A Study Regarding The Importance Of Personality


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While I'm on the tan subject; a lot of people make the mistake of 'just bying and applying a suncreen with a great SPF factor' while never educating themselves and not knowing the difference between UVA and UVB. If you're ever going to apply any sunscreen, look for one not just with a high number on it, but for the ''right ingredients''. 95 % of UV rays that reach the surface of earth are UVA, and those are arguably the most harmful ones (causing most type of cancers). At the same time, we lack in ability to consistently and reliably block those rays. UVB actually ''hardens'' the skin, making it more durable in many ways. Any way, sunscreen vary enourmosly in ability to actually protect the skin and what they claim, so read on behind what the small letters say on each bottle, or at least look for ''wide range'' or ''UVA and UVB'' sunscreen protection.

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tanning is great if you want to look like you do manual labor for a living.

Soft angelic tones, and light pigmentation has and will always be considered a sign of status.

next you will tell me to have someone paint a generic tattoo on my fore arm to look niche.


Shitty trend, trashy look. GG


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tanning is great if you want to look like you do manual labor for a living.

Soft angelic tones, and light pigmentation has and will always be considered a sign of status.

next you will tell me to have someone paint a generic tattoo on my fore arm to look niche.


Shitty trend, trashy look. GG

tan = low intelligence


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Lmaoo you deleted a picture of the tanned tatted dude cause you knew he looked good lol what a fail.
was an accident, because of duplicate post.

it was an example of looking ridiculous, which he does.

Facial aesthetics dont compensate for that

g.i joey

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was an accident, because of duplicate post.

it was an example of looking ridiculous, which he does.

Facial aesthetics dont compensate for that

How does he look ridiculous? These pale tatted lifeless freaks look ridiculous, the tanned dude actually looked a lot better than the other 2 freaks you posted, especially the first dude.

And what if a tanning bed and natural tan is indistinguishable, how do we know who has the low iq. It's reached a point where most of you literally just say anything.


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How does he look ridiculous? These pale tatted lifeless freaks look ridiculous, the tanned dude actually looked a lot better than the other 2 freaks you posted, especially the first dude.

And what if a tanning bed and natural tan is indistinguishable, how do we know who has the low iq. It's reached a point where most of you literally just say anything.
Tanning beds increase your chances for skin cancer, and pre mature photo aging ten fold

Dont need to be exceptionally smart to realize how detrimental it is.

g.i joey

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Tanning beds increase your chances for skin cancer, and pre mature photo aging ten fold

Dont need to be exceptionally smart to realize how detrimental it is.

Hmm yes, you're so right, because showing pictures of tanned/non tanned tatted guys really helps depict the aging and skin cancer risks tanning beds offer.

g.i joey

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guys dont forget breathing.

Faggots walking around like they are entitled to breathe wherever they go, its the latest trend around here too.

Beyond disgusting whenever i see a bald man breathe, thinks it makes up for his petty existence.

OMG dont make me mention the tanned tatted guys who think they can just breathe wherever they go, sh*t looks ridiculous, low iq betas breathe freely.


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