80/20 Rule Confirmed... Actually More Like 95/5. This Is Why You Shouldn't Waste Your Time On Women.


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are you speaking from personal experience here?
I am. Before I lost my hair I had many real-life relationships ruined by exactly these kind of women with no sense of commitment, responsibility, or accountability, and it's really not hard to find them. They're everywhere. It's unbelievable to me how many people can't see this as a rampant problem


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Online dating is definitely broken.

More and more people seem to find their future mates there but I still think settling down with someone you met of tinder or bumble should be a plan B.

I mean, in any big city, there are a ton of ways to meet women. It's about having some hobbies and activities. I'm not arguing about our specific chances as balding/bald men but in general.

If you are not in a big city and maybe in an older age group, dating online actually makes more sense.I'm talking 50 plus and not based in a big city.

But for the rest of us, just think about it. Do some hobbies - learn to dance, go to a salsa class, you could meet a ton of chicks there, or any other hobby which isn't completely male orientated.

Personally, I know I want to get engaged in a few more hobbies. I'm starting a fine art course, have a few salsa locations in mind, and maybe thinking about joining a choir. There is also something nice about meeting women in that environment, as there is less pressure and you can get to know them organically to see what they're like first.

Online dating on the other hand is a sure way to get depressed. I know for sure I can pull a 7 or an 8 in real life. Where as on tinder, the average I can get is a 4-6. I don't care enough to put great photos on there, and I'm not that photogenic anyway. So I know I'm onto a losing game. Online dating is an extreme form of real life dating. It's seriously not worth it. And if you actually date a girl you met online, you will always have to tell people that you met swiping online. Lets be honest, that's hardly the most romantic way to meet.


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Online dating is definitely broken.

More and more people seem to find their future mates there but I still think settling down with someone you met of tinder or bumble should be a plan B.

I mean, in any big city, there are a ton of ways to meet women. It's about having some hobbies and activities. I'm not arguing about our specific chances as balding/bald men but in general.

If you are not in a big city and maybe in an older age group, dating online actually makes more sense.I'm talking 50 plus and not based in a big city.

But for the rest of us, just think about it. Do some hobbies - learn to dance, go to a salsa class, you could meet a ton of chicks there, or any other hobby which isn't completely male orientated.

Personally, I know I want to get engaged in a few more hobbies. I'm starting a fine art course, have a few salsa locations in mind, and maybe thinking about joining a choir. There is also something nice about meeting women in that environment, as there is less pressure and you can get to know them organically to see what they're like first.

Online dating on the other hand is a sure way to get depressed. I know for sure I can pull a 7 or an 8 in real life. Where as on tinder, the average I can get is a 4-6. I don't care enough to put great photos on there, and I'm not that photogenic anyway. So I know I'm onto a losing game. Online dating is an extreme form of real life dating. It's seriously not worth it. And if you actually date a girl you met online, you will always have to tell people that you met swiping online. Lets be honest, that's hardly the most romantic way to meet.

I have never done online dating and I am constantly surrounded by exactly these types of women. I don't know how old you are, it may be a generational thing. Millennial women mostly act like teenagers.

You might also be someone just looking for hookups, in which case you wouldn't pay attention to this at all because it wouldn't be relevant to your situation. I have also certainly known people in relationships who were in denial about what their partners were up to


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I have never done online dating and I am constantly surrounded by exactly these types of women. I don't know how old you are, it may be a generational thing. Millennial women mostly act like teenagers.

You might also be someone just looking for hookups, in which case you wouldn't pay attention to this at all because it wouldn't be relevant to your situation. I have also certainly known people in relationships who were in denial about what their partners were up to

Which types of women are you referring to, nohairnolife?

If you are only looking for hookups, then yes, online dating could work. But I don't see it as any more useful then hooking up from real life.

The only thing I will say - in favour of more anonymous dating, not necessarily online - but I went on a few dates with this girl at this community I am part of that is quite tight knit. Before it got serious, I told her I didn't feel it was a good idea to go further. So in other words, acted like an adult. But that led to ramifications, she gives me the cold shoulder at the community meet ups, and given its a smaller community, I can really feel her negative vibe towards me, and it sort of takes away from the atmosphere.

I'm guessing at some of these larger salsa events people are going to be more experienced, and it's probably par for course. But if it's a community that has so defined ending, you generally need to be more careful of who you take for a date as if one person harbors a grudge against you or thinks they were 'hard done' by you, all of a sudden it changes the dynamic and you don't feel so welcome.


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Which types of women are you referring to, nohairnolife?

If you are only looking for hookups, then yes, online dating could work. But I don't see it as any more useful then hooking up from real life.

The only thing I will say - in favour of more anonymous dating, not necessarily online - but I went on a few dates with this girl at this community I am part of that is quite tight knit. Before it got serious, I told her I didn't feel it was a good idea to go further. So in other words, acted like an adult. But that led to ramifications, she gives me the cold shoulder at the community meet ups, and given its a smaller community, I can really feel her negative vibe towards me, and it sort of takes away from the atmosphere.

I'm guessing at some of these larger salsa events people are going to be more experienced, and it's probably par for course. But if it's a community that has so defined ending, you generally need to be more careful of who you take for a date as if one person harbors a grudge against you or thinks they were 'hard done' by you, all of a sudden it changes the dynamic and you don't feel so welcome.

I'm referring to women that act like teenagers. Promiscuous, childishly rebellious and contrarian, expect to never be criticized for their behavior, don't hold themselves responsible or accountable for their own choices. Usually used to people telling them whatever they want to hear. These types of girls are all over colleges and places millennials like to go


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Go MGTOW. It'll save you a lot of stress from whorish and entitled Western women. You can thank third wave feminism for that. Also, never marry. The state will rape the sh*t out of you and possibly any kids you may have. f*****g to relieve some tension is fine, but don't form anything long-term. They'll waste your money and your time while not giving a real sh*t about you. Heck, that's what my own sister's doing. f*****g disgraceful and despicable. Men need to stop cucking themselves to pussy and letting the pussy abuse their funds while they go around and cheat on them with local Chads they met on Tinder. Welcome to the red pill. Yes, modern women in the West are a complete waste of your time. Care about your hair not because of a self-entitled b**ch who wants to rape your funds, but because your hair is an integral part of your appearance and identity. Same for maintaining healthy weight, skin, working hard in your job, etc.

This about sums it up:
View attachment 97087

So does this:

She doesn't have the looks to justify her standards. And they wonder why they're single.

There was this gem from the video, however:

"Who likes to dance?"
"I'm black"

How will you assess this women who did everything for her husband?
She did everything for her hubby...even though it's wrong.



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i guess what put me off about how certain members describe women is the way they talk about women in general and treat it as absolute fact. When someone likes to generalize a certain group (gender, race, religion..ect) they usually come off as narrow minded and ignorant. i didn't want to just come out and say this because i truly believe we all have such different life experiences based on SO many variables.

My logic is simply this: when it comes to relationship i don't think many people can accept being used for their money or be with someone that is as self entitled, self-centered, and lack of sympathy as some of the members here describe. We ALL want to be with someone that is genuine, caring, and appreciative of us for who we are as much as we are to them. Suggesting that all or most women are like that implies that millions of men out there are in a relationship where they are being used and are forced to pamper their irresponsible spouse / gf like described here; and that the only reason these men have found someone was because of their willingness to be "used" while their gf or wife goes out and bang some Chad or whoever you want to create out of your lack of confidence and insecurity.

I've been on dates where girls refuse to let me pay for dinner or offer to buy me coffee to thank me for the dinner i pay for. I know girls who support their other half during financial hardship, get their boyfriends' sh*t together (quite often in fact), and develop a commitment (or attachment..) as the relationship progresses. I actually see more men slowly fall behind in terms of the level of commitment as a relationship becomes longer term.

again, based on a lot of personal variables and and background we can be talking about completely different women. but to imply that almost all women are as bad as you say they are means that most men out there are perfectly fine with these situations and unfair treatments. And the claim that you and you alone are the only person seeing this clearly. to me that is hard to grasp.

maybe when it comes to hooking up that can be the case? Since you are looking for a hook up (meaning you want something from them quickly) they are also entitled to be demanding in terms of wanting something from you (pampering, money..etc). all fair i'd say
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Implying that all or most women like that mean that millions of men out there are in a relationship where they are being used and are forced to pamper their irresponsible spouse / gf like described here; and that the only reason these men found someone was because of their willingness to be "used" while their gf or wife goes out and bang some Chad or whoever you want to create out of your lack of confidence and insecurity.

It's not that women are so bad in comparison to men; it's that the women are as bad as the men. There are tons of awful men in the world. Women are just now catching up


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It's not that women are so bad in comparison to men; it's that the women are as bad as the men. There are tons of awful men in the world. Women are just now catching up

You speak the truth, brother.

Yes, men can be just as awful as women too. Though usually not in the same ways. I personally don't even consider myself a "noble" man. I think that's a foolish ideal to shoot for. The point of MGTOW is not to perpetuate misogyny or say every single woman is the devil. It's to acknowledge that women are not innocent weak creatures who do no wrong. Rather, they're just more covert in the ways they do wrong to men, while men do wrongs to women in more overt ways. Women will in fact marry a man for his money because she can buy as much sh*t as she want and party as much as she want, even if she has no real sexual attraction to him. This is especially true of millenial women. Modern 3rd wave feminism has basically told these women that men are only of value for their utility to you, which you should treat them as such, while you act like a selfish and disloyal brat as much as you like while never taking any real commitments seriously. Hypergamy is ok. To be fair, millenial men have unfortunately adopted a similar attitude as well; don't commit, just engage in one-night stands all you want, and only care about yourself. Even though I was born basically at the end of the millenial cohort, I find most millenial women completely insufferable. What I tend to see in most of them are shallow, empty shells full of narcissism, fakery, arrogance, and weakness, while completely lacking any real ambition or direction in their life. It's a disgrace.


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Women are better and more noble than men. Their intentions are a lot more pure. E.g. they do things primarily to benefit themselves. Do you know what women do in their spare time? After working long hours at a top job, they read interesting books, practice art, play music, learn to dance. All of these are wholesome activities. Do you know why they do it and men do not? Men have to spend an average of 25 hours extra per week to have a chance of dating a woman. Less spare time.


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It's not that women are so bad in comparison to men; it's that the women are as bad as the men. There are tons of awful men in the world. Women are just now catching up
so you are saying everyone, both men and women, are just bad in general? it's interesting that this is how you view relationships. because growing up i did have a couple of people that back stabbed me, girls that sort of used me. that taught me what type of people i want to surround myself with and ultimately led to more meaningful relationships. I don't spend too much time being resentful toward people that never truly cared for me in the first place


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so you are saying everyone, both men and women, are just bad in general? it's interesting that this is how you view relationships. because growing up i did have a couple of people that back stabbed me, girls that sort of used me. that taught me what type of people i want to surround myself with and ultimately led to more meaningful relationships. I don't spend too much time being resentful toward people that never truly cared for me in the first place

I rarely meet anybody that's worth being around. I see the kinds of people (both men and women) I talked about everywhere, extremely common. So I think most men and women are generally pretty bad. They don't realize it, but that's kinda the problem. Most people just don't think about that stuff all the time, most people just want to enjoy themselves and not worry too much and that's about it.


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This would be my last post on this women subject as people have argued about the same things since the beginning of this forum and I don’t want to direct at anybody.

It’s natural to see things in black and white during your late teenage years and hopefully you slowly lose that quick-to-judge, pessimistic view and become more accepting and open minded toward differences and unfairness in the society.

You don’t have to put a label to everything now and hold them so dearly while thinking this is how things are and forever will be for your generation.

In fact, the whole millennial thing is kind of silly. People have always bashed on the newer generation, and they all say the same things.

Here is an article on that

Younger people that we see every day are more self centered and less empathetic, yes I do agree that much. That’s the case for most young people in all generations though, as life experience is limited, and brains are still developing well into their mid 20’s. But instead of being hopeless, bitter, and cynical, you should use your observing skills, that critical thinking you have shown and find people that are worth keeping around. To find relationships that are healthy and positive and help you grow.

It’s always easy to blame whatever failures and shortcomings on things that are out of our control.. it’s a very common coping skills people use. Blame it on feminism, or on this particular generation for being difficult to deal with. Blame it on the media and our parents that provided us a shitty childhood. Blame it on genetics for our lack of confidence, or blame it on nature for that evolution dictates males to submit to female’s manipulation. You can blame everything and be resentful for how unfair you have it for the rest of your life and it’s your right. But most people mellow out and the sooner you do it the better.

Here is a quote I’ve always liked from Stephen Colbert on cynicism:

“Remember, you cannot be both young and wise. Young people who pretend to be wise to the ways of the world are mostly just cynics. Cynicism masquerades as wisdom, but it is the farthest thing from it. Because cynics don’t learn anything. Because cynicism is a self-imposed blindness, a rejection of the world because we are afraid it will hurt us or disappoint us. Cynics always say no. But saying “yes” begins things. Saying “yes” is how things grow. Saying “yes” leads to knowledge. “Yes” is for young people. So for as long as you have the strength to, say “yes'.”


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I rarely meet anybody that's worth being around. I see the kinds of people (both men and women) I talked about everywhere, extremely common. So I think most men and women are generally pretty bad. They don't realize it, but that's kinda the problem. Most people just don't think about that stuff all the time, most people just want to enjoy themselves and not worry too much and that's about it.
fair enough. you sound observant and sensitive. i hope you find like minded people in your life


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It’s natural to see things in black and white during your late teenage years and hopefully you slowly lose that quick-to-judge, pessimistic view and become more accepting and open minded toward differences and unfairness in the society.

That's not really accurate. Teenagers usually prefer to frame things in terms of grey areas (argument to moderation fallacy) because it makes life more manageable. Without concrete standards, everything's negotiable. This is how people often move the goalposts on their own self-discipline, which obviously is where expectations have to be managed when it comes to people that haven't matured.

I would also say making a judgment over the course of my entire life is not really a quick judgment.

You don’t have to put a label to everything now and hold them so dearly while thinking this is how things are and forever will be for your generation.

Sure, the views of people in my generation might change over time. But that would be too little too late. The point I'm making is that people need to hold themselves to higher standards and not just after they're 40.

People have always bashed on the newer generation, and they all say the same things.

Here is an article on that

Sure, but to say that means it must not ever be true is a fallacy. I could give you objective proof that an overwhelming majority (statistically) of people that at least I personally meet in my age group fit the criteria, from both Twitter and the facebook profiles of people I know if I wanted to do that (I don't).

Younger people that we see every day are more self centered and less empathetic, yes I do agree that much. That’s the case for most young people in all generations though, as life experience is limited, and brains are still developing well into their mid 20’s. But instead of being hopeless, bitter, and cynical, you should use your observing skills, that critical thinking you have shown and find people that are worth keeping around. To find relationships that are healthy and positive and help you grow.

The problem is that people hold too low a standard, especially with young people and especially these days. You can't seriously be arguing that 20-somethings of today are as or more disciplined and hardworking than say, 20-somethings 50 years ago.

It’s always easy to blame whatever failures and shortcomings on things that are out of our control.. it’s a very common coping skills people use. Blame it on feminism, or on this particular generation for being difficult to deal with. Blame it on the media and our parents that provided us a shitty childhood. Blame it on genetics for our lack of confidence, or blame it on nature for that evolution dictates males to submit to female’s manipulation. You can blame everything and be resentful for how unfair you have it for the rest of your life and it’s your right. But most people mellow out and the sooner you do it the better.

"Most people mellow out over time so that means nobody's to blame for their own choices and behavior". Um, what?

Here is a quote I’ve always liked from Stephen Colbert on cynicism:

Ok this was worth it for the hilarity of realizing I spent all this time responding to someone who quotes Stephen Colbert


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i think you missed the point on the article. it's not saying the claims aren't true at all. it's saying that this is just how young people have always been in general. That there is nothing special about millennials so you shouldn't be facing an uniquely bigger issue when it comes to building meaningful relationship

i think your argument is that our generation (we are pretty much the same age) fits this lazy, irresponsible, materialistic, shallow criteria and you have objective proof for it. and this has led you to become indifferent and maybe resentful toward building relationship because you are so sure there is nothing you want from the people in our generation. (particularly women i assume?)
my argument is that there isn't anything special about our generation, whatever failures we've had should be re-examined because it is too easy and comfortable to blame it the environment instead of something we are doing wrong.

and yes, i do in fact argue that the 20 somethings are just as disciplined as the 20 somethings 50 years ago. Neither of us were around 50 years ago, but we would only hear about the feel good, hard working stories from the old times while media focuses on current negative things. I say that because my personal experience on the people around me tell me that, does that make either of us wrong? probably not.. it's just we grew up around different people and cultures. people not be as "by the book" or hold onto their parents' value as dearly as the older generation, but that's simply because we've had much better access to resources and information than they did. technology has made us more indecisive, but hopefully better critical thinkers and more open minded.

look at the article again, since the ancient greece, people have complained about arrogance and lack of motivation and lack of responsibilities among the young people. we aren't that special.

I don't have a bunch of close friends either. i have maybe 3 people i completely trust as my close friends. im not very social while my brother is the type that can pop into a club and would bump into friends every 3 minutes. He sees all the good in everybody while i'm more cautious and see a lot of negative things, that's why i see familiarity on this forum. but i'm not affected by bad, obnoxious, shallow people the way you are where you seem to become indifferent and accept that there is something uniquely wrong about OUR generation and it's kind of hopeless

when you are as opinionated as you are, you are pretty much destined to have a hard time finding a bunch of people that share your values. all i'm saying is don't be discouraged.

also what's wrong with stephen colbert lol? i just think it's a good quote regardless you like him or not! :p