Thanks for finding that post, shookwun.
Betty Crock O' sh*t
It's the thinking that the cards you've been dealt don't matter at all. Only how you play them. Then somehow being bald isn't a disadvantage, it's your confidence.People hate being deceived.
"Show yourself as the true loser that you are, don't make us believe that you're cool guy with hair!"
Of course she'd run for the hills at the first glimpse of her boyfriend with a shiny chrome-dome.
But that's beside the point, "just shave it bro, if you carry yourself with confidence, it won't matter!"
*A few days later*
"She left me!"
"Well it means you didn't project enough confidence! Women can sense when a guy is insecure about something!"
Sure, women all have supernatural abilities and men are morons who cannot even detect insecurities. But women man, they always now what's up in every social situation, they're psychics, and they can tell you hate your baldness!
Impressive, right? Even Sherlock Holmes would not have guessed that one!
If only you loved the sight of your bald head and weren't insecure about it, she would be attracted to you.
Agree and amplify, that's the only way to deal with the average moron when it comes to their views on hair loss.
In my opinion, people tend to assert that baldness is not an intrinsic disadvantage because:It's the thinking that the cards you've been dealt don't matter at all. Only how you play them. Then somehow being bald isn't a disadvantage, it's your confidence.
I wonder how this thinking started, it's not logical yet so many people think like this.