Abstinence is the major weapon in defeating hair loss!!!!

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you are right , electricity isn't natural : watt , edison , volt & all his cronies brought it.

I would avoid them (phone , television....) if I could , but unfortunately , it is a necessity nowadays , or more realistically an addiction for some.

natural (talking about human behaviour) according to me is something that you have no hold on. sleeping , urinating , eating , if you don't you die.

if you don't masturbate or have sex , you won't die , easy as ABC .

what is natural is having wet dreams.

edit : my libido is gone as well , or perhaps that's me that is not trying to have fantasies thereby hindering it.

@baylifeguy911 : I am doing it old school , maher is doing it his way.

your thing about procreation only applies to me

Yup you guys are right, masturbating and having sex isn't natural at all. Don't do it! :uglylol:

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at least ??? don't insult yourself , many people wouldn't have held out more than one week.

considering your input and as far as I can tell , this thing varies from a person to another.

I am going to be frank with you , I've said that on the other thread already , I went on a 2 weeks trip in france (in early 2014) that compelled me to not masturbate , turns out I was shedding like crazy during all the 2 weeks , and for one month , but here I can have an excuse : maybe climate change or stress.

maybe there is an explanation for you as well , anything unusual during your abstinence period?

Yup your shedding and not shedding periods have nothing to do with anything else going on. It's all about not masturbating. You guys will do anything to convince yourselves that nofap has an effect.
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Yup your shedding and not shedding periods have nothing to do with anything else going on. It's all about not masturbating. You guys will do anything to convince yourselves that nofap has an effect.

I am sure that if you cut out the baylife style and move from that san francisco coast of yours (assuming that you are from SF) to a bunch of tryhards' city like new york , you'll experience shedding , because of the climate change.


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Your success is due to finasteride. Nothing else.

If you think otherwise, then stop the finasteride and continue your abstinence.

See if you maintain.

I was wondering when we were going to see regrowth pics and have people give the credit to nofap, when they sure as s**t know it had nothing to do with the regrowth. The guys doing this are having a great time playing these silly games knowing there are actually real hair loss sufferers that are going to try this garbage and lose ground. Save all your BS papers and so called evidence. The joke is way past old and not funny. The red bars are much deserved. Hopefully when newbies come here and see them, they will at the very least question everything you guys post, and not waste time jumping on your so called hair loss cures.


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at least ??? don't insult yourself , many people wouldn't have held out more than one week.

considering your input and as far as I can tell , this thing varies from a person to another.

I am going to be frank with you , I've said that on the other thread already , I went on a 2 weeks trip in france (in early 2014) that compelled me to not masturbate , turns out I was shedding like crazy during all the 2 weeks , and for one month , but here I can have an excuse : maybe climate change or stress.

maybe there is an explanation for you as well , anything unusual during your abstinence period?

Thank you. :) I have this restlessness. You know you're tired but as soon as you lay down, you have that tingling feeling down there :) Since I have no libido, I feel sleepy most of the time.Also I feel like my immune system weakens. During my 3 month abstinence I got sick 3 times whereas normally I get sick very rarely.

Do you have any suggestion for scalp acne?


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Thank you. :) I have this restlessness. You know you're tired but as soon as you lay down, you have that tingling feeling down there :) Since I have no libido, I feel sleepy most of the time.Also I feel like my immune system weakens. During my 3 month abstinence I got sick 3 times whereas normally I get sick very rarely.

Do you have any suggestion for scalp acne?

Assuming, these are reactions to NoFap, i have to say thats weird. Actually, i've experienced oposite of what you've described.

Are you doin it right? no p**rn! Maybe NoFap is not for everyone, just like finasteride is't.
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Thank you. :) I have this restlessness. You know you're tired but as soon as you lay down, you have that tingling feeling down there :) Since I have no libido, I feel sleepy most of the time.Also I feel like my immune system weakens. During my 3 month abstinence I got sick 3 times whereas normally I get sick very rarely.

Do you have any suggestion for scalp acne?

I had no symptoms during my abstinence , on the contrary I feel more energetic.

about scalp acne , the only similar thing that I had and still have was some knobs poping randomly on my scalp (not more than 2 at a time)


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I think I'm going through flatline. It seems there many guys on reddit/nofap that experience the similar things. I wouldn't call it a withdrawal symptom because there are guys who are on more than a 1 year streak and say that they experience flatlining every once in a while.
Also my beard grows really fast while on nofap.

@maher Why would I want to torture myself? lol.


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I think I'm going through flatline. It seems there many guys on reddit/nofap that experience the similar things. I wouldn't call it a withdrawal symptom because there are guys who are on more than a 1 year streak and say that they experience flatlining every once in a while.
Also my beard grows really fast while on nofap.

@maher Why would I want to torture myself? lol.

lol 1 year+ on nofap you have to be a special kind of loser to do that


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I am sure that if you cut out the baylife style and move from that san francisco coast of yours (assuming that you are from SF) to a bunch of tryhards' city like new york , you'll experience shedding , because of the climate change.

I don't live in the bay area. And FYI I have lived in Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York. You're dumb.

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right.. because sitting at your computer alone in your room with your pants down is real cool.

No, banging my girlfriend is really cool though. I'm pretty sure any girl worth dating would dump you and run away laughing if you said "I don't want to **** you because I'm afraid of losing my hair".
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No, banging my girlfriend is really cool though. I'm pretty sure any girl worth dating would dump you and run away laughing if you said "I don't want to **** you because I'm afraid of losing my hair".

well then kiss your laughing girlfriend goodbye or wave her bye-bye (your choice) , where is the problem ? hair over women

you're calling me dumb ? when I'll get results you'll call me genius. (not before 6 months of therapy , minoxidil takes as long as 6months to show results)

edit : after reading bagel's below post , and before calling me a troll , just know that I am doing this cold turkey , no sex at all , so I wouldn't care about losing my girlfriend if I had one.


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I don't live in the bay area. And FYI I have lived in Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York. You're dumb.

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No, banging my girlfriend is really cool though. I'm pretty sure any girl worth dating would dump you and run away laughing if you said "I don't want to **** you because I'm afraid of losing my hair".

Let me get something straight here. First of all, sex and masturbation release hormones differently in the brain. I'm in no way saying sex is bad. In fact, sex is GOOD. The high dopamine rush you get from sex counteracts the increased prolactin that is released from sex in a natural, synergistic way. The problem comes from when people are FAPPING, they are severely downregulating their dopamine release. Think of it like.. the first time you masturbated, to the last time you masturbated. the first time.. it was pretty ****ing awesome.. the last time.. probably 10 or 15 years down the line.. doesn't feel as good?

This decrease in dopamine in release is not counter acting the prolactin that is being released from masturbation/sex. So when you are having sex now.. you are more numb to it since you are masturbating for so long. You are not releasing as much dopamine.

sex = good.. masurbation = bad.


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Let me get something straight here. First of all, sex and masturbation release hormones differently in the brain. I'm in no way saying sex is bad. In fact, sex is GOOD. The high dopamine rush you get from sex counteracts the increased prolactin that is released from sex in a natural, synergistic way. The problem comes from when people are FAPPING, they are severely downregulating their dopamine release. Think of it like.. the first time you masturbated, to the last time you masturbated. the first time.. it was pretty ****ing awesome.. the last time.. probably 10 or 15 years down the line.. doesn't feel as good?

This decrease in dopamine in release is not counter acting the prolactin that is being released from masturbation/sex. So when you are having sex now.. you are more numb to it since you are masturbating for so long. You are not releasing as much dopamine.

sex = good.. masurbation = bad.

Though this may be true, I think people take it to far. Done in moderation, I don't think it has any effect. If you're masturbating several times a day, yea that can't be good for you. However, not masturbating will not bring your hair back.

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well then kiss your laughing girlfriend goodbye or wave her bye-bye (your choice) , where is the problem ? hair over women

you're calling me dumb ? when I'll get results you'll call me genius. (not before 6 months of therapy , minoxidil takes as long as 6months to show results)

edit : after reading bagel's below post , and before calling me a troll , just know that I am doing this cold turkey , no sex at all , so I wouldn't care about losing my girlfriend if I had one.

This is what makes me, and many other, give zero credit to any of your posts. You sound demented, and it seems like you have a seriously warped view of what is important in life. Sounds like you have BDD.

Hair <<<<<<<<<<< Women

Our whole biological goal in life is to find a woman and procreate. No matter what you say, this is the biological goal. The fact that you value your hair more than sex with a woman is pretty scary dude.


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Though this may be true, I think people take it to far. Done in moderation, I don't think it has any effect. If you're masturbating several times a day, yea that can't be good for you. However, not masturbating will not bring your hair back.

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This is what makes me, and many other, give zero credit to any of your posts. You sound demented, and it seems like you have a seriously warped view of what is important in life. Sounds like you have BDD.

Hair <<<<<<<<<<< Women

Our whole biological goal in life is to find a woman and procreate. No matter what you say, this is the biological goal. The fact that you value your hair more than sex with a woman is pretty scary dude.

Yes, exactly. Moderation is key in the problem. I just want to clarify before you read what I'm about to post, it is all in my theory at the moment from the research I've done. After years of the masturbation going on, as your dopamine receptors become less effective and your dopamine is released less and less, the problem becomes more "set in stone". Everytime you masturbate, your dopamine receptor and dopamine becomes a little bit more less effective. That is, like you said, if you are doing mutiple times a day. However, if you have been masturbating for multiple times a day all ready for years, it takes abstinence in order to correct it. It doesn't "get better" by only switching to maybe one or two times a week. You need to stop releasing dopamine period so the receptors regain their sensitivity. They are too flooded from years of an ongoing problem all ready.

If you are all ready balding.. then perhaps the doapmine/dopamine receptor problem is all ready too much of a problem causing baldness...

Check this out: hair10.jpg

this looks exactly like male pattern baldness on a woman, does it not? Like literally, it looks like male pattern baldness. You know what actions are at play here to make her go bald?

Telogen effluvium pathophysiology is not well understood, but results from hair follicles' synchronous entry into exogen, the shedding phase of the hair follicle cycle.6, 7, 8 Dopamine agonists' effects on this cycle may be mediated by decreased serum prolactin levels. In healthy volunteers, a 0.3-mg dose of pramipexole decreased prolactin levels nearly 50%; levels remained lower than those in control patients 8 hours later.9 Multiple observations provide evidence for prolactin's role in hair follicle cycling. Clinically, hyperprolactinemia causes hirsutism; treatment of hyperprolactinemia with bromocriptine, a dopamine agonist that inhibits prolactin, can result in alopecia.10 Experimentally, prolactin and prolactin receptor are present in human hair follicle epithelium in hair-cycle-dependent levels.10, 11 Prolactin receptor knockout mice molt and replace hair earlier and grow longer, coarser hair than wild-type mice.11 Furthermore, in vitro experiments have demonstrated that supraphysiologic doses of prolactin accelerate catagen development in murine hair follicles.10

She INCREASED the number of dopamine receptors by taking that prescription drug. And then her prolactin decreased significantly. And then she gets what looks exactly like male pattern baldness.

What is going on here exactly? I'm not 100% sure, I'm still trying to formulate what is happening here with the science and how it is related to nofap. But she got regrowth when she fixed the problem. However, it's clear to me dopamine and prolactin are important contributors to what is going on. And it explains why hair loss has not been solved Once you start messing with dopamine.. especially unnaturally when you start taking medications to change the levels.. it could be problematic.. as many mental disorders orginate with dopamine issues.


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To be honest, you're just positing a hypothesis. I think all the nofap people make some major leaps of faith when connecting dots. I feel like you're assuming a lot of people are chronic mastubators, and this probably isn't the case. I think think I have ever masturbated more than once a day. Maybe as a teenager when hormones are raging but definitely not in the past 10 years. There are millions of people who don't masturbate often but are still bald.


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To be honest, you're just positing a hypothesis. I think all the nofap people make some major leaps of faith when connecting dots. I feel like you're assuming a lot of people are chronic mastubators, and this probably isn't the case. I think think I have ever masturbated more than once a day. Maybe as a teenager when hormones are raging but definitely not in the past 10 years. There are millions of people who don't masturbate often but are still bald.

It is just a hypothesis, you are correct. I have read numerous accounts of regrowth from those who abstained for long periods of time as well as in my own case inflammation goes down after long periods. I am just trying to connect the dots. It is OK if you do not agree man. I just don't see the point in the flaming against each other back and forth lol.
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This is what makes me, and many other, give zero credit to any of your posts. You sound demented, and it seems like you have a seriously warped view of what is important in life. Sounds like you have BDD.

Hair <<<<<<<<<<< Women

Our whole biological goal in life is to find a woman and procreate. No matter what you say, this is the biological goal. The fact that you value your hair more than sex with a woman is pretty scary dude.

sorry , my mistake , I probably don't know what I am saying.

@bagel : as far as I can tell about telogen effluvium , your hair is the reflection of your general condition/health , if you are a stressed/depressive person this would surely have an impact on your follicles' health.

many people (I was among those) masturbate just in order to get that addictive pleasure that boosts their dopamine levels , in fact , it is totally comparable to drugs , the more you indulge in it , the more you want.

by dint of it , you'll reduce your dopamine receptors and it will take time to recover them.

a low dopamine may cause depression and some other mind related symptoms , that's the closest link to stress causing hair loss (don't get me wrong ,I am talking about decreased overall dopamine caused by addictive practices , not about a major stress causing factor like being mugged or divorce ...etc)


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sorry , my mistake , I probably don't know what I am saying.

@bagel : as far as I can tell about telogen effluvium , your hair is the reflection of your general condition/health , if you are a stressed/depressive person this would surely have an impact on your follicles' health.

many people (I was among those) masturbate just in order to get that addictive pleasure that boosts their dopamine levels , in fact , it is totally comparable to drugs , the more you indulge in it , the more you want.

by dint of it , you'll reduce your dopamine receptors and it will take time to recover them.

a low dopamine may cause depression and some other mind related symptoms , that's the closest link to stress causing hair loss (don't get me wrong ,I am talking about decreased overall dopamine caused by addictive practices , not about a major stress causing factor like being mugged or divorce ...etc)

Yes exactly.. that masturbation is like a drug. It is like a drug because it is giving an artificial dopamine boost over and over.. to where the boost becomes and less over time. The overall point I am trying to get across is that dopamine and prolactin counter each other, so if you have abnormal levels in relation to one another.. it may lead to baldness, as evidenced by the study I posted above. What my hypothesis is, is that the dopamine becomes worse over time due to masturbating and prolactin becomes too high post orgasm, and as this cycle continues overtime, it may lead to baldness. Due to a dopamine that is too low and a prolactin is too high, so stopping masturbating will stop set the dopamine to be at normal levels again, and put prolactin back into check.


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Every time I relapsed, at the begining of noFap, my scalp would get inflamed, itchy for 3-7 days. Now, after almost 2 years, if I relapse I would only get minor itch for a day or less and my scalp is never inflamed.
I agree with Bagel, it takes time for all the hormones to check back in order. As the guys from yourbrainonporn would say- it needs to "reboot." Of course, it differs from from man to man how long it takes..
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