All you need is confidence


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That's the common answer to all statements about feeling inferior on here.

So what books can I read to become confident?


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It's about being good in something that when you try it again, you succeed. This comes from many many failures initially.

Basically, do things that you are nervous about or have failed in. My favourite line is when George (Seinfeld) does everything backwards b/c so far, everything he has done has failed.

"My name is George, I’m unemployed and I live at my parents." Then he picks up the girl at the diner lol.


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You gain confidence simply by being successful at whatever you do. If you tend to fail alot, your confidence level may decrease as well along with self esteem. So when hair loss treatments tend to fail, your confidence level may decrease but if you succeed in attracting women regardless, your confidence level increases and so does your self esteem. You don't need a book to tell you that when its all common sense.


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Yes, actions can either make you confident or do the opposite.... you need to know what actions to make, and these books can help you make the "right ones"...

And for Dh; what might seem simple in your view isnt necessarily by someone else'.


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The sad thing is that most confident people are good-looking.

The more shy and insecure types are usually the less good looking.

I have argued this before - confidence is not purely an internal issue. Confidence in most people's cases is related to their enviroment. if they are good looking, rich, famous or something desirable, then people are likely to elevate them and obvoiusly treat them better than usual. So this creates confidence - its the cycle between external and internal.

However one can create confidence to an extent internally, but without positive experience in the area, it will be hard to stay confident.

Confidence is both difficult and easy to obtain.

How many shy NW1 adults have i met? Most seem very bold, strong, and self assured. When it comes to balding/bald adults though, many seem to be more shy and reserved. Just for the record not all NW1'a are good looking, and not all balding/bald guys are bad looking, its not set in stone, but at the end of the day we all know which is generally more attractive.

Bald doesnt neccaserily mean unattractive. But it neutralizes attractiveness in a large % of sufferers. Try and stay healthy overall. For my own health, I am currently trying to quit drinking and smoking. My diet is strict. Damage limitation sirs.


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If I were rich, gorgeous and had a stable job (I have a good job but it's not stable), I'd be more confident. And yes, hair does matter: if I were bald I'd be much more insecure (today I'm 32 y.o., a NW2 and proud of my hair).


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Speaking of confidence, another thing that I'm really proud of is my eyes. I have great vision and never had to wear glasses or contact lenses, thank God for that. (Everything else about my genes is either crap or mediocre, though - I have to work out like a maniac to have a presentable appearance and even my hair was only saved because of finasteride)


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And if you're not just insecure but terribly anxious like me, you can try this:

I got my order today and I'm really excited about it. SEREDYN sounds too good to be true and I only read great things about it.

uncomfortable man

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Why are most all men terrified of loosing their hair? Because deep down they know that life as a bald man is harder. Harder to get laid, harder the get respect and acceptance from society in general. The real problem becomes societies perception of bald people and like SAF once said, we are forced to live in this society and deal with it's prejudices. People still stare, point, smirk and laugh at me when I go without a hat. What kills me is I know that if I had a full head of hair, all this torment would stop. People would see me as a normal person, women would find me attractive again.


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Hope4hairRedux said:
I have argued this before - confidence is not purely an internal issue. Confidence in most people's cases is related to their enviroment. if they are good looking, rich, famous or something desirable, then people are likely to elevate them and obvoiusly treat them better than usual. So this creates confidence - its the cycle between external and internal.

Very true. I have one extremely attractive friend who is always hooking up with new girls every weekend, just a constant rotation. He gets comments on his MySpace page from complete strangers saying "oh, you're so cute".

Obviously this would create extreme confidence, even arrogance, in anyone, which it certainly does in him. Positive reinforcement based on his complete luck at having been born as an attractive male.

It's not fair. Just like the big horn sheep born with tiny, gnarled horns get owned by the other sheep and never get a chance to mate.

Oh well, that's how life is. You can still be confident, and I strive to be, but there are definitely external factors that play on confidence.


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treeshrew said:
Hope4hairRedux said:
I have argued this before - confidence is not purely an internal issue. Confidence in most people's cases is related to their enviroment. if they are good looking, rich, famous or something desirable, then people are likely to elevate them and obvoiusly treat them better than usual. So this creates confidence - its the cycle between external and internal.

Very true. I have one extremely attractive friend who is always hooking up with new girls every weekend, just a constant rotation. He gets comments on his MySpace page from complete strangers saying "oh, you're so cute".

Even guys with hair dont get this. Certainly I never do! It is very rare fo rme to get complimented this way through photos.

Obviously this would create extreme confidence, even arrogance, in anyone, which it certainly does in him. Positive reinforcement based on his complete luck at having been born as an attractive male.

It's not fair. Just like the big horn sheep born with tiny, gnarled horns get owned by the other sheep and never get a chance to mate.

Oh well, that's how life is. You can still be confident, and I strive to be, but there are definitely external factors that play on confidence.

Well its the only thing we can do mate. If you play the odds enough you will probably get laid with an attractive girl, thats all it is...odds.


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uncomfortable man said:
People still stare, point, smirk and laugh at me when I go without a hat. What kills me is I know that if I had a full head of hair, all this torment would stop. People would see me as a normal person

Man, I feel bad for you...not because you're bald and your tormented, but because you literally believe what you've just written. Its text-book body dysmorphic disorder/low self think people are ridiculing your baldness when the reality is...they don't give a sh*t. They're probably thinking that you're judging whatever perceived flaw they think that they have. Its honestly narcissistic to think think that people are affected enough by your baldness to react so negatively to it....THEY DON'T GIVE A f***!!!! You aren't seen as not normal. People see many bald people everyday...there is nothing THAT unusual about it. I'm not saying people don't get stared at...maybe if they are extremely obese or have some sort of defect...but baldness is much too common to elicit the reactions you think it does. I wish I could believe you man, but even when I didn't have hairloss, I never noticed any prejudice from me or my friends or anybody else for that matter towards baldness. I'm not trying to be an *** but you need help to realize the way you see things ISN'T the OBJECTIVE truth. Its not fair to try and make it seem like all bald people are going to be subject to this ridicule when they aren't.