Huge difference.Like I said, I live in dermmatch. When my scalp is darker it just looks a million times better. Pic attached with it in. I usually apply that dry (dermmatch dry) then mess about with it (my hair), and then use some hair fibres and strong hair spray for a messy side parting type style. This pic is not styled and to show the same "real estate" if you like.. It takes me ten mins. This was later on that day after applying dermmatch in the harshest lighting I have. I'm essentially a self imposed hat prisoner without it. I didn't even really check it too much in the mirror etc. when I took that pic as I wasn't going anywhere that night. I normally check it. a lot. I really appreciate the feedback. I thought it was interesting that from the previous pics, some of my hair is slightly different to nearly 10 years ago, obviously the first two small pics were when I had dyed it ( I used concealers back then, just not on any of those pics to show my loss) . Plus theres little stubby hairs that the camera dosent pick up that I can feel now. My donor areas are strong, but I was even thinking of smp. I honestly think microneedling is helping although obviously it's not spectacular.. my pale scalp is the dead give away. Everytime I microneedle, my scalp obviously has more colour and it looks and feels and styles better. I see little hairs sticking up like unruly at times.. I wonder if I shaved it would, would it look ok? or if I shaved and got SMP, and then maybe even grew it out with the SMP later and used a little concealer. I dunno. I'm just starting to get down about having to faff all the time. I've seen some fantastic results on here and Reddit with SMP and hair transplant. Thanks. Oh yeah, it looks like absolute sh*t, when minoxidil is slathered on. So much that I have started to use a blow-dryer 10 mins after. I genuinely think the heat is helping it absorb in. Article link here and a screenshot as to why I have started doing that. Plus it makes the minor a bazillion times easier to use.