You are all NUTS

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I don't care what any of you "Fuckers" think, and I'd take any of you on one on one in person,
Nothing spells Wuss Patrol more than challenging people to a fight on the internet. Yeah, big words, little buddy; I could take the Raiders on, too. Bring it.
And not all opinions will be in SYNC with yours.
Maybe I'm getting carried away here, but for the most part this forum is full of people who never need to couch their comments in bald-baiting, mean spirited insults. You could basically say anything you wanted and not incite a riot as long as you did it respectfully. I'd say your STYLE is not in sync with ours, more than anything else. Which is to say, condescending, incendiary, and full of misplaced malice. Sounds like you're the one with repressed issues needing therapy, not us.
So, find better ways to deal with it, than attacking with negative replies.
Good call. On a totally different line of thought, I look forward to the day when Bush W urges the world to consult the UN and get international permission before any single country declares a pre-emptive war. Dude, you shame us. Not with your words, but your stupidity. The fact that any of us have replied to someone not intelligent enough to form a water-proof insult is an insult to us all.
now f*** off and retreat to your hair-loss cults, before i nuke you.
W? Is that you? I...I'm so sorry... I didn't vote for you... If I'd only known the power of your words...


Re: Ok

LucMarl said:

Ban this


and sprinkle some in your hair, maybe its not a snake oil :-D :-D :-D

Run along kiddo your mommy misses your two inch c***.

Bone Daddy

Established Member
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Hey, Troll!



Re: Read em and weep, Boyz.

LucMarl, don't be too offended by the replies you hear in this thread, it's just that anyone who has an interest in hair loss and it's treatments browse through this and other forums and see posts like yours fairly often and it can get boring, but as it has been said people don't have to read these threads.

People like yourself do pop up from time to time, throw a few insults around, annoy a few people, feel good about themselves and then disappear.

I realise you probably have issues with self image, perhaps social problems or are maybe going through a difficult time with regard to your sexuality.

Try not to let the replies upset you too much.

Good Luck with your hair loss problem



Senior Member
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Locking this one up. TynanW summed it up quite well. Feel free to PM me if you don't agree with my decision.
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