83 degrees and Zero Clouds


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You all need to move to San Diego!

The January weather here is incredible.



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Fear of earthquakes and the silly cost of living keep me from moving to California.


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We all survive the earthquakes and the cost of living is worth it. California is unlike any other state I've visited. Woot! I went to college on the central coast here and never lived somewhere so beautiful in my life.


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HairlossTalk said:
You all need to move to San Diego!

The January weather here is incredible.


I was just there over the weekend!

My sister went to school down there too, its the closest thing to Rio as far as people go and weather....its not Rio, but I love it there....


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My friend from Cali just moved to Houston, he said he couldn't stand paying over $1000 a month for a one bedroom, old apartment anymore...

He said the cost of living is ridiculous.

I don't want to mess with earthquakes though.. I'd rather stay away from that possibility as much as possible.

I bet humidity isn't as bad in Cali though.. Houston is fuckin nasty.. can't wait to go back to New England where I'm from!

The most beautiful place I've ever lived is Perth, Western Australia... that sh*t is expensive too though!


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If you think the cost of living in California is rough, try moving to central London. $2000/month for a studio apartment (read: zero bedroom) is the norm.



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Damn, that's sick...

I would love to move to the UK, but fuckin not pay $2000 a month for a room.. jesus christ talk about rip off!


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The rest of the UK isn't as bad as London, plus the exchange rate right now is horrible. A McD's Value Meal would cost you $8 here in London.



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That really is sad.. I would want to live in London too. The RAAF purchased some C-17's from America and I worked on those with our air force.. it would be cool to move there and train the young guys on those jets.

I wouldn't eat that McD's stuff anyway, I'd go grocery shopping. ;)


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21gone said:
offtopic? lol

Well yeah, but I mean how much can be said about San Diego temperatures?


Old Baldy

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Oh, you ain't right HairLossTalk.com! It's 83 degrees below zero and all clouds here in Siberia, (I mean Michigan).


London town Feb 2004, girlfriend buys a small one bedromm flat in London, cost? £239,000 ($447,000) thats pretty normal for London



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Iwan Maier said:
Fear of earthquakes and the silly cost of living keep me from moving to California.
Cost of living, agreed! But this is exactly why it costs so much to live here. Where else in the United States is it in the mid 80's with no clouds a perfect sea breeze and ideal humidity with zero bugs in the middle of January? This is why we pay what we pay here.

Anything north of Santa Cruz I would not agree is worth the cost of living. My family lives in San Jose and that place is completely unimpressive to me. In fact .. the stained yellow 711 with its run down looking crappy finish around the corner from mediocre looking houses built in 1973 that cost 1 million ... now that I agree is dumb.



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Iwan Maier said:
I don't want to mess with earthquakes though.. I'd rather stay away from that possibility as much as possible.
They're literally a non issue. For the most part. Ive been here 7 years and felt a couple but its ... no big deal. Just walk outside.

IwanMaier said:
I bet humidity isn't as bad in Cali though.. Houston is fuckin nasty.. can't wait to go back to New England where I'm from!
You've never been here? GASP. Picture room temperature 80% of the year with low humidity and no flies. I repeat. No mosquitos. No bugs. No gnats. No flies. Have a picnic? No flies.

IwanMaier said:
The most beautiful place I've ever lived is Perth, Western Australia... that sh*t is expensive too though!
Funny you should say that. My sister lives in Perth and I spent a few weeks there awhile back. Its almost identical to San Diego. Literally on the opposite side of the planet from San Diego. Its climate, its topography, and nearly everything about it are very similar. The first thing I thought was "This is San Diego". You should come visit sometime. You'd be amazed how similar the two are, and why people love it here so much.



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I agree, San Diego is an incredible place to live. I read somewhere we have the second best weather in the WORLD? :D Maybe we shouldn't talk about it? :lol:


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Nice sounds appealing.. but the weather isn't a good enough reason for me to be broke after the rent is paid ;)

Perth got damn hot though, I can't lie.. sometimes very hot and uncomfortable.

I'm going back to New England eventually man, I appreciate all 4 seasons, I don't like getting ripped off on one or the other ;)

Houston = I'm wearing shorts tonight... pft.
Summer in Houston = nightmare from hell.. a stinky sweaty bayou of moisture and sticky mist. Disgusting !#%

There's people who actually think they need to buy coats in this city, how silly! It doesn't get cold here!

I guess an earthquake wouldn't be so bad .. as long as you're not on a highway that splits in half and your car falls through a crack 50ft down to your demise. :freaked: .. but really, weather cannot justify outrageous cost of living.. not for me anyway. Imagine if you didn't make that much money, and you have nothing left after you paid your $1500 rent.. that's not fun.

I think that Hollywood and celebrities and the p**rn industry seem to give some kind of 'exclusiveness' feeling to a lot of people who move there, and the state feels that they can rip people off because of that 'exclusiveness'.. for me it is just a placebo effect. There are many beautiful states that don't cost as much... period.

Plus you have that fucktard of a governor... ew.


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HairlossTalk said:
mediocre looking houses built in 1973 that cost 1 million ... now that I agree is dumb.

What's dumb is that there are people who would actually pay that much for a mediocre home.

Can you imagine being that stupid? I can't.


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hmmm....in the north of England, it's raining, gale force winds, grey, dull, about 45 degrees, and i love it :lol: House prices here are pretty ridiculous too, luckily i bought mine at the right time a couple of years ago so it's given me some decent equity...but if the market collapses in on itself again like in the late 80s / early 90s then we're all screwed heh

Actually, the weather here does depress you in winter...i was in SPain over xmas and it was over 80 degrees, sunny and calm...i felt so much more relaxed and happier...i mean, i suppose i was on holiday anyway so you'd think i'd be more relaxed anyway but, there's just something about having sunshine and warmth that you can't put a price on really.


HairlossTalk said:
You all need to move to San Diego!

The January weather here is incredible.



where I live theres been only ONE day so far this year where there hasnt been gale force winds and rain. thats it im going to kill myself!

I wanna move to Spain. ole`.