A healthy alternative


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Hey guys, i sympathize with many of my fellow balding friends. i just wanted to tell you how ive coped with my balding.

Every single time you get an urge to look at your thinning hair, stop yourself cold. Instead go out and buy a weight set for the cost of a month of propecia. Everytime you have that thought, instead do some body lifting. Workout everday for an hour or more. Many ppl hear spend 2 hours alone looking in the mirror. For what? workout instead. Work on your shoulders the most. Why? Cuz it help build the structure of the neck and face. Giving you a masculine appearance. THen shave ur head and tan. Beleive me, you get girls swarming you!

I dont even miss my hair at all..I used to have no jawline and shaving looked awfull...but lifting does improve this and the tan darkens the contrast so you just look hot...remember every time u get a thought to go run to the mirror, instead run to your weights.


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DammitLetMeIn said:
tan? like rub on stuff?

persnally i think theres a link bwetween weights and baldness.

Keep that in mind.

Anyways i agree, this guy is definetly on the right track!

When you lift weights and work out in general, theres a good chance SOME of the fat you'll burn will come from the face, coupled with tanning it will really help accentuate your facial structure.


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i really meant go to a tanning bed...seriously, you look 100 times better with a sweet tan and no hair than lots of hair and pale as a ghost and whimpy muscles...

to iterate the truth of this- my college roomate was my height and weight but always worked out and always tanned...get this, he was about a norwood 3-4... i was a decent looking guy with loads of hair back then..no receding...but i was into computers and didnt work out or tan...my roomate was very self confident too....

so guess who got all the ladies? the damn baldy! I was always so jealous that i at one point WISHED i had male pattern baldness!


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blondeguy said:
DammitLetMeIn said:
persnally i think theres a link bwetween weights and baldness.

You've got to be kidding. :p

Nah, I'm not kidding. I have read A LOT of hair loss stories over the past few months and the number of them who are either from seasoned weightlifters or people who had just started getting into weights when their hair loss happened/begun is really really high.

ITs not that unbelievable when one considers the consistent rising of testosterone which doing weights causes, the extra demands placed on nutrients and the body and the release of cortisol.

hair today gone tomorrow

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DammitLetMeIn said:
blondeguy said:
DammitLetMeIn said:
persnally i think theres a link bwetween weights and baldness.

You've got to be kidding. :p

Nah, I'm not kidding. I have read A LOT of hair loss stories over the past few months and the number of them who are either from seasoned weightlifters or people who had just started getting into weights when their hair loss happened/begun is really really high.

ITs not that unbelievable when one considers the consistent rising of testosterone which doing weights causes, the extra demands placed on nutrients and the body and the release of cortisol.

the rise in testosterone production during weight training is a small one...I highly doubt this would trigger male pattern baldness.


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hair today gone tomorrow said:
the rise in testosterone production during weight training is a small one...I highly doubt this would trigger male pattern baldness.

Is it really a small one though when done over months in addition to an anabolic diet?

Plus, one has to consider the increased levels of cortisol weightlifting causes...

hair today gone tomorrow

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DammitLetMeIn said:
hair today gone tomorrow said:
the rise in testosterone production during weight training is a small one...I highly doubt this would trigger male pattern baldness.

Is it really a small one though when done over months in addition to an anabolic diet?

Plus, one has to consider the increased levels of cortisol weightlifting causes...

yes because its simply a spike and your test. will return back to baseline....if you dont believe me take a blood test and find out....I was heavy into weight training and my test stayed around the same...i have to brother one a year older and one 5 years younger both have NEVER trained and both started balding earlier than i did.


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hair today gone tomorrow said:
yes because its simply a spike and your test. will return back to baseline....if you dont believe me take a blood test and find out....I was heavy into weight training and my test stayed around the same...i have to brother one a year older and one 5 years younger both have NEVER trained and both started balding earlier than i did.

If you're constantly spiking it though...?

Look at the no. of members on here who do weights:

Gardener, Michael Barry, Harie, Jayman, BrianPeppers, Zack MacQueen, CCS...the list goes on and on.

More than a coincidence?

hair today gone tomorrow

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so do i...and Im more hardcore than the prob are...I squat and deadlift and those are the two that are "supposed" to make your body produce more hgh and test. but even guys that know about weight training know that increase in these hormones is very low and not likely to cause much of an effect.

You have to realize that within hours of your workout your test. levels will be back to baseline...if you believe that working out cause male pattern baldness than you might as well believe hat sex and masturbating causes male pattern baldness b/c there is also a spike in test. when you do those.


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hair today gone tomorrow said:
so do i...and Im more hardcore than the prob are...I squat and deadlift and those are the two that are "supposed" to make your body produce more hgh and test. but even guys that know about weight training know that increase in these hormones is very low and not likely to cause much of an effect.

You have to realize that within hours of your workout your test. levels will be back to baseline...if you believe that working out cause male pattern baldness than you might as well believe hat sex and masturbating causes male pattern baldness b/c there is also a spike in test. when you do those.

I actually do believe sexual activity causes a spike in DHT and it causes increased facial hair growth. I think the effects of weightlifting would be much greater however.

hair today gone tomorrow

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no..trust me I work out hardcore...I played football in HS...my beard growth sucks....I shave 1 a week or so and I still have gaps where there is no growth...ill be 24 in august. My lil brother is 18 doesnt play sports and doesnt lift weights he shaves more often and he has a thicker beard.. he is already showing signs of thinning...I didnt thin until just before my 23 birthday.


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hair today gone tomorrow said:
no..trust me I work out hardcore...I played football in HS...my beard growth sucks....I shave 1 a week or so and I still have gaps where there is no growth...ill be 24 in august. My lil brother is 18 doesnt play sports and doesnt lift weights he shaves more often and he has a thicker beard.. he is already showing signs of thinning...I didnt thin until just before my 23 birthday.

Man, I'd love to believe that weightlifting has no effect on hair loss. I was an avid weightlifter and weigh 98kgs.

But I'm convinced there is a link there whether its cortisol or testosterone.


DammitLetMeIn said:
hair today gone tomorrow said:
no..trust me I work out hardcore...I played football in HS...my beard growth sucks....I shave 1 a week or so and I still have gaps where there is no growth...ill be 24 in august. My lil brother is 18 doesnt play sports and doesnt lift weights he shaves more often and he has a thicker beard.. he is already showing signs of thinning...I didnt thin until just before my 23 birthday.

Man, I'd love to believe that weightlifting has no effect on hair loss. I was an avid weightlifter and weigh 98kgs.

But I'm convinced there is a link there whether its cortisol or testosterone.

there is no link. and i don't do weights that much anyway. maybe once a week if that dude. it is just a temporary spike. now you may think you see a correlation because a lot of bodybuilders also use anabolics which can accelerate male pattern baldness in susceptible individuals. but if you're not using any supplements or roids then weight lifting is not going to hurt your hair.


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i took up seriuos lifting...and it didnt cauuse me to lose more hair..in fact i think it slowed it a lil


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jwilson02 said:
i took up seriuos lifting...and it didnt cauuse me to lose more hair..in fact i think it slowed it a lil

im just saying, i've read a lot of male pattern baldness stories and many many many have included weights.

surely more free T means more to be converted to DHT?


DammitLetMeIn said:
jwilson02 said:
i took up seriuos lifting...and it didnt cauuse me to lose more hair..in fact i think it slowed it a lil

im just saying, i've read a lot of male pattern baldness stories and many many many have included weights.

surely more free T means more to be converted to DHT?

yeah except that if you're on a drug like avodart, it blocks the 5ar enzyme from doing that, and plain old t is pretty harmless relative to DHT.

i think what you are saying is just a coincidence, like the people who used to say that hats in the army caused hair loss. it just so happened that some of the people in the army were at the age where they start to lose their hair.


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JayMan said:
yeah except that if you're on a drug like avodart, it blocks the 5ar enzyme from doing that, and plain old t is pretty harmless relative to DHT.

It could be coincidence and i hope it is. i do not use propecia/avodart.

this is what dr rassman says:

The amount of DHT is usually proportional to testosterone levels. High testosterone will usually produce more DHT.


DammitLetMeIn said:
JayMan said:
yeah except that if you're on a drug like avodart, it blocks the 5ar enzyme from doing that, and plain old t is pretty harmless relative to DHT.

It could be coincidence and i hope it is. i do not use propecia/avodart.

this is what dr rassman says:

The amount of DHT is usually proportional to testosterone levels. High testosterone will usually produce more DHT.

okay. i'll take him at his word. still, the testosterone increases go down about 2-3 hours after weight lifting, so unless you're weight lifting 4 times a day every day, i don't think you have anything to worry about. 2-3 hours isn't enough time to convert it to dht and do damage to your hair. it would have to be a consistently higher level, not just temporary increases in serum testosterone.