Young Bald Men Today Do Seem To Understand That The Superficialness Of Women Is Part Of The Problem.


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20 years ago when I would post at various hair websites I had numerous themes I talked about. One of them was my insistence that the superficiality and selfishness of women is part of the problem when it comes to men losing their hair. I would complain that women would lie and say that bald men would the same big studs without their hair that they were when they had their hair if they stopped letting their hair loss bother them. I would complain that women would say it's all in our mind and that if hair loss didn't bother us we would be just fine. I used to complain that women would say that men do not need hair and they would say how women like us whether we have hair or not. I would complain that the women were lying and that women are actually very superficial and shallow.

You would not believe the abuse I took for saying that stuff. Yup, the women complained about me saying that stuff.


The men would go into auto-pilot woman-protection mode. I would just be stating the truth as I saw it, women would complain a little about the stuff I was saying, and when the men saw that the women were offended by what I was saying they (the men) would tear into me with some unbelievably ugly stuff. I still just kept saying that same stuff and 99% of the guys back then kept getting after me for saying that stuff. It was nothing but male-chivalry, woman-protecting bs coming from them. I used to tell them how weak they were for defending people (women) who deserved to be scolded for being too superficial and selfish. I used to tell them how weak they were for defending people (women) who's immoral attitudes were part of the reason that hair loss was damaging men's lives so much. I used to tell them that they were giving women a rock to hide under when instead they should have been helping me reprimand women. But they were in circle-the-wagons (around women) male-chivalry mode.

It seems to me that today the younger men with hair loss are saying a lot of the same things that I was saying back then. I give the young bald men credit for that. I don't think they should be rude about it but I do think that it is appropriate to tell women that if women didn't favor the attractive men with full heads of hair then a lot less men would be depressed about hair loss. I think it's appropriate to tell women that they aren't the morality sheriff's that they think they are...that their selfishness and superficiality is far from moral perfection. I think it's appropriate to tell women that they're causing a lot of suffering...even some suicides, because of their selfishness and superficiality. I think it's appropriate to tell them this stuff because it's true. And I'm glad that a lot of younger men perceive that truth. The men at hair loss websites 20 years ago were such chivalrous auto-pilot women-protectors that they were incapable of even examining these issues.

I do believe that men should be allowed to raise these issues with women in a civil and polite manner. I really think that women spend too much time taking men's moral inventory. I think women would be better served to start taking their own moral inventory...if they want to grow into better people.

Superficiality of women doesn't make bald men any more attractive. If I was a women, there is no way in hell I'd have anything to do with a bald guy.


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What you are witnessing here is the technological evolution of the human race, where we pick up where mother nature left off. Soon, once genetic engineering is firmly within our hands, we will gradually begin to stamp out all undesirable traits including proneness to disease, and the logical extension of that is also 'designer' humans, where you will be able to pick how your baby will look. If you disagree with this, it's only because you've been born 'attractive enough', but just ask someone like Dante if he thinks that the technology to prevent people from being born ugly should be available. I'm sure he'll give you a firm 'yes'.

I agree that people are under more pressure than ever to look good. I believe this is because:-
  • we are bombarded with images of immaculately beautiful people via our phones and TVs. This makes us think we're uglier than we are - because we're comparing our "behind the scenes" reflection in the mirror to the highlight reel, photoshopped images we see everyday.
  • by that extension, everybody is being brainwashed by images of ridiculously beautiful people - they too are more likely to judge you harshly when you turn up with your awful, ugly NW3 hair, where the wind has exposed an expanse of scalp and your thin whispy hair island just screams of entropy and rot. You're dead to many people - an "older" person with zero SMV - you're just someone who drinks sherry at 4PM watching Countdown on Channel 4 (UK reference) - even if you're only 25.
  • subconsciously we are aware that the human race has exploded in numbers over a few hundreds years. Now each individual is less valued because of this. Think of the opposite - imagine there were only 50 people on the planet. Each of those people would be incredibly valued. Even if 25 of those were men at Dante-level ugliness (sorry, Dante, going by your own description) - and the 25 women were 10s - the women would be all over the Dantes. Each of those 50 people would be cherished, loved, valued. Now we're not far off 8 billion people on the planet. If you're ugly, you're utterly useless to mankind given this macro view. The world doesn't need you.
  • the welfare state often pays better than taking a full-time job (in the UK, at least, but this is true of many European countries - I might be wrong about US/Canada/Aus/NZ) - it's a lot more "fuzzy" these days to know who is wealthy and who is not. People borrow a shedload of money and they look rich, but are actually deep in debt, one pay cheque away from his finances collapsing. Given that, the only reliable selection attribute people have when judging SMV is....the obvious one: looks. That's why a 75 IQ chad with a criminal record gets the Pavlovian female juices flowing but a 130 IQ programmer on £80,000 a year who's skinny and ugly has next to zero chance with women.


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I agree that people are under more pressure than ever to look good. I believe this is because:-
  • we are bombarded with images of immaculately beautiful people via our phones and TVs. This makes us think we're uglier than we are - because we're comparing our "behind the scenes" reflection in the mirror to the highlight reel, photoshopped images we see everyday.
  • by that extension, everybody is being brainwashed by images of ridiculously beautiful people - they too are more likely to judge you harshly when you turn up with your awful, ugly NW3 hair, where the wind has exposed an expanse of scalp and your thin whispy hair island just screams of entropy and rot. You're dead to many people - an "older" person with zero SMV - you're just someone who drinks sherry at 4PM watching Countdown on Channel 4 (UK reference) - even if you're only 25.
  • subconsciously we are aware that the human race has exploded in numbers over a few hundreds years. Now each individual is less valued because of this. Think of the opposite - imagine there were only 50 people on the planet. Each of those people would be incredibly valued. Even if 25 of those were men at Dante-level ugliness (sorry, Dante, going by your own description) - and the 25 women were 10s - the women would be all over the Dantes. Each of those 50 people would be cherished, loved, valued. Now we're not far off 8 billion people on the planet. If you're ugly, you're utterly useless to mankind given this macro view. The world doesn't need you.
  • the welfare state often pays better than taking a full-time job (in the UK, at least, but this is true of many European countries - I might be wrong about US/Canada/Aus/NZ) - it's a lot more "fuzzy" these days to know who is wealthy and who is not. People borrow a shedload of money and they look rich, but are actually deep in debt, one pay cheque away from his finances collapsing. Given that, the only reliable selection attribute people have when judging SMV is....the obvious one: looks. That's why a 75 IQ chad with a criminal record gets the Pavlovian female juices flowing but a 130 IQ programmer on £80,000 a year who's skinny and ugly has next to zero chance with women.
Most of this post is just dealing, again, in obvious stereotypes.
I like to think (and I've actually discovered) that the vast majority of folks out there are a bit more nuanced then you give them credit for.


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I agree that people are under more pressure than ever to look good. I believe this is because:-
  • we are bombarded with images of immaculately beautiful people via our phones and TVs. This makes us think we're uglier than we are - because we're comparing our "behind the scenes" reflection in the mirror to the highlight reel, photoshopped images we see everyday.
  • by that extension, everybody is being brainwashed by images of ridiculously beautiful people - they too are more likely to judge you harshly when you turn up with your awful, ugly NW3 hair, where the wind has exposed an expanse of scalp and your thin whispy hair island just screams of entropy and rot. You're dead to many people - an "older" person with zero SMV - you're just someone who drinks sherry at 4PM watching Countdown on Channel 4 (UK reference) - even if you're only 25.
  • subconsciously we are aware that the human race has exploded in numbers over a few hundreds years. Now each individual is less valued because of this. Think of the opposite - imagine there were only 50 people on the planet. Each of those people would be incredibly valued. Even if 25 of those were men at Dante-level ugliness (sorry, Dante, going by your own description) - and the 25 women were 10s - the women would be all over the Dantes. Each of those 50 people would be cherished, loved, valued. Now we're not far off 8 billion people on the planet. If you're ugly, you're utterly useless to mankind given this macro view. The world doesn't need you.
  • the welfare state often pays better than taking a full-time job (in the UK, at least, but this is true of many European countries - I might be wrong about US/Canada/Aus/NZ) - it's a lot more "fuzzy" these days to know who is wealthy and who is not. People borrow a shedload of money and they look rich, but are actually deep in debt, one pay cheque away from his finances collapsing. Given that, the only reliable selection attribute people have when judging SMV is....the obvious one: looks. That's why a 75 IQ chad with a criminal record gets the Pavlovian female juices flowing but a 130 IQ programmer on £80,000 a year who's skinny and ugly has next to zero chance with women.



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Most of this post is just dealing, again, in obvious stereotypes.
I like to think (and I've actually discovered) that the vast majority of folks out there are a bit more nuanced then you give them credit for.

Generalisations, yes. However, people are influenced by what they see - very simple human psychology. If you see images of good looking people all the time, that nudges your "overton window" of what you deem good looking up into a stricter zone.


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Generalisations, yes. However, people are influenced by what they see - very simple human psychology. If you see images of good looking people all the time, that nudges your "overton window" of what you deem good looking up into a stricter zone.
Unless you are an individual who has somewhat unique tastes.
A taste that would otherwise be described as being attracted an odd but still beautiful looking person.
Sometimes even ugly.

The definition of beautiful, at least in the mainstream, is always too narrowly defined.


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Superficiality of women doesn't make bald men any more attractive. If I was a women, there is no way in hell I'd have anything to do with a bald guy.

Me neither. But I would admit I would reject a bald man whereas the women lie about it. And the world accepts that women don't care if we men have hair or not.


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In my country (Italy) people are literally obsessed by good-looks, they only care about appearance, that's why my country is basically dead and rotting under every aspect. Consequently, since I'm both ugly and bald, all Italians spent lot of time making me feel like sh*t because of it, as if I had committed an inforgivable crime or as if I actually CHOSE to be like this, to look like a sickening, rotting corpse.

thats funny

I'm in Italy right now, and its here I've seen more bald men dating hot women than any other place I've been to. Certainly more than my home country Australia, but typically bald guys in australia also tend to be f*****g fat, because most of our country is f*****g fat. In Australia you're either obese or you're on steroids and hitting the gym religiously.


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Then they were wealthy, and their gfs probably way uglier than them. And by the way, how many YOUNG bald/balding guys did you actually see? Not many, I already know it. And if you had seen them, you'd have realized they're utterly alone.

define young. I don't consider a man in his late 20s to be old, but on the retardsphere of the internet they do.

and notice i said "hot" women, so no they were not uglier than the guys. If they were not hot, i would not have noticed.


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define young. I don't consider a man in his late 20s to be old, but on the retardsphere of the internet they do.

and notice i said "hot" women, so no they were not uglier than the guys. If they were not hot, i would not have noticed.

As you say, buddy. Guess I've been living in a parallel universe these 25 years. If I had a nickel for every single time someone wrote bullshit about " I SaW BaLd YoUnG GuYs WiTh Hot GirLs...."



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I just googled them and I must say that this guy is by FAR the douschiest looking man I have ever seen. He looks like he would be in a really poorly produced movie about a white kid growing up in the ghetto and learning through poetry. seriously, I would rather be 35, bald and dying from finasteride side effects than to look like this kid and be married to kate beckinsale. :p


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As you say, buddy. Guess I've been living in a parallel universe these 25 years. If I had a nickel for every single time someone wrote bullshit about " I SaW BaLd YoUnG GuYs WiTh Hot GirLs...."

View attachment 56596

dante you hardly have a grip on reality at the best of times

but sure I'm just making sh*t up for.....? :rolleyes:


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In my country (Italy) people are literally obsessed by good-looks, they only care about appearance, that's why my country is basically dead and rotting under every aspect. Consequently, since I'm both ugly and bald, all Italians spent lot of time making me feel like sh*t because of it, as if I had committed an inforgivable crime or as if I actually CHOSE to be like this, to look like a sickening, rotting corpse.

Boulder, CO or Portland, OR or a hundred other western US cities... where everyone is accepted and no one is mocked.


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dante you hardly have a grip on reality at the best of times

but sure I'm just making sh*t up for.....? :rolleyes:

Truthfully I have never known or seen a bald guy in their twenties or early thirties dating a hot woman. I go to gigs and town regularly and the fact is that despite being a norwood spotter, in Australia at least I see thousands of norwood 1s walking around and not a single guy past norwood 2. Young bald guys avoid socialising entirely and are essentially ghosts to society, let alone slamming prime bae baes.

Either you're making sh*t up or your standards are f*****g low and these couples are late thirties. Guys in their twenties past norwood 4 even talking to hot females are non-existent.


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.. my home country Australia, but typically bald guys in australia also tend to be f*****g fat, because most of our country is f*****g fat. In Australia you're either obese or you're on steroids and hitting the gym religiously.
Crap! Australian's are on average a healthy lot, gym or no gym.


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Crap! Australian's are on average a healthy lot, gym or no gym.

i cant tell if you're being sarcastic or not

some 28% obese and 60+% classified as overweight. It's sure as sh*t not because they are all competitive bodybuilders or rugby league players.

Australia is f*****g fat m8.


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i cant tell if you're being sarcastic or not

some 28% obese and 60+% classified as overweight. It's sure as sh*t not because they are all competitive bodybuilders or rugby league players.

Australia is f*****g fat m8.
I think you pulled those numbers out of your ***.
60 percent overweight... Haha, yeah ok.

You believe it of you want.
My eyes and life experiences tell another story.


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That criteria for an overweight classification is way too rigid.
You'd be a fool to take it as gospel.
Use your own abilities for assessment.

Australia as nation of overweight couch potatoes...
Not likely.

you're either exceptionally stubborn or just plain f*****g stupid.