
Jesus Christ.... There Really Is No Evolutionary Advantage To male pattern baldness, Only Senility And Death


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So reading the short summary basically if youre short you have a higher chance of balding, so theres alreayd that.
But then you get to this part.
"The researchers also found a link between male pattern baldness and pale skin, as well as to conditions like prostate cancer, sudden cardiac arrest, and neurodegenerative disorders."

I guess the balding wont be as bad once the early neuro diseases set it. Hell you wont even know where you are.
Reading the entire study linked off in the article is even worse.

Im back in one of my moods. I was supposed to meet my guy for another consult a couple weeks back but this bulshit covid garbage stopped that. I saw what the top back of my head looks like this morning and I just feel like I want to go lick walmart toilets until I catch this lung disease works my asthma and takes me out.


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I wouldn't worry about his too much mate. The link to neuro diseases is a bit far fetched, haven't seen any evidence of that. Also wait another 30 years well probably have better treatments for this stuff.


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Yeah, people like Lebron James and Michael Jordan have such great hair! This article makes so much sense bro!

its not saying tall guys cant go bald, its saying in their controls and studies shorter men were more prone to have male pattern baldness along with the other issues. The cancer and heart disease one have already been studied elsewhere as well. Read the actual study the article is written off. I put both links which the study is linked in the article anyway.


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New Yeah, people like Lebron James and Michael Jordan have such great hair! This article makes so much sense bro!
aka I don't understand what statistical correlation means. Come on buddy, I know you can do much better than that.

This is not a new phenomena. Genes are often coupled to other genes for seemingly no apparent reason.There is probably a shitload of physical features that correlates with certain genetic advantages and disadvantegs and we simply don't know about it.
I am a bit wary of labels like 'short' because that is relative to your home country and the time period you are living in.


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aka I don't understand what statistical correlation means. Come on buddy, I know you can do much better than that.

This is not a new phenomena. Genes are often coupled to other genes for seemingly no apparent reason.There is probably a shitload of physical features that correlates with certain genetic advantages and disadvantegs and we simply don't know about it.
I am a bit wary of labels like 'short' because that is relative to your home country and the time period you are living in.
Easy there bro it was a joke


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Are you sure? It sounds like irony or sarcasm. ;)
its not saying tall guys cant go bald, its saying in their controls and studies shorter men were more prone to have male pattern baldness along with the other issues. The cancer and heart disease one have already been studied elsewhere as well. Read the actual study the article is written off. I put both links which the study is linked in the article anyway.
I read the article and even tried to look up more sources, they don't really explain much about how the research was done and elaborate on their conclusions.

Anyway if there was a significant difference between the amount of short+bald guys vs. tall+bald guys people would have already noticed it a long time ago.


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I don't understand why male pattern baldness exists. You would think it's got to be attractive in men since it's dimorphic, instead people perceive it a a sign of disease and poor health.


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It's advantageous in the broader sense for the a signal to potential mates for "warning, avoid this loser for bad genes".

/sigh, please can the cure come already.


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It's advantageous in the broader sense for the a signal to potential mates for "warning, avoid this loser for bad genes".

/sigh, please can the cure come already.

This is nonsense. What is the point in the existence of genes that would prevent you from having children? If baldness were so bad, then it would not remain in our genes. But the fact is that most men lose their hair throughout their lives. Many people lose at a very young age, which confirms the stupidity of your statement.


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I don't understand why male pattern baldness exists. You would think it's got to be attractive in men since it's dimorphic, instead people perceive it a a sign of disease and poor health.

This is a random mutation that occurred hundreds of thousands of years ago. maybe even a million years ago. because even our closest relatives of chimpanzees go bald
There is no point in this mutation. But these genes exist because they do not prevent people from having children. and this is the most important thing why there are bald people now.


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This is nonsense. What is the point in the existence of genes that would prevent you from having children? If baldness were so bad, then it would not remain in our genes. But the fact is that most men lose their hair throughout their lives. Many people lose at a very young age, which confirms the stupidity of your statement.

Broscience loves the topic of evolution


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Broscience loves the topic of evolution

But this is a fact. if baldness were so bad, then it would not exist now. Or baldness would be a very small percentage of people. It is obvious that balding people with the same success had children as people with hair. Evolution very quickly gets rid of bad genes.


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But this is a fact. if baldness were so bad, then it would not exist now. Or baldness would be a very small percentage of people. It is obvious that balding people with the same success had children as people with hair. Evolution very quickly gets rid of bad genes.

I agree with you, I was refering to the post you quoted.


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This is nonsense. What is the point in the existence of genes that would prevent you from having children? If baldness were so bad, then it would not remain in our genes. But the fact is that most men lose their hair throughout their lives. Many people lose at a very young age, which confirms the stupidity of your statement.
The point is that male looks, and looks in general, wasnt so important in the distant past, all that was important is be strong or smart enough, so you wouldnt be eaten by a bear or something. Today human civilization is totally different, and I think the evolution thing is just not applicable anymore, there is no "the survival of the fittest" anymore, because anyone survive today, and get to pass his genes, no matter how shitty they are. Humanity is way passed the evolution mechanism. This is the reason that generations get more and more stupid and shitty these days, in my opinion.
Those are just my thoughts though, everybody is free to argue on it.
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The point is that male looks, and looks in general, wasnt so important in the distant past, all that was important is be strong or smart enough, so you wouldnt be eaten by a bear or something. Today human civilization is totally different, and I think the evolution thing is just not applicable anymore, there is no "the survival of the fittest" anymore, because anyone survive today, and get to pass his genes, no matter how shitty they are. Humanity is way passed the evolution mechanism. This is the reason that generations get more and more stupid and shitty these days, in my opinion.
Those are just my thoughts though, everybody is free to argue on it.

True, we have gone beyond survival of the fittest. We are actually starting to do the opposite with more intelligent people getting fewer children.


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The point is that male looks, and looks in general, wasnt so important in the distant past, all that was important is be strong or smart enough, so you wouldnt be eaten by a bear or something. Today human civilization is totally different, and I think the evolution thing is just not applicable anymore, there is no "the survival of the fittest" anymore, because anyone survive today, and get to pass his genes, no matter how shitty they are. Humanity is way passed the evolution mechanism. This is the reason that generations get more and more stupid and shitty these days, in my opinion.
Those are just my thoughts though, everybody is free to argue on it.

Anyway, appearance always played a role. All animals have their own preferences. For example, Peacock has a very bright and beautiful tail. It is completely useless. Even harmful. But females prefer the most beautiful and largest tails. And if your tail is not good enough, then the female will not choose you. There are a lot of such examples. There is not only natural selection but also sexual selection. Even today, bald men have no problem creating a family and having children. I have bald both grandfathers .2 my uncles are balding, my dad is balding. They all have children. My friend’s father is absolutely bald. If someone says that because of baldness he can not find a girl, then he says nonsense.