
hair transplant

  1. G

    27. Hairloss. Finasteride sides. Should I go for hair transplant?

    Age 27. Hairloss. Finasteride sides. Should I go for hair transplant? This is me in the pictures. I am 27. I have been losing hair since 17. I have tried minoxidil and finastride. I have had side effects with finasteride like beginning of gyno. I stoped using it. Even though finasteride helped, since now I am...
  2. T

    NW3 at 25 - Just started the fight with hair transplant and Propecia (pics inside)

    Hi everybody. Being grateful for all the resources online I want to contribute by posting and updating my story - no matter how it goes. I am currently a Norwood 3 with some diffuse thinning all over the top. Always had a very high hairline and wore my hair down, which is why I never paid...
  3. M

    Dr. Hakan Dognay - Not recommended anymore (!)

    Hi all, I have considered Dr. Hakan ********* for a future hair transplant, but have now been aware that his recommendation by hair-restoration-network has been taken away as of 11 January due to quality issues, cf. this thread: (look from page 1 for full information)...
  4. W

    Why does it have to cost so Much?

    It really pisses me off that insurance will cover most mental health care yet when it comes to hair transplants its written off as elective. Society has set up a systemic shaming for those not having thick NW1's, and yet we are denied the possible therapeutic compensation. We are covered for...
  5. M

    Pics: Two Hair Surgeons Recommend 1800 Vs. 3500 Grafts Respectively For This

    Hi all, I am 24 years old, have quit Propecia for 4 days ago due to sides and now want a hair surgery instead of thinking of my thinning hair all the time. To begin with, I thought it was called the temples where I am thinning (see attached pictures), but one of the hair surgeon's assistants...
  6. M

    Benefit from Hair Transplant after 1 year on Propecia? (pictures)

    Hi friends, I have now been on the 'treatment' described in the headline for one year now and have remained much of the hair at my temples - though not grown new hair I think. I am down to 0.125 mg Propecia a day now due to sides, and I apply the Rogaine twice daily. Nizoral, I use approx...
  7. X

    Scared of spot!

    310 I have been applying the original Rogaine twice a day on my scalp after I got a crew cut so more would be absorbed by my scalp. I thought it was working. But is it? Or am I more thinning that I thought I was. I'M SCARED! Do you guys think it's time I look into a hair transplant? How much...
  8. A

    Dr Luca de Fazio, FUE 3000 grafts. London

    Hi Guys, I just wanted to share my experience. I had a FUE transplant with Dr Luca de Fazio at his Harley street clinic in May 2014. I wanted to feedback that Dr de Fazio and his team were amazing and really helped me throughout my experience. I have shared some pictures of before and after...
  9. B

    Hair transplants will inhibit the effects of a future male pattern baldness cure?

    A little background on myself: 19 years old, currently a freshman in college, been losing hair since 18. Also this is my first post. Anyways, here's my question. Would someone who got a hair transplant be unable to effectively utilize a cure for male pattern baldness if one were to arise? The process of grafting...
  10. B

    super chance : 2600 usd - 3 days Accommodation & Transfer Advanced Fue Meth

    Hi, Do you want your hair transplants made in istanbul... ONLY 2600 USD ( all-inclusive ) 3 days Accommodation + Hair Transplants BOTH VACATION AND TRANSPLANTS ................................................................................ >Airport Welcome >Transfer to Hotel >Transfer to...
  11. I

    Getting heavily bald on sides. Need suggestions.

    I am a 26 years old male. I did not realize that I was suffering from male pattern baldness till my doctor told me that I have this problem. Only one uncle in my family has such problem and all of my family in both my mother side and father side has head full of hairs. My father still has head...
  12. J

    Dr Farjo Manchester

    Hi there, I've got an appointment booked for a hair transplant with Dr Farjo's team in Manchester. Has anyone that's experienced their service got any views? Would you recommend them? Many thanks, Jo
  13. B

    Dr Farjo UK

    Hi folks I'm booked in for a FUT hair transplant with Dr Farjo in July. I notice many of the reviews here are not that positive but they seem to be from pre 2008. Since then things seem to have improved but there isn't much info. He has a good rep on other sites like Hair Restoration Network. If I cancel...
  14. H

    Please Solve Dillema, Transplant or Hair system. Pics attached!!!

    Hi, I am 28 Male from India. I am suffering from hair loss since I was 22. I tried Minoxidil, Rogaine and all the famous natural ways for hair Regrowth. but nothing worked out. I am only able to stop further Loss. I was first planning to get a Hair Transplant as I have good Donor area, but after...
  15. S

    24 year old depressed male balding.

    Hello. First time posting here. I'll just try to say as much as I can about my story. I'm a 24 year old male. I've noticed my hairline beginning recession since I was 16, or rather, it was my hairstylist who pointed it out for me. Over the years I've lost more and more hair until my temples are...
  16. P

    Hair Loss Problem

    I want to know what shampoos help hair loss that I can find at a close drug store like , Walgreen's, CVS or Rite Aid because Im really young. Im a teen who's loosing hair but not chunks but whenever I pass my fingers through my hair I tend to lose some hair. Thank you for your help!
  17. Kirby

    UK - first move for getting a hair transplant?

    My hair loss has probably progressed too far for my hair to be salvageable with finasteride so I need to seek a hair transplant. Trouble is, I know that you've got to avoid hair transplant clinics in the UK because they're notoriously terrible. Unfortunately, I've never been outside the UK and am terrified of...
  18. I

    What Kind of Doctor to Visit?

    Hello all! I am a 29 year old male and started noticing my hair thinning and receding at around 26. Later this week, I plan to introduce myself and post my story in the "Tell Your Story" forum. However, I need to make some appointments ASAP and have a few questions about doctors. BTW: So far...
  19. A

    Is Jude Law Loosing his hair?

    As noted in the Daily Mail Article, pictures have emerged of Jude Law leaving the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time and speculation has roused over his decreasing hair line. Jude law has never had any reason to be insecure before, even being named People magazines sexiest man alive...
  20. F

    25yo at a crossroad. Unsure what to do.

    Hi folks, I am 25 years old and have been experiencing gradual hair loss since age 20. I didn't become concerned about it much until about age 23 at which point I decided to seek help. I heard negative things about products like Rogaine and Propecia and so decided to start with the HairMax...