Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient ACB was a Norwood Class 6 with straight brown hair. He had a hair transplant consisting of 1,788 follicular unit grafts. Results photos were taken 10 months following his hair transplant.
Before / After:
Before Hair...
Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient HLE had a robotic FUE procedure using the ARTAS Robotic System. He was a Norwood Class 5, with medium-fine, straight, brown hair and a donor density of 2.1. Results photo was taken after one hair transplant of 1,886 follicular unit grafts...
Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient RFR came to us as a Norwood Class 5A, blond hair. He had one hair transplant of 2,144 follicular unit grafts. His transplant resulted in light coverage that nicely framed his face.
Before / After:
Before Hair Transplant...
Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient RSI had a Robotic Hair Transplant using the ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant System, consisting of 1,930 grafts. He was a Norwood Class 4A with brown, wavy, medium-fine hair and a donor density of 2.7.
Before / After...
I'm a single, 32-year-old American. Norwood 5/6. 3200 grafts (this cost me 3700 EUR; he seems to give discounts based on the season of the year.)
I will update this review periodically over the coming year, so unless I'm hit by a truck, expect constant updates and feedback here. I'm doing this...
Hi, I recently had a hair transplant with 3000 grafts. Once scabs appeared, I washed my hair gently after loosening up with oil after 8 days. Now scalp is free from scabs. I lost only 5-7 hair with scab. Rest are growing, I think. Will I lose them? Or they will keep growing? How is transplant...
Hi, I recently had a hair transplant with 3000 grafts. Once scabs appeared, I washed my hair gently after loosening up the scabs with oil after 8 days. Now scalp is free from scabs. I lost only 5-7 hair with scab. Rest are growing, I think. Will I lose them? Or they will keep growing? How is...
Hey guys,
So i've adhered strictly to all the post operation advice for the first 2 weeks after my 500 graft hairline transplant. Today, 14 days after the transplant, I had a fight with my brother, I left the house and forgot to cover my head with a hat. I was under intense sunlight for about...
Hi friends,
I got a hair transplant some 11 months ago (~1750 grafts, hairline), and I am overall satisfied with the result though it's - in my opinion - a little bit pluggy in the front (see attached pictures). You're welcome to let me know your opinion.
For that reason, I am going to get...
Hi guys, firstly - this site rocks! Has been so useful to me this last year. Secondly, could really do with some of your stories/advice about now. I'm going to try and keep this as short as possible but skim through if you want.
Really brief backstory - hair loss has been a slow burner for me...
Hi guys,
So almost all doctors agree that smoking around the time of a Hair transplant will have a detrimental impact. BUT, we still hear from surgeons every now and then who have had patients which were chronic smokers and still had good results. I haven't seen too many responses from patients...
Hey everyone,
First post on this site. Would really appreciate some feedback.
Short Background
I myself had a very small (450 grafts) FUE hairline transplant completed 2 days ago for early recession at the temples. I am 21, and generally pretty healthy other than the fact that due to a very...
So from what I know the problem with people in their early twenties getting a transplant is that when future hair loss is considered and if they run out of donor hair they will have unnatural look. But what if the hairs that are supposed to fall last (the hairs which last longer) are...
I am experiencing male pattern baldness at 21. Basically I am writing this to get some advice on what my options are since its seems like nothing goes my way. I'll try to summarize my options and how they dont seem to be helping
1) Hair transplant. I've read several places that hair transplants...
Guys, this might seem kinda of morbid... But just listen to me for one second.
Did anyone once tried to transplant hairs from a non-balding dead guy as they make it with other organs (kidneys, livers, etc)?
Shouldn't some company/research team try to figure out a way of making this possible...
I know that this question is a real long shoot.
But any of you guys, can recommend me a good place for a hair transplant in Portugal?
Thanks for the help, you guys are the best! :)
Heya guys,
I've told my story many times before on this forum but I need some help again ;)
Full story + pics here:
Hair loss has progressed a bit further but not that visually...
Hi awesome everyone,
TLDR; Can you recommend a good - yet affordable - provider of hair systems in a Northern/Western Europe country such as Sweden, Denmark, Norway, UK, or Germany? It's a temporary piece for after my transplant ('till it grows in), so is to be used for approx. 6 months.
Hey guys,
Two quick questions.
I have had 2 hair transplants in the past (5000 grafts) but it quite lacks in density.
I consulted my last hair transplant doctor about Hasci and PRP.
He said HASCI (in the Netherlands) was a scam because they claim they can clone the donor area using stemcells...