Abstinence is the major weapon in defeating hair loss!!!!

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Tons of hate we are getting. Projection?It is more than obvious that you, wankers, are projecting- spilling your hatred and frustrations. What? OCD "touching your dick" is getting over you?

Get over it, Fred! girls are blowing you off because you are a dick, not coz you're bald!

How old are you. 10?? working on your Phd? Are you idiot savant or something? lol, I'm sick of you degrading us, constantly pointing out your "superior" intelligence. It is clear you are very usecure human and you somehow wandered into academic spheres.
On top of that, you're extremly naive and narrow minded. You're that "simpleton" guy from your story.

OK, back to merck:

YES! but its easier to get fake publications published.

(read the comments below)


I don't even have to read that, because if it's true, it only proves my point further. There are people out there that would love to bury Merck into bankruptcy by providing that finasteride is "poison". So tell me Mr. Dip****, why hasn't it happened? Has Merck paid off everyone on the planet except you? lol

Stop calling people you don't know wankers you moron. Not only do I masturbate half a dozen to a dozen times every month, but I also have sex dozens of times a month. We keep telling you that nofap doesn't regrow hair, and all you do is go back to saying wanting is pathetic. Fred is right, you're just pathetic. Have fun :) thread is dead in a section most people don't read. Mission accomplished.

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Oh and btw, you can keep calling me dumb, but most people that don't know me still address me as Dr. when I meet them. So you enjoy your NoFAP, I'll continue to enjoy my hair and my success.

I've been on the forum for one month and I've already amassed 5 green ticks. It makes me laugh that you've been on here for over half a year and have so many reds. Guess what, people find what I have to say helpful, and find the crap you spew to be garage.

Yea yea, everyone is dumb, and you're the only smart one, sure buddy. :jackit:


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And i was wondering where all the anti science nut jobs went... Once there was a thread where people were using a rolling machine to cure baldness because clearly, the scientists funded by evil financiers, would not want us to know that...Nothing good came out of it , so some people decided to resurrect myths from the year 1920...

These same evil scientists, in the pursuit of grant money, once created a polio vaccine, which probably stopped some of you from being crippled for life, they also invented everything from this computer to the internet so one day you can use it to spew venom against them, AND ABOVE ALL
Because of their efforts, at once , life expectancy was 31 years, now it is 70 years.

Have some of you got no shame left in you? A bunch of in-gratuitous pieces of t*rds who take everything we have now for granted. And then writing conspiracy theories on what is wrong with the world and why we have no cures for this and that. I tell you, what is wrong with the world: crackpots and nut jobs like the anti-science brigade here is what is wrong with the world.


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PropertyPer 100mLIn average volume (3.4 mL)
Calcium (mg)27.60.938 a glass of milk=244 mg
Chloride (mg)1424.83 a nut=78mg
Citrate (mg)52818.0 one baked potato=926mg
Fructose (mg)2729.25 1/2 cup of pineapple=1-2g
Glucose (mg)1023.47 one cup of dried fruits=45g
Lactic acid (g)622.11 Milk
Magnesium (mg)110.374 a banana=32mg
Potassium (mg)1093.71 a cup of cooked white beans=1004mg
Protein (g)5.040.171 100g turkey breast=30g
Sodium (mg)30010.2 a tablespoon of salt=6976mg
Urea (g)451.53
Zinc (mg)16.50.561 100g cooked oysters=78.6mg

Come on people, aren't you just tired of justifying fap?
I mean, if you do it, ok, but that's a private activity, why all this effort to defend it?
The more you defend it, the more you are suspect of doing it excessively, maybe everyday.

LEt me tell you what i think: you simply can't refrain from fap @p**rn, you are "slaves" of internet p**rn, so you try hard hard hard to believe that it hasn't any connection with your hairloss. Well, we never know...

But, that was intersting, between two internet p**rn fap sessions, some research on minerals and vitamins, yeah "cool". :)

I have a question for you fap defenders on here: if we were to look at your internet browsing history, what would we find there?

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Not only do I masturbate half a dozen to a dozen times every month,

We apreciate your honesty...now all is understandable.

Oh and please shut utp with that "reputation" crap. From what can easily be seen on this forum, the more fapper you are or the more miserable you are about your hair-loss, or the more cynical threads you open=THE MORE "reputation" you have...It's pathetic.

Look who have the more "red" starts=the ones that are not fap lovers. That says it all.


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A quick background on the science: It has been shown in rats, and now also in other mammals, that there is a decrease in androgen receptors (testosterone is an androgen, so basically they're less sensitive to testosterone) after ejaculation.This means that your brain absorbs less testosterone after ejaculation. These receptors revert to their original density after 24-72 hours, depending on whether sexual satiety was reached (the mammal was all sexed-out)
How does this relate to us? Every time you watch p**rn, you masturbate, right? I don't really know of anyone who watches p**rn for the plot or special effects... With every ejaculation, there's a decrease in your androgen receptors, albeit only for a day or two. However, this brings 2 problems:
1) Every time you ejaculate before all the receptors are restored, you extend the time required for full restoration of androgen receptor density. Considering that many of us masturbate at least once a day, this means that we never allow our receptor levels to be restored, and given that it can take up to 72 hours for restoration from just one ejaculation - chances are that there's an exponential decrease with every ejaculation.

"Serum androgen levels did not vary after one ejaculation or copulation to exhaustion. These data reveal that sexual activity reduces AR in specific brain areas and suggest the possibility that such a reduction underlies the sexual inhibition that characterizes sexual satiety" http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12689608
Here's a study which links an increase in estrogen receptors after ejaculation:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0018506X06003345
There's a multitude of info on this available at yourbrainonporn and various other sites too, though I prefer purely scientific unbiased sources such as the above links

In the brain only?

This is why low AR receptor count (sexual satiety) + already low DHT levels = depresson

You have two combinations. The ideal is

normal T + full AR + low DHT
and not so ideal is
normal T + low AR count + high "compensation" DHT

To do finasteride without mental sides you need to at least stay away from p**rn


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Actually it's been 2+ weeks since the last fap :) I just wanted to show you guys that semen loss per ejac. isn't as significant as you make it out to be.unless you're jerking it excessively.


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Fred isn't it obvious semen is rich in vitamins, it explains why women don't suffer from male pattern baldness.
I would altogethor just never poop or pee and keep all those vital minerals/vitamin in you. Pretty legit to me.

some women do suffer from male pattern baldness.


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Actually it's been 2+ weeks since the last fap :) I just wanted to show you guys that semen loss per ejac. isn't as significant as you make it out to be.unless you're jerking it excessively.

Its not necesseraly the literal loss of zinc thtough ejaculation.
Body needs zinc to produce semen in the first place. Semen is in a sense living tissue like the skin on your arm etc...


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IMO- it's hormonal imbalance and effects of it to blame, caused by fapping. Not so much loss of nutrients. Nevertheless, zinc deficiency is not uncommon, especially on a global basis.
And the table Zizoux suggested is meaningless- absorbtion of zink is much more complex. I.e. you have a person with some gastrointestinal disease and cant absorb zink no matter how much mg a day this person consumes.
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Never heard of this condition.. Had to look it up. Thank god my balls are OK. It effects 15-20% of man, age 15-30. How it effects T?

I had this thing since I was 14 years old , on my left testicle , it causes a mild discomfort sometimes , but nothing to worry about.

it affects your fertility + overall testosterone.

your affected testicle is drained from its blood by some dilated veins , it's shrunken ... therefore it produces less sperm.

quite frankly , I can live with it ..... but I am just concerned about the low testosterone caused by it , I'll do blood tests this week.

basically it messes with your testicles function and affects their sperm/testosterone production. I had a fertility test done when I was 19 , that was ok.

thing is , is it a benediction or a malediction? strictly talking about hair.
if it's like almost being castrated , I would say this is a benediction to hair.

edit : apparently californiaoceans911 doesn't like the fact that I have a varicocele that he actually neged this post , sorry not to be perfect .....
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thank you for the links maher , that's some good additional information.

the only treatment is surgery , but if everything is hunky-dory , I don't think I would bother , my urologist said the same thing : "wait & see" but in arabic.

I'll wait until my testosterone levels outcomes are released.

sorry to involve this with this thread , that has nothing to do with masturbation , but that's related to testosterone and testicles all the same.


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sorry to involve this with this thread , that has nothing to do with masturbation , but that's related to testosterone and testicles all the same.

Hairloss forum or not, I think its good to be informed in this sort of conditions, concerning mens health. We all need to contribute to raise mens health awareness.

PS: I'm really curious about your T level..
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Hairloss forum or not, I think its good to be informed in this sort of conditions, concerning mens health. We all need to contribute to raise mens health awareness.

PS: I'm really curious about your T level..

I'll post it right here when I'll get the results, I am doing the tests at late august on second thought, I would have reached 2 months with nofap.


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Abstinence is bull****!! This is a ridiculous thread...
And if somebody want to fap, it's his own private decision, keeping no-fap "journals" is ridiculous.
And what's the difference between nofap and sex, anyway?
You'd better go to a monastery and become monks, those of you supporting this crap!


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Abstinence is bull****!! This is a ridiculous thread...
Only fact is there is no one-size-fits-all. A guy for whome finasteride does not do a thing in terms of his Androgenetic Alopecia, could equally shout "Finasteride is BS!". For others it is a 'major weapon' against Androgenetic Alopecia. Could not care less. Perhaps you cannot do better than that.


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Except that finasteride is proven to work for more than 80% of users. Abstinence is not proven to do anything for hair loss, or anything at all for that matter.
Now I am impressed - not! Relative numbers, unless they are 100%, mean jack for a particular individual. Meaning, in the end the only thing that matters is, if a thing is useful to me, or not. In this respect I could not care less about yours 'abstinence is not proven [blah blah]' (BTW noone ever even tried to prove it, so you 'pulled a straw man' lol) because I (and possibly others too) have proven it to myself beyond any doubt, and this is the only thing that matters to me. All you have to understand is that I only bother about what concerns my own situation. People like you act boorish. If nofap - I call it nosex (superordinate) - is not for you, or you, or the other guy - good for yous - do not get overexcited but you are not everyone -, why bother? Just GTFO.
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Except that finasteride is proven to work for more than 80% of users. Abstinence is not proven to do anything for hair loss, or anything at all for that matter.

"no rest for the wicked" applies to you it seems....

I have already told in my previous posts that treatments work for some people while they don't for others.

it's not because nofap didn't work for you that it won't work for others (and I am not talking only about the hair part)

psyhotria is right , if it works for me why bother with a percentage ? I already know it's real

I am at almost two months , I am not sure if it did something to regrow my hair , but the only thing I can tell for sure is that the shedding is gone, that's not nothing , let alone the psychological part , but I am not going to dwell on it because it isn't this forum's business.

If it really did something for the regrowth I'll post pictures , I already have pictures prior to the therapy.

unfortunately for you "fact-guy", there is no proof to demonstrate that about the shedding, you'll just have to believe me.
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