4 years on finasteride and Rogaine [NEWEST pics page 14, May 12 '12]


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Re: Nearly 4 years on finasteride and Rogaine [Even NEWER pics page 13]


Yup, looking good, pal.


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Re: Nearly 4 years on finasteride and Rogaine [Even NEWER pics page 13]


Great results.

Rogaine foam does work.

Kirkland minoxidil not that effective?

I stopped Proscar (finasteride) after two(2) years.
Not that effective.

Kirkland minoxidil since Mei 2011.
minoxidil only.

I'm 36.

Will post update it on my thread.

Still no full hair though.


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Re: Nearly 4 years on finasteride and Rogaine [Even NEWER pics page 13]

Thanks for taking time to answer my questions. Got another one for you.

1)How much foam do you apply per application and how many times per day?

2)Is foam giving you better results then the liquid 15% minoxidil?

3) when did you notice a stoping of shedding from finasteride and at what month would you say you saw results

Thanks again in advance bro


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Re: Nearly 4 years on finasteride and Rogaine [Even NEWER pics page 13]

I don't really measure out the amount of foam precisely. I put it in a line across my pointer and middle finger, then rub it into the hairline. I do the same on the crown, but I do it twice.

Can't really say about the foam. I'm still losing hair as it is, but much much MUCH slower than I was (and my family's history of hairloss is VERY agressive, so I'm not surprised that I'm still losing a bit). I used the 15% for about 3 months, and I probably needed to use it more to really tell if I was getting results...but I got tired of my hair feeling like concrete after it dried :-/

I think I really noticed a slowing of my hairloss in the 6-8 month area, with noticeable results in the 12-14 months range.


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Re: Nearly 4 years on finasteride and Rogaine [Even NEWER pics page 13]

Not pictures, but video. Friend and I did another video for our YouTube channel. Been growing my hair out. Cut it short in December, haven't touched it since....but I have to cut it tonight :-/ Got a part in a music video, and they want short hair.

.....I'm always paranoid that half my hair has fallen out while it was growing and I'm going to find that I'm half bald as soon as I cut it!! :shakehead:



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Re: Nearly 4 years on finasteride and Rogaine [Even NEWER pics page 13]

You should seriously stop being concerned or conscious about your hair loss. It is not apparent anymore. This is great success, congratulations!


Edit: but continue posting, thanks for sharing :)


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Re: Nearly 4 years on finasteride and Rogaine [Even NEWER pics page 13]

When you next get your hair cut, let me know so I can steal dat hair. Jkjk, but you've had fantastic results! Good job... or good genes! :)


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Re: Nearly 4 years on finasteride and Rogaine [Even NEWER pics page 13]

WillNotLetItHappen said:
You should seriously stop being concerned or conscious about your hair loss. It is not apparent anymore. This is great success, congratulations!


Edit: but continue posting, thanks for sharing :)

I try not to worry about it too much...but it is a constant source of concern for me. The fact that all my male relatives in my family have aggressive hairloss. Maybe that means that I'm super vain, I don't know. All I know is that I want this hair on my head as long as possible.

Another example of how hairloss has ravaged my family:
My brother and I got cast in a movie together last year. Here's a scene that both of us are in.
(click to make bigger)

You can see that his temples are pretty far back, and he's kinda slicking his hair over the temples to hide some of the recession.

His hair has somewhat recovered since this picture. He went on dutasteride at .125mg a day back in July (this picture was around September) because I educated him on his hairloss options.

Oh....he's also 4 years younger than me.


Re: Nearly 4 years on finasteride and Rogaine [Even NEWER pics page 13]

What? This is your brother? last time I saw his photo, he looked like this:


So not very much hair. And now he has full head of hair again? :dunno:


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Re: Nearly 4 years on finasteride and Rogaine [Even NEWER pics page 13]

TravisB said:
What? This is your brother? last time I saw his photo, he looked like this:


So not very much hair. And now he has full head of hair again? :dunno:

Travis, read my story carefully. Right above that picture is the caption, "My older brother was NW5 at 23 years old".

Now go back to the last post I made about my brother...and notice how it ends with, "Oh....he's also 4 years younger than me."

The solution to this mystery is the fact that I have more than one brother. In fact, I have 4 brothers and 4 sisters. I am the second oldest of 9 kids. Older brother (totally bald) will be 30 this year, I am 28, younger brother (still has hair, but lost a lot of it within the last 2 years) just turned 24.


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Re: Nearly 4 years on finasteride and Rogaine [Even NEWER pics page 13]

Looked through some old wedding pics again...holy.balls. How did I not notice my hairline before!??!? I took a picture of my hair last night. There's sunlight above me in the wedding picture (from nearly 3 years ago), and in the picture from yesterday there's a lightbar in front of me and about a foot up the wall, as well as a camera flash (not sure if they cancel each other out or not....but whatever)

(you can see that my right temple area is the one that's most receded in the wedding picture, and it's still weaker in the one from yesterday, but not quite as bad anymore!)



Hooray finasteride/rogaine/nizoral/nioxin!


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Re: Nearly 4 years on finasteride and Rogaine [Even NEWER pics page 13]

Fantastic success man. I hope to have my hair slicked super high like that in the front in the future. The big 3 works for most but your story is especially exceptional. Thanks for keeping a good topic going.


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Re: Nearly 4 years on finasteride and Rogaine [Even NEWER pics page 13]

Wow. I am impressed with the results.
One question, do you get your Rogaine from this website? http://www.rogaine.com/

Coz I am plannnig to start on using Rogaine since taking finasteride alone didn't do anything to my hair even tough I've been on the treatment for a year.


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Re: Nearly 4 years on finasteride and Rogaine [Even NEWER pics page 13]

What type of nioxin do you use (shampoo/ booster? all?) and how often do you apply it to fit it in with you minoxidil application, assuming ur using the booster?


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Re: Nearly 4 years on finasteride and Rogaine [Even NEWER pics page 13]

Getting hair cut this weekend (hopefully), then putting up some new pics. Not sure if losing ground on the hairline or not....ugh.

Until then, check out a project that my friend and I did for a local film contest. We found out about it late in the game, so we literally had 24 hours from "action" to the final render (if you don't know much about film, know that is a CRAZY short turn-around for a 5 minute video).

Don't judge it against hollywood, judge it against what was done in 24 hours :p



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Re: Nearly 4 years on finasteride and Rogaine [Even NEWER pics page 13]

Nice man. Generic or Proscar?


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Re: Nearly 4 years on finasteride and Rogaine [Even NEWER pics page 13]

.5mg generic from 4rx.com for 3 years. 1.25 quartered generic proscar for the last year.


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Re: Nearly 4 years on finasteride and Rogaine [Even NEWER pics page 13]

So, usually I just let my hair grow out until I'm tired of it, then I shave it all down to a 3 or 4 by myself. Well, this time I decided to actually go and get it professionally cut (since I had an upcoming role in a film). Decided to go with a 4 on the sides, and "finger length" on the top. Ya....I'm probably never cutting my hair myself again. I like this sooo much better! I think the fact that it's shorter on the sides gives the top a bit more of an illusion of density, so I decided that I wanted to try to rock the Faux Hawk for a while.

My left side is my good side, because my hairline is stronger.

Got to play a "Snooty Waiter" in an upcoming film called BlindSight

(LOTS of lights on set, which makes your hair pretty unforgiving. I'm pretty happy with how it looks here.

I'm still doing Rogaine foam once or twice a day, and 1.25mg of finasteride every day. However....I feel like I've been more tired recently. I'm not sure if it's a side effect of upping my finasteride dose, or just because I haven't been getting as much sleep as I should. Oh well, even if it is a side, I'll take extra tiredness in exchange for extra hair :)


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Behind the scenes pics for BlindSight came out today. I was specifically pleased with how my hair looks in this one.

As for my routine...I'm switching it up. I'm tired of Rogaine, and I'm not sure if it's working for me or not (since I started Rogaine, then did finasteride). I'm also afraid that my puffy eyes have something to do with minoxidil. So, I've been off it for about a week now. I'm going to take pictures and keep a close watch on it. Here's to hoping that stopping Rogaine doesn't make my progress go backwards.... :whistle:


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You have had sensational and very inspiring success and for all intents and purposes have a full head of hair even to people who are used to spot balding. This was partly due to your genes being more favorable than most of your family's in this respect AND due to your effort and hard work in keeping what you have!

It is none of my business, and you can shrug this advice off, but DON'T stop minoxidil. I'm not a hairloss expert, much less than you probably, but I just had to write that. It always starts with "I don't know if it's doing anything for me"....and then half a year later you come back having lost heaps of hair. Don't risk that, you have done so well at keeping what you have.

At least wean off very very slowly if you have to. Or reduce the dosage to something that works for you, but don't just stop.

Whatever you decide, good luck!