83 degrees and Zero Clouds


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Southern England - 50 degrees and 100% foreboding clouds.

Someone please post a picture of a cloudless sky, I can't remember what colour it is.


HairLossTalk.com can I come live with you in San Diego?

I`ll be your hair b**ch, i`ll follow you around with an alarm clock and tell you what times you need to make topical applications.


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Iwan Maier said:
Nice sounds appealing.. but the weather isn't a good enough reason for me to be broke after the rent is paid ;)
Yet you'll pay the same amount, roughly, for crappy weather in DC, Boston, NY, or Connecticut where the cost of living is almost higher than here in San Diego? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. Now people who do THAT are not thinking! Apartments cost more in Boston and DC than they do here in san diego in a large # of places. Troy makes a very good point about this above.

Iwan said:
I'm going back to New England eventually man, I appreciate all 4 seasons, I don't like getting ripped off on one or the other ;)
How about living in San diego and having it be all 4 seasons at once instead? Another reason why the cost of living is so high here. As I type this it is 80 degrees. I can drive 5 minutes and go surfing. I can drive 25 minutes and go snowboarding in the mountains, which I can see with snow on them from here. I can drive 1 hour and be in the middle of a sandy desert. I can drive 30 minutes and be in a quaint little mexican village. I can drive 30 minutes and be in Rancho Santa Fe where the billionaires of this world live. I can drive 2 hours and be in Palm Springs. 5 Hours and be in Phoenix. 2 hours and be in Los Angeles. 4 Hours and be in Las Vegas. I can see a beautiful warm sunrise against palm trees and ocean in the morning and watch continue to rise over a snow covered evergreen a half hour later. Its pretty cool!

Some pics I took a couple hours from here in Palm Springs last week. This is January 15th folks! 75 degrees where I was standing.




And here is New England in January. 5 months of this? Id rather kill myself. :D




Iwan said:
Summer in Houston = nightmare from hell
I lived there for awhile too. You're right. The humidity is unbearable. But the girls are incredible :)

Iwan said:
I guess an earthquake wouldn't be so bad .. as long as you're not on a highway that splits in half and your car falls through a crack 50ft down to your demise.
There's a better chance of you getting in a car accident without an earthquake than there is of this ever happening to you. Cracks, even at the epicenter, rarely get wider than a few feet at most anyways. That's hollywood for ya.

Iwan said:
weather cannot justify outrageous cost of living.. not for me anyway.
Tell that to the population of Seattle, where it always rains and is cloudy and miserable - the city with the highest suicide rate in the country. :) Mid January I see hot sexy 20-30 somethings walking around with tight butts and large breasts and flat stomachs working out, jogging, being outside, smelling the fresh air ... and I haven't seen someone actually smoking here in almost 2 years. Nobody. Stress is low, morale is high, good for the mind, body, and soul!! :D You're paying for more than just the ability to wear a t shirt in January. People live longer healthier lives in this climate, and to some, that is worth the cost of living. When I lived in Minnesota I acquired Asthmatic Bronchitis 6 times and Pneumonia 8 times. My health has significantly improved here.

Iwan said:
Imagine if you didn't make that much money, and you have nothing left after you paid your $1500 rent.. that's not fun.
Very true and I agree with you. 90% of my friends came to visit here and vowed they'd move here, but just couldn't make it happen because of cost. However they're all miserable right now where they live. The view out their window can be seen above in those pics. If I had to wake up to that every day for even 2 weeks I would crawl into the fetal position and waste away. Look at it from another angle ... living here motivates you to work harder and get a better paying job and make more of yourself. If you can live comfortably on a $30k a year job elsewhere, that's all you're ever going to make. 30k!

Iwan said:
I think that Hollywood and celebrities and the p**rn industry seem to give some kind of 'exclusiveness' feeling to a lot of people who move there, and the state feels that they can rip people off because of that 'exclusiveness'.. for me it is just a placebo effect. There are many beautiful states that don't cost as much... period.
Very true. Visually there are a lot of beautiful places. However, climate as mentioned above leads to activeness, better health, longer lives, better morale, lower stress = longer life, less sickness ... so many positives related to a 70 degree year round temperature ... and the lack of humidity and therefore bugs ... hell ill take it even a step further and say ... my house on Long Island was infested with spiders .. which one ended up biting me at night while I slept .. and i dealt with an infection on my foot from that bite for weeks which turned into a fungal infection which has caused me years of discomfort. All of this relates to the environment you're in.

I've enjoyed the discussion on this topic! Gimme some more points to refute :D :D :D :D

Iwan said:
Plus you have that fucktard of a governor... ew.
"Ewww" ? lol "Only a girlyman says ew!" ~ Arnold



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Slartibartfast said:
Someone please post a picture of a cloudless sky, I can't remember what colour it is.
Drove around the other day and snapped some of these in my area:







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I lived in Seattle for 5 months a couple years ago.. I thought it was badass and I loved it. Mt. Rainier is the sh*t.

As far as the New England weather photo... I LOVE THAT! I do enjoy murky weather. But I also love the Atlantic ocean very much too.

I love the autumn and winter. I love snow. I love it when everything dies and is reborn in the spring.. I love the color of the foilage in autumn. It's therapy to me! ;) Maybe it's because I was born and raised there, and home is where the heart is.. I dunno. But I like the winter months in New England.. and the summers are basically perfect imo.. they're not too hot like any states I've lived in the South (rather there's very low humidity).

Lived in South Carolina for 4 years and thought it was a stinky rat dump. Same goes for North Carolina. Florida is where my grandparents live, hotter than a mothafucker down there and I never want to be in that humidity. Houston.. can't wait to leave this polluted shithole. LA? No thanks. San Diego? I'd love to now that I know more about it.. I probably can't afford it though. :p

Preferences, we all have em'.


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You know Sarasota, Florida is not too shabby this time of year also, HairLossTalk.com! I think we had snow in 1991 with about 1/10 of an inch falling. I love Florida.


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Hey look there's an expensive Lexus SUV in that one pic you took HairLossTalk.com... go figure !


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That SUV ain't that expensive -- about $35K.

Anyway, your digital camera is amazing HairLossTalk.com -- what is the brand and model?



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Hey man I'm 27 and I think $35k is a lot of money.. :(

I certainly cannot afford it at this point in my life.

Even as an aircraft mechanic I'd be hard pressed to get a ride in that price range.. sad really.


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Ohhhhhhhhh Iwan ... cmon. I've lived in both new england and san diego for years and years so ive seen both and I promise you, you'd like it here better, if money weren't an issue.

Yes the digital camera I found is absolutely incredible. It is the Canon PowerShot S410 Digital Elph. I tried some newer models but they were not as good even though they had 5megapixel options. So I searched for this older version and found one on Ebay. The colors, clarity and complete auto everything make it the best one I've owned.

And I currently own the highly touted Nikon Coolpix 4500 which cost a hefty $800. Unless you are well versed in aperture and all other manual settings, dont even bother with it. The pictures it takes are far inferior. I dont have 3 minutes to set up every shot so that its just right. Digital Elph is true point and click perfection.

That second pic with the Lexus in it was taken through the windshield of my car with one hand while driving 40 miles an hour, bumps and all. Can you believe that?



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HairLossTalk.com - beautiful pictures, thanks. The sun-kissed beach looks particularly appealing as I while away Sunday afternoon completing my tax returns.


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So I watched Anchorman last night.. good cologne scene ;)

Also, San Diego is cool in that movie ..

Nice camera and pics HairLossTalk.com !

not me!

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I live in the best-kept secret in the U.S.

The climate does rival that of the likes of San Diego for most months except its *gasp* on the east coast.

I would tell you the name of it but we're already quite tired of fat-assed tourists here.

Not to mention the college that I go to here is 70% female.

Ah, hell. It's Charleston, SC. Anyone that has ever been here will tell you the same: its beautiful, friendly, and not as hard on the wallet.

not me!

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This is a print. The picture for it was taken about 5 miles from my house.

Ok, enough bragging. HairLossTalk.com posted pictures so I figured I would too.


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I have to admit besides that mountian in the backround..florida looks just like that almost year round