zzzzz's 1 year dutasteride results


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Makes you think doesn't it. Low DHT and follicles still getting destroyed. dutasteride has probably meant you have literally no DHT now lol.

ive got my blood tested, its too low to register on a blood test now(under 5 where 18 is the bottom of the normal range)


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zzzz I m relly wondheringh (as i see you are man of sience) is your dht lower than pre pubert kid because i m thinking about adding dutasteride to my regime if i don t see results with proscar :D


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zzz I m relly wonderingh (as i see you are man of sience) is your dht lower thaN pre pubert KID because i m thinkin about adding dutasteride to my regime if i don t see results with proscar :D

yes my dht is likely within the range of a small child


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Zzzzz it is a mystery how you don't experience any side effects.
If only we could get someone to dissect your body lol.

Wolf Pack

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ive got my blood tested, its too low to register on a blood test now(under 5 where 18 is the bottom of the normal range)

Yeah I thought so. You started off with very low DHT so now it makes sense to have pretty much close to zero. Good to have blood work done as it shows the medication is legit. DHT levels themselves don't matter as such once your on finasteride/dutasteride as I'm sure you know, it's what it's doing to the hair on your head that counts.

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Zzzzz it is a mystery how you don't experience any side effects.
If only we could get someone to dissect your body lol.

Most people don't experience sides. About 2% on finasteride, probably a little more on dutasteride. Just dutasteride's long term safety is unknown. Responding and maintaining well is a different matter all together.


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why do you think this
You have awesome regrowth, but there are still other pieces of the puzzle to male pattern baldness; PGD2 and IGF-1 are examples of other variables involved in this complex disease. I am excited for Follicept to address the IGF-1 issue


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You have awesome regrowth, but there are still other pieces of the puzzle to male pattern baldness; PGD2 and IGF-1 are examples of other variables involved in this complex disease. I am excited for Follicept to address the IGF-1 issue

you said my results indicate that there is more, but I disagree. You cant regrow a bald head or hairs past the point of recovery even if you take care of every "piece of the puzzle" if what you were getting at is because I didn't have a 100% recovery, it must mean that I am not inhibiting/stopping every process that contributes to male pattern baldness

Wolf Pack

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you said my results indicate that there is more, but I disagree. You cant regrow a bald head or hairs past the point of recovery even if you take care of every "piece of the puzzle" if what you were getting at is because I didn't have a 100% recovery, it must mean that I am not inhibiting/stopping every process that contributes to male pattern baldness

I think once the miniaturisation process sets in like it did in your crown, it's very hard to fully reverse it. dutasteride/finasteride can do it but it's pretty rare, some times these dht inhibitors just maintain everything exactly how it is including the dying hairs. I'd say in your case it was the Minoxidil that dealt with this issue as your results came in super quick. Either way it's a massive improvement.


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zzzzz are you still taking Dr.Reddy's Dutas or are you on brand name Avodart? Thanks!

Edit: Also wanted to add congrats on the success and thanks for keeping you progress updated.


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Great results man! We have the same regimen except I use finasteride instead of dutasteride. This makes me wonder how much better dutasteride is than finasteride. What's your opinion on it?


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Great results man! We have the same regimen except I use finasteride instead of dutasteride. This makes me wonder how much better dutasteride is than finasteride. What's your opinion on it?

in terms of actual regrowth? Nothing significant. Barely any difference. I chose dutasteride because of how aggressive my loss was I would be worried I would still lose hair on finasteride. finasteride maintains longterm in like 86% of people, dutasteride does for >99%

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zzzzz are you still taking Dr.Reddy's Dutas or are you on brand name Avodart? Thanks!

Edit: Also wanted to add congrats on the success and thanks for keeping you progress updated.

yes I still use dr reddys


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in terms of actual regrowth? Nothing significant. Barely any difference. I chose dutasteride because of how aggressive my loss was I would be worried I would still lose hair on finasteride. finasteride maintains longterm in like 86% of people, dutasteride does for >99%

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yes I still use dr reddys

You don't believe dutasteride helped with your regrowth? Nice progress by the way.


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i´m 19years old and suffering under hairloss since I was 17/18,I justt fight against hairloss with rogaine my Doctor recommended me to take rogaine for a while and later to come for a check up and to decide for finasteride,because he meant that I was with 18 to young for finasteride.

Should I start with finasteride or dutasteride is my problem if I go to my Doctor then I need to give a decision and it´s already 1.5y gone that I were my last time by him and I see my hair is thinning more and more,my friends in my shool have already noticed that and annoy me with that ****...
I have plenty of hair still and also really small hair on my temple (guess from rogaine), but my entire hair status is very thin already and I guess the time is now to start with better and more effective drug.


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You don't believe dutasteride helped with your regrowth? Nice progress by the way.

i think I would have gotten similar regrowth with finasteride. Either way, most of the regrowth is probably the minoxidil, not dutasteride.

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i´m 19years old and suffering under hairloss since I was 17/18,I justt fight against hairloss with rogaine my Doctor recommended me to take rogaine for a while and later to come for a check up and to decide for finasteride,because he meant that I was with 18 to young for finasteride.

Should I start with finasteride or dutasteride is my problem if I go to my Doctor then I need to give a decision and it´s already 1.5y gone that I were my last time by him and I see my hair is thinning more and more,my friends in my shool have already noticed that and annoy me with that ****...
I have plenty of hair still and also really small hair on my temple (guess from rogaine), but my entire hair status is very thin already and I guess the time is now to start with better and more effective drug.

you should definitely try to convince your doctor you need finasteride


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ive got my blood tested, its too low to register on a blood test now(under 5 where 18 is the bottom of the normal range)

has a doctor said anything about that lol? they prob dont know **** anyways

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yes my dht is likely within the range of a small child

do u still grow facial hair or other body hairs?

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Makes you think doesn't it. Low DHT and follicles still getting destroyed. dutasteride has probably meant you have literally no DHT now lol.
no, it just means his follicles are super sensitive even to a little bit of DHT

Wolf Pack

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no, it just means his follicles are super sensitive even to a little bit of DHT

And that's what meant when I said " it makes you think." Also low serum dht, we don't know how that is correlated with follicular dht.


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do u still grow facial hair or other body hairs

no, it just means his follicles are super sensitive even to a little bit of DHT

I have strong facial hair and my doctors haven't really said anything about my DHT as they know im on dutasteride


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I have strong facial hair and my doctors haven't really said anything about my DHT as they know im on dutasteride
thanks for the reply mate, so that is proof right there that facial hair growth isnt triggered by DHT at-least not post puberty right?