
You know what sucks about buzzing...


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if you're short and you spike up your look taller...if you start to lose it and you buzz look short. Add girly arms and a skinny body and you're all set.

I think short hair works better for bulky dudes not skinny pipsqueeks like me. :(

Oh and anyone notice that a lot of dudes who shave their head grow goatees? I think the facial hair balances out the no hair on top or something like that...too bad I can't grow out a half decent goatee.


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Dude, goatee balances nothing. With a shaved head just forms the "Disco door-man look".

Spiking up your hair is not going to leave any height impression. There´s no point in that. If you are a midget and you spike up your hair like Don King does, you are not going to seem taller, just dumber.

You´re torturing yourself with things you don´t have. Quit that behaviour and try to be happy with the world and what you´r given.

Enjoy yourself!!


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Radio, in the US the average height for males is 6'8"-6'10". I know its a little different in England. what's the average height in Britain anyways, like 6'5" or so?


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avg height in america is like 5'8''


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6'8" - 6'10! I don't live in the US, but you probably mean the average basketball center when you say that, not the average man!
I'd agree with misterium - average height in the entire US is just over 5'9" (the tallest country is Netherlands with an average of just over 6'0"). That is to say in SOME states the average may be as high as 5'11" - 6'0" (and lower than 5'9" in some other states) but nowhere, I repeat NOWHERE is the average height of all men in the state 6'9", or even close to it!


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VeryUpset said:
if you're short and you spike up your look taller...if you start to lose it and you buzz look short. Add girly arms and a skinny body and you're all set.

hehehe, poor pipsqueek.

The Gardener

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Anderson, front and center. Your avatar, is that an F-18 breaking the sound barrier? Bitchen shot.

Back to the topic at hand. Buzzing hair works very well for some, and very poorly for others. You might look like Bruce Willis, studly, OR you might end up looking like a cancer patient. Depends on scalp shape and skin color.


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ShedMaster said:
Radio, in the US the average height for males is 6'8"-6'10". I know its a little different in England. what's the average height in Britain anyways, like 6'5" or so?


The average height of a United Kingdom male (last survey 1998-99) is 4'3".


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ShedMaster said:
Radio, in the US the average height for males is 6'8"-6'10". I know its a little different in England. what's the average height in Britain anyways, like 6'5" or so?

I don't know what part of florida your living in.. ??????

but in Tampa Bay I stand 6 ft even, and i'm taller than most men i see.

Shave my poodle

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Just be thankful you don't live in China where the average height is 2'10 - 2'11 ft for men with hair and a tiny 1'0 - 1'3 ft without some hairs.