Do you have some news about DUPA ?
What causes DUPA ? ( hight prolactine and cortisole )
What solutions ?
well go see my over post there
Can You Guys Please Help Me For A Dupa ? | Page 3 | HairLossTalk Forums for more detailed data on my blood test
I have been able to lower my prolactin level to normal range since my second blood test. The only think i did was stopping taking finasteride and using 100000UI vit D every 15 days, i only took 2 ampoule. The quality of my hair did not improve but at least my shedding did reduce, and the hair on the back and the side shed way less than usual and i can take almost nothing when i pass my hand through my hair, even the top don't shed that much now, the appearance of my hair is still thin though. Concerning high prolactin level i think finasteride might be a factor to it, and stopping taking it for 3 weeks and taking high dose vit D was enough to reduce it in like a 1 month time frame wich is quick. Now i have 14.5 ng/ml (2.1-17.7) and 307.4 microUI/ml (44.5-375.2), maybe it is still to high but at least in range now.
Moroever whatever my theory is if we are still androgen sensitive the addition of finasteride for us is a negative one at least for me, i think the fact that i did stop finasteride make my testosterone in the scalp reduced wich leaded to less shedding but i can't be sure, would be better if someone can back up what i say here.
According to my second blood test and despite stoping finasteride and taking vit D, my cortisol level is even higher than before even when i am right now in a period where i don't have any stress at all. So i will go check that tmrw with an urine test to check for free cortisol wich is the important stuff, up to date i just have the info on total cortisol level wich is important but not as crucial as the free one. Might have an issue with the adrenal gland who knows, cortisol in itself is bad for hair but it also increase androgen production if too high so will keep you updated with my diagnosis on cortisol.
I have low copper level as well but i don't know if the level from this marker are acurate on blood test. However it seems that low copper level lead to a lack of pigment of the hair at least. By the way it seemed that my zinc level is high now wich is an antagonist of copper. I did absolutely nothing for it, so i am wondering if testing zinc in a blood test is accurate as it seem to be quite volatile. However i am wondering if it the same or not for copper, guidance here would be appreciated.
the theory on insuline resistance and other related insuline, glycemia stuff , IGF1 issue ..... that can cause hair loss seem to not be the case in me as my level are good.
The only marker that are needed to be correct in me is vit D, i just started supplementing 2 weeks ago, maybe copper, and cortisol who are way to high and maybe still the f*****g androgen that need to be taken care of.
Btw, I have noticed that i have visible little red circle on my scalp too where it itches and were i feel my scalp is inflammed, so i don't know what can be be the cause of this symptom. Can dht inflamation cause red circle on scalp, can it be like some kind of autoimmune reaction or maybe just the stemoxydine that i use in my scalp wich is made from alcohol or some scalp infection ......
Best regards