10-Month (& 1 Week) Dutasteride & Rogaine Results


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Renegade said:
Then you might want to consider hooking yourself or something, because when I dropped dutas (yes, the generic) for fincar, I thinned out ridiculously bad! It only took two months and my crown was in shambles. That was when I realized how aggressive my hairloss had become - requiring the stronger of the two medicines.

P.S. I have only done business with inhouse and united, so authenticity probably wasn't the problem.

Thanks for the heads-up.

Maybe I can alternate between genuine and generic.

Do you feel generics are legit?


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Follically Challenged said:
Aplunk, why not go Avodart every other day, every third day, something like that? I don't know what the math would be in DHT reduction vs. whatever amount of finasteride you'd take, but it the avodart would mean a greater reduction, right?

Personally I think I am going to go for this: (because I don't want my testosterone levels getting jacked way up when all I want is a little regrowth from the Avodart and mostly maintenance over the years)

Day one: Finasteride 2.5 mg
Day two: no drugs
Day three: Avodart 0.5 mg
Day four: no drugs
Day five: no drugs
Day six: Finasteride 2.5 mg
Day seven: no drugs
Day eight Avodart 0.5 mg
Day nine: no drugs
Day ten: no drugs

and so on...

Should be cheap too, which I'm happy about.

Does anyone have any reason I shouldn't do this?

if I were you, I would break the Proscar into 1/4ths, and just take 1.25mg on the days you're not taking Dutasteride.

If the time comes where I can no longer afford Avodart, I'll think about going every second or third day, with generics or Propecia.


I really don't get the obsession with the supposed 104% increase in scalp testosterone levels from Avodart. Scalp testosterone levels will not increase hair loss levels in the front, and we don't even know if those studies are accurate because the numbers have been all over teh board.

My hair loss has not gotten worse since being on Avodart and I see new hairs in temples and hairline. It makes no sense to think that Avodart would worsen the hairline when Propecia doesn't.

It's like looking at a scalp DHT reduction and thinking it's important. It's not. Follicular DHT levels are what matter, not in the sebaceuous glands.

Just stick with taking 0.5 mg every day if you want maximum protection, Aplunk.




You have stopped dutasteride? why?

You take Proscar/finasteride? minoxidil?



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I'm sorry if I have everyone confused.

No, I am still taking Avodart, and will do so until the 12-month mark.

At that time, I'll make the serious decision about whether or not to continue on Avodart, use generics, or start using finasteride.

Of course, I'm going to create a 12-Month Dutasteride user review, with photos, and maybe a video-- and I'm going to ask all the forum members for "their" opinions.

I take:


Head & Shoulders

and a few other things.

Look at my regimen button.



I just don't understand why you would downgrade from Avodart to finasteride. finasteride is inferior and if your hairline is worsening as you say it is, then probably it would fade even faster on finasteride. But the worsening may just be temporary

And don't be worried about scalp t levels as I said above.


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I don't want to stop using Avodart, but lately I have been having some problems with this medication.

I will provide a long and detailed post explaining my current situation at the 12-month mark-- January 2, 2007.




I take 6Months dutasteride/Avodart my Hair is very Thin in the Front and
in the right and left Side over the ears!
Shedding-Shedding and bad Qualität of the Hairs under Proscar was the
Hairs 70% better!

Is dutasteride bad? is it Good?? I have No Notion



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Aplunk, yes I believe the dutas from either inhouse or united are perfectly legit. In fact, I am pretty confident that ALL their medications are legit. I now order my anti-depressant (generic Paxil) from Inhouse and also my dad's cholesterol medication (generic lipitor) for him. His blood work has continued to come back good and I haven't killed myself yet (lol) so...I'd say they're doing their job!

Jayman, you seem pretty damn intent on debunking this whole frontal thing with dutas. Some of us are simply stating our personal observations, so when you say it's in fact impossible, well you either need to explain how test isn't the culprit and/or what is.

I'm rooting for ya, I really am - might be one less damn topical to worry about. Until then though, I would rather err on the side of caution and slather on the spironolactone - my hairline is my baby!


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Aplunk1 said:

I don't want to stop using Avodart, but lately I have been having some problems with this medication.

I will provide a long and detailed post explaining my current situation at the 12-month mark-- January 2, 2007.

Nooooooooo! You can't do this to me!!! I put you in my signature (lol)!

Well, this sure as hell doesn't sound good. I guess that's really why you were considering finasteride. Damn - Just as I'm beginning to get results again. I hope it isn't serious/permanent like gyno or anything.

Please go ahead and let us know ahead of time. thanks.


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Thanks Renegade for your concern, but there's really nothing to worry about.

I still approve Avodart for its treatment of hairloss.

You'll see that my problems with Avodart are trivial, and mostly financial.

Keep the faith, brother!


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Aplunk1 said:
Dutas don't have my COMPLETE trust, although I do have some of them laying around.
Balu was taking JUST AND ONLY dutas from the start - and he is getting results.


Re: dutasteride

Timi said:

I take 6Months dutasteride/Avodart my Hair is very Thin in the Front and
in the right and left Side over the ears!
Shedding-Shedding and bad Qualität of the Hairs under Proscar was the
Hairs 70% better!

Is dutasteride bad? is it Good?? I have No Notion



i recommend chilling out and giving it 6 more months.


Renegade said:
Jayman, you seem pretty damn intent on debunking this whole frontal thing with dutas. Some of us are simply stating our personal observations, so when you say it's in fact impossible, well you either need to explain how test isn't the culprit and/or what is. ![
I'm rooting for ya, I really am - might be one less damn topical to worry about. Until then though, I would rather err on the side of caution and slather on the spironolactone - my hairline is my baby!


You need to explain to me how a supposed increased in SCALP testosterone could affect hair loss in the front. I don't see how it could.

You are free to do whatever you want but I'd rather spend spironolactone money on Nano which will work at regrowing hair.

I am only 2.5 months in so I could be wrong but I don't think so. If I'm already getting regrowth on the hairline/temples then I don't think it's possible that my hairline is getting worse. It is receded the EXACT same amount that it was before starting drugs.


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That explaination comes from other posters have stated in the past - that since the front, for most people, is more sensitive to androgens than the top, hence why most start to recede in front rather than the top/crown. And since test is androgen, albeit not as potent DHT, the increase from dutas can still affect the hair there.

You may not (and it doesn't look like you do) fall into this category though. In my case, the temples went out about 3 years before I noticed any thinning on the top/crown (I'm sure it was happening slowly though), so it's safe to say that my front is somewhat more sensitve to the male pattern baldness than the top. Consider yourself lucky if your frontal recession isn't as severe as the top/crown - because if it isn't, then dutasteride will probably be all the more effective for you and you would have less/no need for an AA at the front lines.

One last thing: in my initial round with dutasteride (no AA), I began to notice accelerated recession from month 3 onward (stopped at month 9 because of it). Again, this may never become an issue for you, but I just thought I'd throw a timeline out there.



maybe it's not the case for diffusers like myself.


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I agree. Althought, I must admit that I am still not positive that dutasteride actually "damages" the front/hairline LONG-TERM for us receders. It may just be a temporary hit like the rest of the scalp incurs during most successful treatments.

6 months of thinning for me convinced me at the time that it was damaging things, but now I am wondering if it could have just been a very persistent shed, with different hairs cycling through at different times during that period giving the illusion that I had lost ground.

Another explanation comes from that fact that both dutasteride and finasteride create an initial period of hyperandrocity, where test levels spike but then later level off. dutasteride creats a far greater spike than finasteride, so it could have been due to that.