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Shubham- Sorry, but what do you mean? Bryan- I'm currently just on finasteride and Nizoral. Pictures 1-4 are of my hairline before I started using S5, and the rest are pictures after 4 months of use. I applied it two times a day on the top of my scalp. I think it did help out with turning the miniaturized hair stronger. Just look at the pictures, and decide whether you think there was a change or not. Remember it was only 4 months worth of use should try for a year. Just scared so I jumped on finasteride. TheMirrorOfDreams- You should post a couple of pictures. With Min, go for it no worries. You might shed a bit, but if you keep going it will grow back. finasteride I think you should start out with .25 mg EOD for a month. Then double the dose to .5 mg EOD, and so on... This should help you with gauging on how the pills will impact you. Let's say you experience sides with .5 EOD but not .25 EOD. Just keep using .25 because it still lowers DHT. AKA better than nothing!

My thanks. I will be posting pictures very soon, in a matter of a week or so.


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2 MONTH finasteride UPDATE. For the last 2 months, maybe a little less, I've been using .5 mg everyday. I started with .25 mg for the first week. After a week on .25 mg ED and a week of .5 mg, I experienced slight side effects on and off such as a prostate ache, testicle ache, and erections haven't been as strong probably around 85% still there. Other than that everything is normal. The testicle ache and prostate ache went away after the second week of use. My erection is still only like 90% as strong. Hair, sadly, has not improved. Today was my first day of 1 mg. I'll update again in a month or so of 1 mg.


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your hair is already pretty thick looking... if the finasteride allows you to hold what you have indefinitely, you should be very happy. We are our own worst critic, but I am sure many men on here would die to have your hair. You caught it early, which is very good. Do you think possibly your early sheds as a teenager were attributed to something other than male pattern baldness?

I used to get the testicle ache and had no idea why. I was NOT on finasteride. But I AM on Saw Palmetto extract. 320mg a day. I wonder if it is just coincidence, or if SP actually does work, and as a result, causes the same side effects?


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Sniper9 I hope you are still around. My middle brother lost his hair quite early (22ish), so I am pretty positive it was due to androgens. Yes your ache is because of Saw Palmetto. Most people say it doesn't do anything but it does. It got rid of my horrid itch and darkened up my hair.
Update- I've been on Finpecia for 3 months now. First two months was on .5 mg ED pretty much, and a month on 1 mg along with Nizoral. I can't say that I noticed a positive change, but not a negative one either. Side effects include sting in the prostate at random times. I haven't lost strength or size, but my muscles aren't as dense. It also takes me longer to recover after lifting. A tad bit more sore. Other than that nothing. Stll got that morning woodie. I will post pictures after a month.


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It has been 2 months of .5mg ED and 2.5 months of 1mg Finpecia off of this website. Hair is pretty much exactly the same. I haven't noticed an increase in shedding at all, and my side effects are all almost nonexistant. The no progress in hair status is kind of depressing, but i will keep taking it. I guess maybe that .5mg i was taking was pretty pointless. I will keep you guys updated!


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hey!!! even i started taking finpecia by cipla .25 mg ED. been some 10 12 days, ya i get that stingy feeling sometimes around the lower abdomen :p, so how did it go as you increased the dosage? even i am going to do the same as time progresses, no change in hair eh? thats a bummer, hope things turn around for you very soon :). i see you dermaroll too, did that make any difference?? anyway best of luck man!!

PS- you know anyone who is doing good on finpecia? i asked a senior member, he switched to finpecia from propecia and noticed no changes.


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Upping dosage I experience no side effects. It has been around 7 months on Finpecia. Hair is still the same pretty much no improvements. Anyone have any suggestions?


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Stick it out least a year if you can tolerate it. All the best.


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Yes, I can tolerate Propecia thank God. I was planning on maybe starting dutasteride twice a week and finasteride the rest of the time at the 1 year mark. Probably work my way up to dutasteride EOD


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It's not the answer anyone wants to hear, but maintenance is success. Maybe post some pictures so we can assess your progress? I know peoplewho improved hugely after the wo year mark, though maybe that's less from propecia nd more from more experienced application of minoxidil...


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Updated pictures; this is about 7 months on Finpecia and Nizoral 1% no dermarolling. First picture is with flash and bright over head light. Rest are without flash and with bright over head light. Fourth picture is by the balcony door.


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I think you are on enough medication at this time. The finasteride. is likely doing more for your hair than you realize. If you continue adding more to your regimen you will never know what is helping. You are already responsibly dealing with it by utilizing one of the best means possible. Again ride it out for at least a year. Continue following up with a qualified and respected physician. All the best.


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All the best with your new regimen and thanx for continuing to share.


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Well it has been about 40 days on minoxidil 1x daily and finpecia 1mg for 8 months. Hair line has some fuzzy darker hairs that weren't there previously. Overall, hair is still the same maybe a slightly thinner. Wish finasteride was doing a better job, but I guess only time will tell.mms_img247614497.jpgmms_img944513662.jpg


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After two months of minoxidil 1x daily, i upped it to 2x daily a few days ago. I will keep you guys updated! If you guys have any questions or comments, please post post post!!!!