Go MGTOW. It'll save you a lot of stress from whorish and entitled Western women. You can thank third wave feminism for that. Also,
never marry. The state will rape the sh*t out of you and possibly any kids you may have. f*****g to relieve some tension is fine, but don't form anything long-term. They'll waste your money and your time while not giving a real sh*t about you. Heck, that's what my own sister's doing. f*****g disgraceful and despicable. Men need to stop cucking themselves to pussy and letting the pussy abuse their funds while they go around and cheat on them with local Chads they met on Tinder. Welcome to the red pill. Yes, modern women in the West are a complete waste of your time. Care about your hair not because of a self-entitled b**ch who wants to rape your funds, but because your hair is an integral part of your appearance and identity. Same for maintaining healthy weight, skin, working hard in your job, etc.
This about sums it up:
View attachment 97087
So does this:
She doesn't have the looks to justify her standards. And they wonder why they're single.
There was this gem from the video, however:
"Who likes to dance?"
"I'm black"