomited over in Legends of the Fall? This is this guys true desire.

No thanks on that, Troll.



Established Member
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LucMarl I predict your destiny...Uhmmm...Let me see, this is what I see -

Tonight 10 ugly men will meet you in the alley and say to you:

"b**ch, you walk around with your hair-piece too tight
It's alright, you still gon' get fucked tonight"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Quote freely taken from Wu-Tang's "Dog sh*t":


Experienced Member
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I think its funny how he says to "find better ways to deal with it instead oof attacking with negative replies....


That was his whole game plan in his first post......schmock status


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Ban this


and sprinkle some in your hair, maybe its not a snake oil :-D :-D :-D
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