40 days No masturbation challenge!


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I agree that excessive masturbation (or rather orgasming, and I mean like... probably at least 3 times a day) does seem to be able to cause male pattern baldness.

I have heard multiple stories of people reversing their male pattern baldness by stopping masturbating like as much as SIX times a day.

It probably does alter hormones and/or inflammation levels. I heard from several sources it does. I think the hormone of note here is prolactin.

But I'm not sure if it's a significant factor unless you do it EXCESSIVELY...


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In my opinion it may..MAY, be a "trigger" if done too much at a young age.... and i think once it triggers it doesnt matter if you stop altogether. too late. Game over for hair.

Doubt it though.


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definitely your balls are the cause of much of your androgen activity..

but also remember that u gotta use em.. or you'll lose em ;)


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jon jon said:
In my opinion it may..MAY, be a "trigger" if done too much at a young age.... and i think once it triggers it doesnt matter if you stop altogether. too late. Game over for hair.

Doubt it though.

I really don't understand why people rush to accept this harsh view that once male pattern baldness is "triggered" you can't stop it. I have seen much more evidence that it CAN be stopped as long as you know what to change. I believe that usually THAT'S the problem - that people don't know what exactly to do to their bodies to make it stop.

The only exception I would think are most people who are healthy and yet still start losing hair in their late teens with no obvious cause. Probably... probably just genes. Depending on the person that is.


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1 thing we have to keep in mind is that hair wont grow in a short 40 day experiment" it has to go through its steps of growth which may take 3-4 months.
being a participant of this experiment i have noticed my hair feel stronger when i put my hand through it and more darker.


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I am very happy about this challenge, about the people who traveled through it. I have to thank you for the support and besides of that, to say you BRAVO! There was a lot of mp telling that people regrew hair, little ones, others "darkers" than before (hair converting in adults)...and health benefits that have deeper value like better sleep, more energy and lot of more...

I am really convinced that doing things like this and after controlling our sexual activity, we could recover A LOT (I think talking about ALL depends on time). Right now my body is healthier, my hair regrowing and the best of all: I understand my body much much more than before...I hope you got this things too..

Finalizing, I think that for some people this challenge solve a big problem (or gave a chance, may be): people can think different and doesn't matter who agree or don't...the problem is for the other ones, the people who are "in peace" when the fellow man is like them. I hope you can get some really peace.

I am ready to go for other 40, 50 or 60 days....who is with me?? do you think there is a better method to doing it?? THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!


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If you are continuing this for another 40 days then I will join you tomorrow monkey and stick with it.


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monkey22 said:
I am very happy about this challenge, about the people who traveled through it. I have to thank you for the support and besides of that, to say you BRAVO! There was a lot of mp telling that people regrew hair, little ones, others "darkers" than before (hair converting in adults)...and health benefits that have deeper value like better sleep, more energy and lot of more...

I am really convinced that doing things like this and after controlling our sexual activity, we could recover A LOT (I think talking about ALL depends on time). Right now my body is healthier, my hair regrowing and the best of all: I understand my body much much more than before...I hope you got this things too..

Finalizing, I think that for some people this challenge solve a big problem (or gave a chance, may be): people can think different and doesn't matter who agree or don't...the problem is for the other ones, the people who are "in peace" when the fellow man is like them. I hope you can get some really peace.

I am ready to go for other 40, 50 or 60 days....who is with me?? do you think there is a better method to doing it?? THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
:bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: well done
wre still going


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40 days... Before using Propecia, I couldn't sleep without a release.

Imagine if it worked. How would you explain this to your girlfriend? "No sugar, you know I have a 40 days refraction period..."


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We are not talking about celibacy, witch is permanent! this is for a little wile, and then NOT ABUSE OF EJACULATION, 2 or 3 times in a week....repeat: this is not celibacy


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FredTheBelgian said:
Hoppi said:
ACV tastes fine to me... o_O

you're taking colloidal silver, why don't you eat car wheels or screwdrivers too?!



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I'm sure it's bullshit. Just look at the smurfs. Everyone of them are hat prisoners.


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finfighter said:
FredTheBelgian said:
FredTheBelgian said:
you're taking colloidal silver, why don't you eat car wheels or screwdrivers too?!

Even Santa took it, look what it did to him!

''It's not clear how much colloidal silver may be harmful, but it can build up in your body's tissues over months or years. Most commonly, this results in argyria (ahr-JIR-e-uh), a blue-gray discoloration of your skin, eyes, internal organs, nails and gums. While argyria doesn't pose a serious health problem, it can be a cosmetic nightmare because it's not reversible, even when you stop taking silver products.''

So you don't want to lose your hair, but you wouldn't mind being blue for life?

"Colloidal silver... haters gonna hate!" - Hoppi


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Well, CS is different! All I meant was ACV is fine as long as it's a good brand and you dilute it until you're comfortable. I put it in most water I drink during the day :)


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lol well everyone is entitled to their opinion :)


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Hoppi said:
lol well everyone is entitled to their opinion :)

Hoppi is right. Anyone is entitled to smoke crack as well.

Pick your poison and exterminate yourself. But do it in private.


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That's actually a very different message. What I'm saying is I'm allowed to express my views :)

I am just choosing not to in this thread on this tangent anymore because it's becoming a bit off-topic and pointless lol