A Closer Look At: Atherosclerosis & Heart Disease.


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This would also be a good time to mention the "MR FIT" trial that was conducted during the 1970's (Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial). This was a HUGE, very expensive trial done by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and the National Institutes of Health. They took 12,866 men who were at risk of coronary heart disease. Half of them were placed in a "usual care" group and got the standard care from their own personal physicians, and the other half were placed in a "special intervention" group which got thorough treatments from literally hundreds of experts that involved quitting smoking, lowering blood cholesterol, and controlling high blood pressure. All deaths that occurred in the trial were exhaustively investigated by the doctors, to determine the exact cause.

After 6-8 years of followup of all the men involved, risk factor levels declined in both groups, but slightly more in the special intervention group. Mortality from coronary heart disease and from all causes was not significantly different between the two groups.

So what conclusions are we to draw from the dismal failure of the huge, expensive "MR FIT" trial? In my opinion, it clearly demonstrates that doctors don't know as much as they think they do about atherosclerosis and heart disease. My own advice to people reading this thread is not to put too much stock in what _some_ doctors say about eating saturated fat or drinking milk. Instead of worrying about those specific two things, worry more about the overall quality of what you eat, like levels of various micronutrients, vitamins, trace minerals, etc. Take some reasonable daily supplements of those dietary elements, along with a varied diet. Your heart will thank you for it.


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MisterE why do you post so much diet related crap in a hairloss forum? Shouldnt your articles be a little more centered on male pattern baldness and not other diseases?


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abcdefg said:
MisterE why do you post so much diet related crap in a hairloss forum? Shouldnt your articles be a little more centered on male pattern baldness and not other diseases?

Because I believe what you eat affects your body. All my articles are centered around M.P.B. but these "other diseases" correlate with M.P.B. (mainly, atherosclerosis/heart disease, insulin resistance/diabetes and B.P.H./prostate cancer)!


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Bryan said:
misterE said:
What causes atherosclerosis?
The arteries provide oxygen-rich blood to the heart, brain, and other parts of the body. The inner lining of the arteries is called the endothelium. This inner lining can be injured due to high cholesterol levels, high triglycerides, high blood pressure and diabetes.

You're probably unaware of the "oxidative theory" of atherosclerosis: damage to the endothelium of arteries only comes about when LDL particles are oxidatively modified by free radicals. Until that happens, damage (and atherosclerosis) do not occur. If you want to help protect your blood vessels, take daily doses of various nutrient antioxidants.

40 steps to completely reverse M.P.B.

#14. Reduce L.D.L. oxidation.



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misterE said:
Because I believe what you eat affects your body.

I don't think what you eat affects male pattern baldness to any measurable extent. You're barking up the wrong tree.

BTW, please stop using periods to abbreviate those words (M.P.B. and B.P.H.). Nobody else does that, and I find it annoying as hell! :)

Ian Curtis

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I've read some of your posts misterE and I wonder what you do for a living... Is it related to medicine or do you just read a lot about the subject?


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Ian Curtis said:
I've read some of your posts misterE and I wonder what you do for a living... Is it related to medicine or do you just read a lot about the subject?

To be honest, I'm pretty much unemployed! Right now I only work 2 or 3 days a week as a retailer for a major supermarket (and no it's not wal-mart). I'm also fresh outta high school and still live with my folks, so they take care of me most of the time, until I figure out what to do next after high school.

I do have a huge interest in these types of subjects. I have a huge desire to learn as much as I can about subjects that interest me, this being one of them, I research it almost daily.


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MisterE how do you propose most women even at age 60 have every hair they were born with? Its a huge majority of women but most men are bald at 60. So your telling me every single woman even very large ones eat the very best diet and thats why they never lose hair? In general most men that are balding I see are usually very hairy. Most men I see with teenage hairlines at age 30 or up have very little if any facial hair/body hair. It has to be more then coincidence. Its almost every single case I have ever seen and some of them drink beer, eat hamburgers, and all the same stuff we all eat.

Knowing Science tells us androgens play a huge role in preventing male pattern baldness I really think they are right. 100 percent inhibition of all forms of androgens would probably completely prevent male pattern baldness. The trick is we have no good way of doing that yet.


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abcdefg said:
MisterE how do you propose most women even at age 60 have every hair they were born with? Its a huge majority of women but most men are bald at 60. So your telling me every single woman even very large ones eat the very best diet and thats why they never lose hair? In general most men that are balding I see are usually very hairy. Most men I see with teenage hairlines at age 30 or up have very little if any facial hair/body hair. It has to be more then coincidence. Its almost every single case I have ever seen and some of them drink beer, eat hamburgers, and all the same stuff we all eat.

Knowing Science tells us androgens play a huge role in preventing male pattern baldness I really think they are right. 100 percent inhibition of all forms of androgens would probably completely prevent male pattern baldness. The trick is we have no good way of doing that yet.

Here is what I’m thinking... Women have much higher S.H.B.G. (sex hormone binding globulin) and much lower IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor). Remember that S.H.B.G. attaches to androgens more than estrogens. So women have more S.H.B.G. that is attached to nothing. So when women produce androgens (mainly from diet), the androgens are instantly bonded with the S.H.B.G. and become "deactivated".

I too have noticed that many men with lots of body hair are also bald (but then again, I've seen men without any body hair also completely bald, and vise versa). Once again I'm thinking it has something to do with S.H.B.G. Men that are bald have low S.H.B.G. (same with women). Body hair is grown by D.H.T. So if you have large amounts of D.H.T. that isn't attached to S.H.B.G. you will grow facial hair faster and have a hairier body. Same could be said for large amounts of testosterone that isn't attached with S.H.B.G. (but to a lesser extent) because the "free" testosterone travels around and can either be used as testosterone or converted to either D.H.T. or estrogen.

Many people think that because "so-and-so" can eat all the hamburgers and junk food they want, yet not loose a hair means that diet doesn't have any effect on the balding process. This is false. Certain people are predisposed while certain people aren’t (possibly due to the lifestyle of their ancestors). So if you are predisposed and you live the lifestyle your relatives did...what do you expect?

There are many things that are overlooked when it comes to this topic (such as 16-hydroxyestrogen, insulin, IGF-1, inflammation, and calcium deposits), but in my opinion the most overlooked component in M.P.B. is without a doubt S.H.B.G., in fact it could even be the most significant component!

So lets talk about things that lower S.H.B.G. and things that raise it.

Insulin and IGF-1 both decrease S.H.B.G. So to increase S.H.B.G. reducing insulin and IGF-1 levels is vital, this is done with lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise. Sugar, syrup, and large amounts of carbohydrates without soluble fiber (often referred to as "refined carbs") cause a large increase in blood sugar, so in order to metabolize your blood sugar, you secrete insulin, which then lowers S.H.B.G. All protein directly increases IGF-1, but depending on where you got your protein makes a huge difference. Animal protein increases IGF-1 much more that vegetable protein. But dairy and soy-protein-isolate drastically increases IGF-1 the most out of anything you consume. Saturated fat and trans fat (A.K.A. partially hydrogenated oil) impairs the effects of insulin, which means insulin will have to "stick around" for a longer time in the body, until it finally "finishes it's job". A lack of exercise also increases IGF-1. Dietary fiber increases S.H.B.G. because it slows the rise in blood sugar, which slows the rise of insulin. Dietary fiber is known to bind with cholesterol, bile, dietary fat, toxins and excess sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone and pulls it out of your body, into the toilet, all of which will help restore hormonal balance.


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So what would you advise someone I know that eats nothing but fruits, vegetables, fiber from whole oats, and is going bald at a very young age still? I mean you could say I guess he does not eat the right foods maybe he needs to eat fish, flax seeds, and other things. What if he keeps going bald what then would you advise and how many diets would you have him try before you moved on to something else?


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abcdefg said:
So what would you advise someone I know that eats nothing but fruits, vegetables, fiber from whole oats, and is going bald at a very young age still? I mean you could say I guess he does not eat the right foods maybe he needs to eat fish, flax seeds, and other things. What if he keeps going bald what then would you advise and how many diets would you have him try before you moved on to something else?

First of all, fish is not needed is a healthy diet. In fact I believe that meat (not dairy) should only be consumed before puberty... I would ask him "how many years have you been losing your hair?" How ever many years he says, say "follow misterE's 40 steps to completely reverse M.P.B. for how ever long you've been losing hair."



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Few comments on Fiber.

Not familiar with the scintific details , but when i added significant amount of fiber to my diet ( through psyllium/metamucil), My scalp became very clean/healthy and my hair loss has gone down dramatically. Then again I am atleast a NW6.
I am not sure all fibers are created equal. People in india get a lot of fiber in their diet and perticularly vegetarians diet is high in fiber. ( I am not a vegetarian). But vegetarians in india do loose hair more or less in the same proportion as non vegetarians.


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abcdv12 said:
Few comments on Fiber.

Not familiar with the scintific details , but when i added significant amount of fiber to my diet ( through psyllium/metamucil), My scalp became very clean/healthy and my hair loss has gone down dramatically. Then again I am atleast a NW6.
I am not sure all fibers are created equal. People in india get a lot of fiber in their diet and perticularly vegetarians diet is high in fiber. ( I am not a vegetarian). But vegetarians in india do loose hair more or less in the same proportion as non vegetarians.

Interesting, I too have noticed this with my low-fat/high-fiber starch based vegan diet. I could go months without shampooing my hair, cause it never gets oily anymore! Now all I gotta do is wash with cool water, which saves me money on nizoral.


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I appreciate and congratulate you on your enthusiasm and effort at such a young age. I think you will be able to significantly slow down the hair loss,
with anti inflamation efforts.

But I dont agree with you on your comments on milk in general.
I am also concerned about the things that the cows are getting fed with.
But for a major part (for atleast first 24 years in india ), i did not have to worry
abou this.

If you can get decent milk, My opinion is a cup of yogurt every day can do a
lot of good, when it comes to high cholestorol and contolling weight. If you eat
it for breakfast , it is even better.

And also i dont think fat is as bad as , some people make it out to be. eating too much may be bad. But for proper functioning of the brain, basically being able to read and understand and retain knowledge , fat is very essential.
So no need to eliminate fat. Just have to watch it.


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abcdv12 said:

I appreciate and congratulate you on your enthusiasm and effort at such a young age. I think you will be able to significantly slow down the hair loss,
with anti inflamation efforts.


abcdv12 said:
But I dont agree with you on your comments on milk in general.
I am also concerned about the things that the cows are getting fed with.
But for a major part (for atleast first 24 years in india ), i did not have to worry
abou this.

What don't you agree with when it comes to milk? And what exactly didn't you have to worry about (are you referring to the hormones given to cows that make them produce milk or referring to your hair loss)?

abcdv12 said:
And also i dont think fat is as bad as , some people make it out to be. eating too much may be bad. But for proper functioning of the brain, basically being able to read and understand and retain knowledge , fat is very essential.
So no need to eliminate fat. Just have to watch it.

Well, there are essential fats (omega-3, omega-6), neutral fat (omega-9), and deadly fat (animal fat, trans fat). It is ideal to eat only the essential fats and eliminate the others. The absolute best source of fat is found when you mix ground up pumpkin seeds with ground up flax seeds and ground up sunflower seeds, the mixture of the 3 seeds are a "powerhouse" of nutrition and have the perfect ratio of omega-3 to omega-6


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What don't you agree with when it comes to milk? And what exactly didn't you have to worry about (are you referring to the hormones given to cows that make them produce milk or referring to your hair loss)?

I was just saying , if we can get milk from cows (that were not fed steroids),
It is good.
Even the milk we get these days in US, I think if we boil it properly , It cant
be too bad , in limited amounts.
Am not sure Milk has a whole lot to do with Hair loss.
The over all diet and cleansing will probably play a little roll.

I come to believe , that some dietary fibers , will help reduce/eliminate scalp inflamation. If caught early one can significantly slow down the hair loss.
For me it was too late though.


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Well, don't you think it is strange that we are the only species that drinks another species milk? We are also the only species to drink milk after we are weaned off of breast milk.


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misterE said:
Well, don't you think it is strange that we are the only species that drinks another species milk? We are also the only species to drink milk after we are weaned off of breast milk.

Those questions have been answered SOOOOO many times both by myself, and others. They just seem so incredibly lame by now...


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abcdv12 said:
I was just saying , if we can get milk from cows (that were not fed steroids),
It is good.
Even the milk we get these days in US, I think if we boil it properly , It cant
be too bad , in limited amounts.

I think pasteurized, unfermented dairy is probably one of the one worst things you can eat

During the 1920s and early 1930s, several studies were carried out that compared the effects of raw versus pasteurized milk in children. In one study, 224 chilren at the Boston Dispensary were fed either raw certified milk or grade A pasteurized milk. (Archives of Pediatrics, 1926.) Those fed raw milk were healthier than those fed pasteurized milk, even when the pasteurized milk was supplemented with Cod Liver Oil. In a comparison of two groups of over 100 babies, those fed pasteurized milk had lower weight gain, more rickets and diarrhea and a greater mortality that those fed raw milk. (Archives of Pediatrics, 1929). And in a study of school children in Scotland, those given raw milk had better growth than those fed pasteurized milk. (Nature, 4/18/31).

In a number of studies involving rats over several generations, researchers Scott and Erf documented normal growth, good health and gentle disposition in rats fed an exclusive raw milk diet. Rats fed pasteurixed milk were anemic, had slow growth, rough coats, loss of vitality and weight, and were very irritable, often showing a tendency to bite when handled (Jersey Bulletin, 1931 Vol 50)

In studies of Guinea pigs carried out by Wulzen and Bahr, animals fed whole raw milk had excellent growth and no abnormalities; those fed whole pasteurized milk had poor growth, muscle stiffness, emaciation and weakness and death within one year. Autopsy of pasteurized milk fed animals revealed atrophied muscles streaked with calcification and tricalcium deposits under the skin and in the joints, heart and other organs (American Journal do Physiology, 1941).

Raw milk contains numerous components that kill bad bacteria and strengthen the immune system. In the infant, these components provide immunity for life to any pathogen to which the baby is exposed. These components are mostly destroyed, or greatly reduced, by pasteurization.

http://editor.nourishedmagazine.com.au/ ... tep-closer

so the only options are raw, which comes with a set of it's own problems or yoghurt and only in small amounts (fear of ethyl carbamate) for the probiotics