
21ukheregoes's Story - (MODEL GETTING hair transplant/ THOUGHTS! (PICS)

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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

21ukheregoes said:



So here is my story.
For the past two years I have been working as a model in commercials. however since turning 21,(july 08) my hair has been falling out rapidly. This first started when i was on a catwalk just before my birthday and used a cover spray. The minute i used the cover spray, i started losing hair, even though i stopped, it hasnt stopped falling out.

As you can imagine, my image is my job so this disaster has affected me really badly! some might call is extreme vanity, when infact its extreme insecurity.

so take a look at my pictures and tell me honestly what you think. personally i think its too late for the topical treatments etc. ive started on proscar and nizoral today, i just wish i had known about finasteride 8 months ago when the hair first started to fall out.

after sending these pictures to Hasson & Wong, i have a penciled date set for the 21st may for 4000 grafts.

all of my fathers side of the family are completely bald, and being in the profession i am, i cannot afford for this to happen to me! so off to canada i go....!

Mate, from your pictures you carried the faux-hawk much like Freddie Ljungberg did and your skulls may share quite a few similiarities. Are you sure a shaved head is out of the question? Your facial structure is strong and chiseled (in the most non-Rayest way possible do I say that) and you may still be what certain contracts ask for in modeling. You'd know about that more than me; maybe you know of other models who began to bald who either carried on modeling or not and maybe you can see where it may take you through that. You sound up beat and confident even though you're experiencing balding - which is a very positive sign. I myself am not at that point.

Good luck and keep us updated with what you end up doing :)


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

i have to totally agree with the whole "you'd pull off a full shaved head look" opinion i mean seriously dude you're a effing model your facial features actually EARN you MONEY no wonder you're so upbeat XD

so honestly bro shave it and laugh at nature at least you CAN without looking like a mutant egg man XD

i'm no expert in womens tastes at all but my moneys on 99% sure you'll still be a babe magnet anyways XD and you seem like a really upbeat and friendly guy *cough* lucky b***ard *cough* not fair on us normal dudes *cough*

if you REALLY don't wanna shave your head then heed the warnings of the REAL experts on here and those that know what you're going through and for the most part that's don't opt for a hair transplant til it's absolutely necessary and try the big 3 or variations i'm no experts but these guy's know what they're on about and

"in bald(ing) we bond"


best of luck mate


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

21ukheregoes said:



So here is my story.
For the past two years I have been working as a model in commercials. however since turning 21,(july 08) my hair has been falling out rapidly.

after sending these pictures to Hasson & Wong, i have a penciled date set for the 21st may for 4000 grafts.

H+w is doing 4K strip grafts on a 21 year old. Sorry Joetronic but I just lost ALL RESPECT for your clinic !!

This guy is in for a disaster come his 30's 40's and beyond

I would expect Armani to do this to a 21 year old but not H+W !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

The point of waiting until your older is to determine where your hair loss is going. This guy has lost nearly all of his hair. There's no mystery about how advanced his loss is going to be, so there's no point in waiting. They can give him a transplant that plans for him being a NW7.

Nor does the maturity argument hold any weight. It such a big generalization that it's pointless to make.


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

Avery said:
The point of waiting until your older is to determine where your hair loss is going. This guy has lost nearly all of his hair. There's no mystery about how advanced his loss is going to be, so there's no point in waiting. They can give him a transplant that plans for him being a NW7.

Nor does the maturity argument hold any weight. It such a big generalization that it's pointless to make.

There is no hair transplant plan for a NW7 its simply not an option.
In H&W's defence I doubt their going to dense pack him a NW1 hairline. But its true 21 IS too young for a hair transplant whatever the circumstances.
And no being a model does not guarantee that you will suit the bald/shaved look.


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

s.a.f said:
Avery said:
The point of waiting until your older is to determine where your hair loss is going. This guy has lost nearly all of his hair. There's no mystery about how advanced his loss is going to be, so there's no point in waiting. They can give him a transplant that plans for him being a NW7.

Nor does the maturity argument hold any weight. It such a big generalization that it's pointless to make.

There is no hair transplant plan for a NW7 its simply not an option.
In H&W's defence I doubt their going to dense pack him a NW1 hairline. But its true 21 IS too young for a hair transplant whatever the circumstances.
And no being a model does not guarantee that you will suit the bald/shaved look.

Actually I'm 21 and I have had two meetings with two different hair transplant clinics and neither said anything about my age...I say get the hair transplant and start a reg to prevent future hair loss.


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

ShedNShred said:
Actually I'm 21 and I have had two meetings with two different hair transplant clinics and neither said anything about my age...I say get the hair transplant and start a reg to prevent future hair loss.

Obviously they're not very responsible clinics then, what will you do if your regimen does'nt work and you continue to lose hair?


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

s.a.f said:
ShedNShred said:
Actually I'm 21 and I have had two meetings with two different hair transplant clinics and neither said anything about my age...I say get the hair transplant and start a reg to prevent future hair loss.

Obviously they're not very responsible clinics then, what will you do if your regimen does'nt work and you continue to lose hair?

That was also one of my questions during my consultation. They told me based on what Norwood you are would determine if you would need a second and at times a third hair transplant. I think the worst part about a situation like that would be a nasty scar exposed if the hair continued to drop. You wouldn't be able to shave your head.


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

The only problem I see with him getting an hair transplant is that the density won't be there and him being a model will pose a problem. I guess he can use a concealer in that case.


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

ShedNShred said:
s.a.f said:
Avery said:
The point of waiting until your older is to determine where your hair loss is going. This guy has lost nearly all of his hair. There's no mystery about how advanced his loss is going to be, so there's no point in waiting. They can give him a transplant that plans for him being a NW7.

Nor does the maturity argument hold any weight. It such a big generalization that it's pointless to make.

There is no hair transplant plan for a NW7 its simply not an option.
In H&W's defence I doubt their going to dense pack him a NW1 hairline. But its true 21 IS too young for a hair transplant whatever the circumstances.
And no being a model does not guarantee that you will suit the bald/shaved look.

Actually I'm 21 and I have had two meetings with two different hair transplant clinics and neither said anything about my age...I say get the hair transplant and start a reg to prevent future hair loss.

2 things, 1st RUN FROM THAT CLINIC !!

Second do A LOT more research, getting a hair transplant at age 21 is a recipe for DISASTER !

Perhaps a 2nd and 3rd transplant ? You'll have 3 under your belt by age 30 and will be wondering how to use your last 2K donor


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

Avery said:
They can give him a transplant that plans for him being a NW7.

That's the funniest thing I have read on these forums in a LONG time.

Please explain to me the "plan" for Norwood 7 transplant.

Would that be putting his hairline about 4 inches in front of his crown, lol


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

Clearly a NW7 wouldn't get a full, thick head of hair from a hair transplant. But they could be helped by the creation of a hair line and *something* in the frontal third. Likely it would be thin and they'd never have enough to fill their crown.

I'm not saying they'll get a wtfwow! result, but a NW7 can get *some* improvement.


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

NW7 cannot get "some" improvement.. the sides have dropped at that point, and there is just too much space to fill.

H&W have said they cannot treat NW7s. When the sides drop, all bets are off.


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

NW7 could only end up looking worse, any kind of hairline would look weird if the top does'nt meet the sides.


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

s.a.f said:
NW7 could only end up looking worse, any kind of hairline would look weird if the top does'nt meet the sides.

I've seen this and it's one of the indicative ways to tell someone had a hair transplant. Just another circumstance to f*** with us.


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

Perhaps a NW7 isn't what I think it is then. I must be looking at 6s.


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

Avery said:
Perhaps a NW7 isn't what I think it is then. I must be looking at 6s.

Call me crazy but perhaps you should know what you're talking about before you start giving advice to anyone condsidering a hair transplant let alone a 21 year old.


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

My suggestion is shave your head at least once, see how you like it. As others have said, you have the face for it. My brother did that and he said it was the best thing he did, and bragged about banging a 18 yr old in Vancouver.

Trust me a clean shave is better than what you have now. An in shape, naturally attractive man will be attractive whether he has hair or not. Furthermore you may want to discuss your baldness with your agent. I doubt anyone here knows too much about the modeling industry, but I'd have to imagine there are still photoshoots that use bald or balding men that are good looking. In fact I can remember a beer commercial using a rugged jason statham type balding man in it where the girls are all smitten with him.

Remember, you shave your head and you don't like it you can grow it out and go another route. You get the hair transplant and you don't like it, or like it and continue to bald then guess what.. more money to try and fix it, or worst you can't fix it and you're screwed, now you can't shave it because of a scar.


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

I feel so bad for this guy. I am going through almost the same thing. Ever since I could remember I wanted to be an actor. I'm a drama major currently, and I almost always get the male lead. I noticed my recession at 18. I'm 21 now. I just got on finasteride. My hairline isn't so bad that it makes me unattractive but there are certain hairstyles I just can not do. Because of my hairloss I feel that the window for success in the entertainment industry is closing faster and faster. I think I might have to fall back on my musical talents. Effing sucks mate. I will be getting a hair transplant before I move out to califonia though. That will be in about another year or so. Effing sucks in the mean time though. I wish you the best of luck and just keep on the big 3 for at least 6 months before even considering a hair transplant.