Dude stay away from finasteride at your age Im 19 and I wasnt happy about getting on it. Its not necessarily even about sides its about normal developement. Youre getting good results from minoxidil so see how long that will hold you out.
@Eren do you think its possible a derm would prescribe proscar 5mg to be cut Intoo 5ths If I told her how concerned I was ? I really need porscar and I'll try and tell he/her if u get sides like weak dick I'll just stop taking immediately . BTW does derma rolling help Androgenetic Alopecia ?
Azaelic acid seems ok whether a dr. Will prescribe it idk.@Jim lahey I guess your right man but how bout the azaelic cream would it hurt if mixed into my minoxidil ik I should ask a Doctor I just thought I ask what you think about it. And seems to me my temples are the worst hit by dht there all I focus on
You can try for asking doctors or to pay for hormones screening and minerals/metals in blood in laboratories(just check Normal or not), i'm from Russia so here we simply go to laboratories and pay for such tests(never covered by russian medicare/med. insurance) In laboratories they have already prepared set of indicators(hormones, minerals, metals...).@llia ik for sure I'm had my THC levels checked to see if I had thyroid problem that all came back clear . and the problem is I have medicade insurance which makes all my doctor visit free SBD I don't think they pay for thosekinda of test should I ask my doctor tho ? Say I want to get all my hornmonres checked to make sure I don't have over abundance of which i already know I have to much dht bc I'm.balding and hairy af