
Diffuse unpatterned alopecia or DUPA,is it DHT driven?


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Well according to a study to identify diffuse alopecia aerata you need a biopsy and a trichoschopy.... as well as other test.

Oral minoxidil is very dangerous i think for the heart, i got sides from 2% topical minoxidil, palpitation when i was sleeping, goofy face ahah, if i take it oraly it will kill me for sure, and by the way where do you get it ?, i think oral minoxidil is very hard to get it prescribed.

Thanks for your feedback
Idk some people dont get sides and oral is far better than topical for results


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Well i can't be 100% sure but if you make some research you will see that at least all the post of dupa guy seem to be not respondant to finasteride. Moroever when you read a post with some dude in wich fina or duta don't work it is either their hairloss is very agressive in nature or they have a weird pattern that doesn't mimic the classical male pattern baldness just like us.

So it is just annecdotally but it seems that it doesnot help but you can give it a shot just to be sure. Any way if on finsateride ,you see that your hair texture will worsen or maybe thin way more than before, this is not a normal reaction to finasteride, you might see more hair shedding at the beginning and it might be a good sign that it is working, even if there is no change then i recommend that you stay on it longer, but if the texture of your hair worsen or you see increase thinning on area that were not that much affected before then you will know that finasteride is not good for you.

If you have done a blood work it would be great to share it as well.

Best regards
Where can I take a blood test? I'm not going to be taken seriously, am I? Should I say it's for baldness?


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One thing I know for certain, my head doesn’t really itch when I’m at work. Once I get home it starts to get itchy. The second I lay my head down on my pillow to sleep my head becomes so itchy, like a burning/stinging kind of itchy.
How does one get a biopsy?

camille leprevost

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Where can I take a blood test? I'm not going to be taken seriously, am I? Should I say it's for baldness

For my part i took a rendez vous with a dermatologist for my hair loss in an hospital (i think it is more serious), and she gave me a full blood test to do. That is all i can say.

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camille leprevost

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I have naturally very low testosterone and dht for a male.

I have high cortisol and high prolactin too, and i have DUPA.

I have a lot of auto immune disease : cystic acne, rosacea, psoriasis on the body, seborrheic dermatitis, Ankylosing spondylitis, irritable bowel syndrome and sibo/candida overgrowth. All my problems stared when i had a very bad gut health several years ago.

I don't think DUPA is related to androgens

The same for me i have to say that it also started with a very bad gut health 3 years ago, but i solved it by stoping gluten, and having a very restrictive alimentation. Today i don't have any gut issue as long as i don't eat lactose or gluten or chocolate... the list is quite long, but my hair loss didnot stop ever since despite correcting this gut thing.

Alright, did you try to lower your prolactin and cortisol level and do you have number to share just to see if you are high range or over the range ?
By the way can you tell us more about what you tried already, and maybe any treatment with any benefit ?
Also if you have a blood test to share that would be great.
And did you try to use immunosupressor topically or oraly just to try ? (i never tried it personnally for now)


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I have naturally very low testosterone and dht for a male.

I have high cortisol and high prolactin too, and i have DUPA.

I have a lot of auto immune disease : cystic acne, rosacea, psoriasis on the body, seborrheic dermatitis, Ankylosing spondylitis, irritable bowel syndrome and sibo/candida overgrowth. All my problems stared when i had a very bad gut health several years ago.

I don't think DUPA is related to androgens

Your story is very interessting.
You think what causes dupa is prolacton and cortisol?

Why don't you try lowering your prolactin and cortisol levels and see what it does? I'll try to do blood tests, I'm sure my DUPA is not caused by DHT.

camille leprevost

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I have naturally very low testosterone and dht for a male.

I have high cortisol and high prolactin too, and i have DUPA.

I have a lot of auto immune disease : cystic acne, rosacea, psoriasis on the body, seborrheic dermatitis, Ankylosing spondylitis, irritable bowel syndrome and sibo/candida overgrowth. All my problems stared when i had a very bad gut health several years ago.

I don't think DUPA is related to androgens

Well it would be interesting to know as well the best ways you have in mind to lower prolactin and cortisol level without boosting testosterone.

camille leprevost

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how can i lower proalctin and cortisol?

Well this is what i found :

i have heard of chasteberry to lower prolactin (it seems to be very efficient but a two edge sword as it may cause hair loss through boosting T and perhaps other process that i don't know), would like to know if anyone have tried it, i mean anyone who have DUPA.

Maybe L tyrosine wich is an aminoacid that boost dopamine and may decrease prolactin as well, but it might also increase the production of T in the leydig cell through natural mecanism in the body.
Vitamin D seem to help to lower prolactin and cortisol level as well
vitamin E,b6, seems to lower prolactin level as well but they all increase testosterone.

So i an kind of stuck as i would like to decrease Prolactin and cortisol but without the effect of boosting T.
I didn't try any of this solution yet appart of taking vit D cause i seem to be defficient.

Happy to ear from someone who tried some stuff


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For my part i took a rendez vous with a dermatologist for my hair loss in an hospital (i think it is more serious), and she gave me a full blood test to do. That is all i can say.

Best regards
Do you have some news about DUPA ?

What causes DUPA ? ( hight prolactine and cortisole )
What solutions ?

camille leprevost

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Do you have some news about DUPA ?

What causes DUPA ? ( hight prolactine and cortisole )
What solutions ?
well go see my over post there Can You Guys Please Help Me For A Dupa ? | Page 3 | HairLossTalk Forums for more detailed data on my blood test

I have been able to lower my prolactin level to normal range since my second blood test. The only think i did was stopping taking finasteride and using 100000UI vit D every 15 days, i only took 2 ampoule. The quality of my hair did not improve but at least my shedding did reduce, and the hair on the back and the side shed way less than usual and i can take almost nothing when i pass my hand through my hair, even the top don't shed that much now, the appearance of my hair is still thin though. Concerning high prolactin level i think finasteride might be a factor to it, and stopping taking it for 3 weeks and taking high dose vit D was enough to reduce it in like a 1 month time frame wich is quick. Now i have 14.5 ng/ml (2.1-17.7) and 307.4 microUI/ml (44.5-375.2), maybe it is still to high but at least in range now.

Moroever whatever my theory is if we are still androgen sensitive the addition of finasteride for us is a negative one at least for me, i think the fact that i did stop finasteride make my testosterone in the scalp reduced wich leaded to less shedding but i can't be sure, would be better if someone can back up what i say here.

According to my second blood test and despite stoping finasteride and taking vit D, my cortisol level is even higher than before even when i am right now in a period where i don't have any stress at all. So i will go check that tmrw with an urine test to check for free cortisol wich is the important stuff, up to date i just have the info on total cortisol level wich is important but not as crucial as the free one. Might have an issue with the adrenal gland who knows, cortisol in itself is bad for hair but it also increase androgen production if too high so will keep you updated with my diagnosis on cortisol.

I have low copper level as well but i don't know if the level from this marker are acurate on blood test. However it seems that low copper level lead to a lack of pigment of the hair at least. By the way it seemed that my zinc level is high now wich is an antagonist of copper. I did absolutely nothing for it, so i am wondering if testing zinc in a blood test is accurate as it seem to be quite volatile. However i am wondering if it the same or not for copper, guidance here would be appreciated.

the theory on insuline resistance and other related insuline, glycemia stuff , IGF1 issue ..... that can cause hair loss seem to not be the case in me as my level are good.

The only marker that are needed to be correct in me is vit D, i just started supplementing 2 weeks ago, maybe copper, and cortisol who are way to high and maybe still the f*****g androgen that need to be taken care of.

Btw, I have noticed that i have visible little red circle on my scalp too where it itches and were i feel my scalp is inflammed, so i don't know what can be be the cause of this symptom. Can dht inflamation cause red circle on scalp, can it be like some kind of autoimmune reaction or maybe just the stemoxydine that i use in my scalp wich is made from alcohol or some scalp infection ......

Best regards

Jim lahey

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Finasteride works in about 50 percent of dupa cases according to rassman, it's also very rare and I think most dupa cases are androgen related but many are just highly sensitive to the point finasteride alone isn't enough.

Will Be an Egg in 5 years

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I don't understand , how do you know that you have Nw7 pattern ? You have hole at the back of your head ? What is the "A" variant ?
Is the most common pattern in my family. And by feeling my hair and looking at pics I can tell the pattern it is thinning. Once you get obsessed with hairloss you start realizing this stuff. I don't have holes or huge bald spots, I'm a diffuse thinner. The area where I'll lose is already defined.

The A pattern is the one where your whole top keeps going back, not just the temples.


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I also have DUPA on my sides and finasteride didn't really help with it.

I am going to try a multi vitamin with vitamin D supplementation soon, and will also get a blood test done.

DUPA I think is the highest form of androgen sensitivity, which is why finasteride and dutasteride do not really help. Well, they may be helping, but they rarely give regrowth anyway, so if you are expecting reversal of DUPA from them, that won't happen.

You can try putting minoxidil on your temporal and parietal regions and see if that helps .

I think the only thing that can work for cases like these unfortunately is estrogen. Or catching your hair loss early enough before the DUPA got really bad so that finasteride or dutasteride could preserve what is remaining


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Is the most common pattern in my family. And by feeling my hair and looking at pics I can tell the pattern it is thinning. Once you get obsessed with hairloss you start realizing this stuff. I don't have holes or huge bald spots, I'm a diffuse thinner. The area where I'll lose is already defined.

The A pattern is the one where your whole top keeps going back, not just the temples.
Is it not an advantage to be a diffuser tho? I mean you have hair its not like male pattern baldness they lose it urs is just so thin even sometimes the camera mirror wont pick it up, vould you not try to thicken it? Maybe toppik to highlight how much hair you have? Brcause one thing i learnt being a diffuser is how difficult it is to gauge truly wherw youre at the camera makes u look bald even in dull lighting as it cant pick up vellius hair or thin hair and then the bathroom mirror the lighrs supers strong so you cant see them thete either its a weird one as you can feel more hair than can be seen- hard to judge if youre a diffuser much more simple as a reeceder

camille leprevost

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Hey guy i have some more info toward DUPA.

Since my last blood test, my endocrinologist just got me tested for free cortisol via urine as it is the free version of cortisol that count and not total cortisol. Here is my range.
83 microg/l (20-50)
229 nmol/l (55-138)

I have almost two times more that the normal range, do you think there could be a link to hair loss ?.

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