Hi Zeroheat,
I tried sending you a PM but for some reason it never got sent.
First of all, congrats on the amazing success your are getting. You truly are an inspiration to a lot of people on this forum
I had some questions regarding the initial side effects you experienced.
My short story: Five weeks ago I started with finasteride since I think that I got some thinning around the hairline and since male pattern baldness is quite common on my family (both sides) I knew what I could expect... During the first week on finasteride eveything was fine but during my second week I noticed a strong decrease in ejaculatory volume. This scared the **** out of me. The next day(s) I noticed that my erections were also not as firm as what they used to be and that my libido had decreased as well. Now the panic really started... I decided to decrease my dose back to 0.625 EOD.
Two weeks later everything seemed to be working a bit better again: Erections were back at 90%, libido increased etc. Obviously I was very happy but I still remained very cautious. In the last few weeks it feels like my progress stopped and my libido event went down a bit again which makes me extremly anxious. For the last week I think I spend an average of at least 3 hrs a day on the internet doing research about finasteride and it's side effects (no joke) and it really is destroying me... It is the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I fall asleep.
I can still get an erection at about 90% and my orgasms still feel the same but what worries me is that it is harder to get a non-touch induced erection and I don't experience any spontaneous erections or morning wood anymore...Every day when I wake up now, and notice no morning wood it immediately feels like it is going to be a bad day...
My questions:
- How was the progress of your sexual sides? I think you mentioned that it took you six months to be back to normal, at what week/month was it at it's worst and how bad was it then?
- Did you take any supplements to combat your sides?
- What were your experiences regarding morning wood?
- Do you think your sides were partially psychological?
- What would you recommend me to do given your knowledge and personal experience? I really want finasteride to work for me and I would be devestated if I would have to quit...
It would be really really great if you could share your opinion! Thanks a lot!