4 years on finasteride and Rogaine [NEWEST pics page 14, May 12 '12]


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After everyone visits that Propecia help site, you cant really blame them. Its a process that everyone goes through.

1. Acknowledge you're losing hair
2. Find treatments (Propecia)
3. Find reviews on Propecia
4. Be scared as fawk and swear you'll never try it no matter how bad things get
5. Fawk it and get on the drug
6. Regret not getting on it sooner

Sooooo true


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2 questions that I get a lot when it comes to hairloss: "Does finasteride work on the hairline" & "How soon do I see results?"

The answer to this question varies for each person. Here's how it worked for me.

Yes, it worked on the hairline for me. One of the things my mother-in-law gave my wife and I for Christmas was a photobook of our wedding (July 2009). I flipped through it and noticed a picture of me with my groomsmen. First thing that came to my mind was "...how did I not realize how much I was thinning at the front!?"


The picture of me on the right was taken just a few days ago. Granted, there is no harsh flash like the wedding picture, but there is a light bar with 4 bulbs about 2 feet in front/above me. No, not "OMG! SO AMAZING!" on the regrowth stage, but any regrowth is good once your hair starts falling out.

As for the "how soon do I see results?" question...I started taking finasteride in May of 2008. So, the pic on the left I had been on it for 14months. Just because you don't see a drastic difference within the first few (or even 12) months DOES NOT mean that you're not responding, or that it's not working for you. Remember, this stuff takes time, and you see yourself every day. It's hard to judge something that happens so gradually over time.

Dude, I saw your post several pages after this one.... saying finasteride did not improve your hairline.
Which is it? Did it or didn't it?


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Dude, I saw your post several pages after this one.... saying finasteride did not improve your hairline.
Which is it? Did it or didn't it?

This guy is the one with the sticky post on the tressless subreddit. You should send him a PM on reddit and ask, and message me back if you do cause I want to know too... I'm just too lazy to make a reddit account.


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It's been a long time since I've posted here, and it's a good look into why side effects seem more prevalent online than they really are. People with sides don't stop talking about it and looking for answers and solutions. People that have the desired effects either don't post about it, or they do and then kind of taper off.....

Anyway, still going strong. Still use finasteride @ 1.25mg a day, Rogaine foam, and nizoral. Probably have lost a little ground in the last 2 or 3 years, but I'm still WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY above what I would have been by now if I never started (aka: completely bald). My younger brother (of whom there is a pic in the original post) is to the point where he's about to shave his head. He has maybe 20% coverage up top and wears his hair very long to give it an illusion of volume. He can pull it off ok to the normal person, but you and I could spot it instantly.\

Me? Still holding on to the hair for as long as I can, but also decided to grow a small beard. A lot has changed in about 9 years, and I'm at a financial point where a smallish transplant to the hairline isn't that financially daunting anymore, so that might happen next year....but I'm not certain. "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", right?


michel sapin

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damn man you are such an inspiration , haircut look great . I have been on propecia for 2 years with no sucess ,and minoxidil for 8 month with no sucess too for my hairline . Does propecia help your hairline ? Or it was more minoxidil ?
Do you got unwanted sides on propecia such as puffy nipples ? Have you ever tried dutasteride ? do you got some unwanted body hair because of minoxidil or facial aging ?
Sorry for all the questions , but you are the guy which has inspired me to start treatment after reading your post on reddit .


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A legend here! :)


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Q: Does propecia help your hairline?
A: Maybe? Hard to tell because I was doing finasteride and minoxidil at the same time since the start. There was some recovery, but it was mostly filling it. I don't think my hairline ever progressed downwards to what it was back when I was in my teens or anything.

Q: Do you got unwanted sides on propecia such as puffy nipples?
A: No. The only sides that I can report is ball ache, which I got at .5mg, 1mg, and then again when I went to 1.25mg. All 3 times it subsided within a week or 2.

Q: Have you ever tried dutasteride?
A: I did, probably about 5 or 6 years ago. The frontal shed I got from it was TREMENDOUS. It was to the point that I felt I could see my hairline thinning out every other day. I'd read many places that this could happen, but that it would all grow back. However, I wasn't able to mentally handle it, so I went back to just finasteride. At this point I'm going to hold dutasteride in my back pocket and use it if finasteride stops working for me. Although hopefully we have a much better baldness treatment by that point.

Q: Did you get some unwanted body hair because of minoxidi?
A: No. I'm not some hairless supermodel, nor am I a gorilla. I'm somwhere inbetween when it comes to my body hair. I didn't notice any change in body hair.

Q: Did you get facial aging because of minoxidil?
A: I'm almost 33. Do I look 33? :)


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Looking good @Rawtashk ! Are you sure you might have lost a little ground in the last 2-3 years? From looking at your recent pics on here and on Reddit, your hair seems to be looking way better than when you started and even better than the pictures from a couple years in on treatment.


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@Rawtashk didn t you said in the past that your younger brother also started treatmant? So if he did I m just wondhering why did he stop ussing it


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Hi RawtashK

Just wondering if you still get periods of shedding? I'm asking as I've just now hit 3 years on propecia and 2 years on minoxidil, yet recently my hair has taken a massive hit. It's still slightly above baseline but it is looking thin again. 6months ago my hair was looking the thickest it has ever :( At the moment I'm riding it out but I'm worried that my treatments have started losing effectiveness.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks :)


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Hi RawtashK

Just wondering if you still get periods of shedding? I'm asking as I've just now hit 3 years on propecia and 2 years on minoxidil, yet recently my hair has taken a massive hit. It's still slightly above baseline but it is looking thin again. 6months ago my hair was looking the thickest it has ever :( At the moment I'm riding it out but I'm worried that my treatments have started losing effectiveness.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks :)
Would like to know this too... Sometimes I loose no hair during 6 month and sometimes shed is massive. Maybe this is also because of oral minoxidil in my case


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A question, i have been on finasteride since the last 3 months. Mostly oral 1mg finasteride. Im 20 yo.
Some things that i have felt:-
1.No morning wood
2.Ball ache.

The morning wood doesn't bother me but Ball ache is something that is scary for me pls.

I have went on finasteride before and everytime the ball ache comes after the 2nd month mark and i have quit it.

Pls advice something as i want to keep my hair.

Should i try any pain meds??


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@Rawtashk didn t you said in the past that your younger brother also started treatmant? So if he did I m just wondhering why did he stop ussing it

He was using it for a while, but he doesn't really care all that much about his hair, so he stopped. More power to him I say, but the bald life isn't one I want to succumb to without at least trying.

Hi RawtashK

Just wondering if you still get periods of shedding? I'm asking as I've just now hit 3 years on propecia and 2 years on minoxidil, yet recently my hair has taken a massive hit. It's still slightly above baseline but it is looking thin again. 6months ago my hair was looking the thickest it has ever :( At the moment I'm riding it out but I'm worried that my treatments have started losing effectiveness.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks :)

8 or 9 years in...and I still go through sheds at least twice a year that make me a little nervous. Are you doing anything to monitor your hairloss? I have a hair catch in the shower that I put down so that I can get a rough idea of what's falling out when I shower. It's FAR from scientific, but it's something. For about a month or so I'll see 2 or 3 times as much hair, and then all of a sudden it's back to normal (10-20 or so)

Looking good @Rawtashk ! Are you sure you might have lost a little ground in the last 2-3 years? From looking at your recent pics on here and on Reddit, your hair seems to be looking way better than when you started and even better than the pictures from a couple years in on treatment.

Thanks man! I think part of that is the way that I style it now, but I know for sure that it's waaaaaaaaaaaaay better than it would have been if I'd never done anything.

A question, i have been on finasteride since the last 3 months. Mostly oral 1mg finasteride. Im 20 yo.
Some things that i have felt:-
1.No morning wood
2.Ball ache.

The morning wood doesn't bother me but Ball ache is something that is scary for me pls.

I have went on finasteride before and everytime the ball ache comes after the 2nd month mark and i have quit it.

Pls advice something as i want to keep my hair.

Should i try any pain meds??

How often is the ball ache, how severe, and what dose are you on? I wouldn't suggest taking more medication to mask a side effect of a cosmetic medication. finasteride is pretty effective even at .25mg a day, so you might think about reducing your dose if it's been 3 months and you still have the ache. The ache only lasted about 2 or 3 weeks for me when I started, and then about the same period every time I upped the dose (1mg and then 1.25mg).