Alot Of Things Will Cause Hair Loss But Almost Nothing Will Cause Hair Growth ?


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United Nations lol. No agenda there.

It's hard to argue with someone who posts flawed studies, and then when you point out the flaws in the study they call that opinion. Yes, that study is nothing but an opinion. They knew the result before they did the study. That's not science.

Oh please, point out how the study is flawed. Let me get my popcorn!


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You got it wrong, its the other direction. People who look good and have good hair just want to maximize their potential for good look and do workout and diet. Balding people just say to themselves "why even to bother?... "

idk bro. Stuffing your body with vitamins nutrients plants organic compounds every day instead of sugar chemicals and artificial junk.

every single vegetable or plant you look up has like 20+ health benefits.

isn’t it kinda stereotypical for fat people to go bald?


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We still live in a more or less nominalist world, this is not really a controversial thing to say. Doesn't matter whether people go around calling themselves 'nominalists.' Don't get hung up on words; that's very tedious and low IQ. I am also not a relativist but a realist, and very obviously so.

This sentence doesn't make sense:

And you are doing it wrong you are not supposed to arrive at dogmatic views your own unbound relativism is leading that approach ad absurdum.

I am all for philosophical debate but so far no one has shown a good grasp of what I'm saying. I'm also getting a lot of butthurt with the 'big words' nonsense. Tf outta here with that.

And I am getting a lot of talk about IQ, claims of people not being able to grasp your brilliance and many vague and unproven claims cooked up by a bored, embittered and jobless philosophy major.


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The violence from Muslims is largely due to the poverty and destabilization of the M.E. as a result of low IQs in the region and geopolitical interference by foreign powers to keep it destabilized. The world is not as black and white as religion=peace or religion=violence .

Saudi Arabia, a brutal absolute monarchy, is our long time cold war ally financing the terror. This is the root cause of the refugee crisis in Europe.
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Saudi Arabia, a brutal absolute monarchy, is our long time cold war ally financing the terror. This is the root cause of the refugee crisis in Europe.

"Absolutely brutal monarchy"

Brutal based on what? (and like a "brutal monarchy" is a bad thing compared to liberalism.)

"Refugee" What refugees? They're just invaders paid by Jews, bankers, non-Jewish stooges like Macron, etc. The crisis is usury and liberalism. No one has a right to move somewhere because of some vague story about hardship. Go drown. There are a hundred Islamic countries you can go to instead, just like with Central Americans passing through like 12 Spanish-Speaking countries before coming to the US.

Say what you want about monarchy and "fascism" (whatever that is in the NPC mind) — at least you could own stuff and have a family in those systems. Not so much in the modern west.


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"Absolutely brutal monarchy"

Brutal based on what? (and like a "brutal monarchy" is a bad thing compared to liberalism.)

Saudi Arabia is an "absolute monarchy" with scare quotes. Absolute authority is hereditary. Ten percent of the people are allowed to vote for the king in sham elections. It's a dictatorship accused of gross human rights violations including torture and murder of dissidents, crushing pro-democracy protests and financing terrorism. Shithole country.
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Saudi Arabia is an "absolute monarchy" with scare quotes. Absolute authority is hereditary. Ten percent of the people are allowed to vote for the king in sham elections. It's a dictatorship accused of gross human rights violations including torture and murder of dissidents, crushing pro-democracy protests and financing terrorism. Shithole country.

- Our votes mean less than nothing.
- The elites hate democracy — look at Trump and Brexit
- Few societies in history have had suffrage
- "Human rights violations" is contentless rhetoric that atheists use.


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- Our votes mean less than nothing.
- The elites hate democracy — look at Trump and Brexit
- Few societies in history have had suffrage
- "Human rights violations" is contentless rhetoric that atheists use.

Your vote means nothing because all of the English-speaking countries still use a mathematically absurd twelfth century electoral method of counting votes. And, Jesus died for a debtor class of slaves not for your sins. Bankers are running the country not Trump or any previous cosmetic leader.


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Your vote means nothing because all of the English-speaking countries still use a mathematically absurd twelfth century electoral method of counting votes. And, Jesus died for a debtor class of slaves not for your sins. Bankers are running the country not Trump or any previous cosmetic leader.

I'll overlook the blasphemy, but this is maybe the first period in history without any concept of jubilee, a regular debt reset conceived as a kind of restoration of the natural metaphysical order. People today who don't understand historical perceptions of usury think the idea preposterous. They've all been lied to by thieves and political grifters. Debt relief is the norm; our society of infinite debt is the queer thing. The so called Catholic Church has been a seat of Rothschild banking for a long time. There is no 'just this one trick' that'll fix the world, but banking as we have right now is a grotesque thing, a near total injustice.


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Without the electoral college and equal representation for states in the Senate the US would have to split up because people in California, New York, Texas, and Florida would control everything.

The US Constitutional democracy, with its three branches of government, is still the envy of the left and right around the world. Your electoral system is rotten, tho. Nobody wants that except a powerful elite few raking the cream off the US economy for themselves. Your voter turnouts are even worse than Canada's. Here is how I would make America great again.
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I'll overlook the blasphemy, but this is maybe the first period in history without any concept of jubilee, a regular debt reset conceived as a kind of restoration of the natural metaphysical order. People today who don't understand historical perceptions of usury think the idea preposterous. They've all been lied to by thieves and political grifters. Debt relief is the norm; our society of infinite debt is the queer thing. The so called Catholic Church has been a seat of Rothschild banking for a long time. There is no 'just this one trick' that'll fix the world, but banking as we have right now is a grotesque thing, a near total injustice.

Aye. The Greeks and Romans were the first to forego debt cancellations and fell into decline as a result. The Roman empire lasted centuries but could have lasted millennia, like bronze age civilizations before, had they wiped the debt slate clean periodically. Instead, the Roman senate decided it would be better to fight a series of civil wars to protect the creditors debt claims in Rome and conquered lands. In the end, once prosperous Roman soldiers became little more than bribed hirelings of the barbarian hordes, and all because the rich didn't want to let go of worthless iou's that could never be paid and refusing to pay taxes in support of empire. The Gracchi brothers and probably Jesus, too, died for our debts not our sins. By declaring the return of Mosaic law for Jubilee "good news", Jesus became the enemy of a vicious empire. Julius Caesar, too, drew the wrath of senators similarly for cancelling interest on debts and redistributing land to ordinary people.

The original 13 colonies set out on a noble effort to create the first constitutional democracy not influenced by a European financier oligarchy. Wall Street bankers are all powerful today, tho. Are Wall Street, City of London or Bay Street bankers trained in how to run a country? This is a problem today. A relatively tiny elite few people are doing all of the central planning. They are *bound to make mistakes, unintentional and otherwise. The fix is *more democracy not more banking deregulation.
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A direct democracy — or some kind of proxy for it whereby the 'will of the people' was enacted — would be at present vastly superior to what we have, which is pilfering by an internationalist corporate class. The thing is 'the will of the people' with all racial disparities included is decidedly (a) nationalist and against immigration (b) against homosexuality (c) against feminism (d) against wars (e) utterly ambivalent towards Israel etc etc. In short were to have referendums on a number of things we would quickly solve most major problems. We would get policy more in line with what someone like Trump talks about in campaigning (and will never actually come to pass through legislation or executive order). Rememeber that even CA couldn't pass 'gay marriage' via referendum; they had to enforce in the courts.

The tenets of corporate moral dictatorship — the morality of Apple, Google, Uber, the universities, and all these pieces of sh*t who run these things — is not popular, and will never have popular support.

I see the problem as being not so much ideological or economical, but spiritual, metapolitical, centered around usury. The general idea of democracy is not something I support in spite of the above; democracy is an inversion of the cosmic order, which is hierarchical in a top-down structure. And so liberal democracy is out of step with creation and is basically satanic. Its historical and philosophical origins are unarguably satanic.

But all this doesn't mean 'the people' have nothing good to say and shouldn't have any participation. Generally speaking the folkish population is always kind of right on about things — everything the hated flyover Americans ever said about the left, that 'if we allow X then Y will be next' .... they were right about all of it. It is the urbanite, the lightly educated and indoctrinated, which is the true tyranny of democracy. This spiteful, self-important, and unwittingly (or perhaps wittingly) satanic person who fills out the ranks of the bureaucracies and corporations, acting as a foot soldier or commissar with his or her dumb opinions.
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Why on earth would we want to throw away our republic for a democracy? I could see it now. 60% for the white party, 12% for the black party, and 28% for the latino party. I don't think that solves anything. We have proportional representation in the house of representatives. The senate provides a balance that prevents majority rule. It's the best system in the modern world. It's not perfect, as it's still too democratic, and it's been eroded over time. For example senators being voted on directly by the people instead of by the states, and the house of representatives being frozen in size since 1929 so that each representative now represents 750,000 people making it impossible to address the concerns of their constituents.

There is no republic. It was overthrown in 1947 with the signing of the National Security Act behind closed doors. A republic might decide it needs modern infrastructure, like high speed rail. China has 18000 miles of it and contributing to economic competitiveness. Meanwhile, the US has an over-bloated military and 8000+ private contractors to the military on the government dole. Meanwhile a multi-trillion dollar Infrastructure deficit persists, and all two political parties can only haggle over how best to pawn it all off to would-be monopolists in order to tollbooth the economy. Tollbooth economies didn't work in medieval Europe, and they won't work any better today.

The last thing we need is a higher voter turnout. We were better off when only 20% of the population was allowed to vote. The day we have 100% voter turnout is the day we become a failed nation. The plebs will just vote to steal from the productive members of society.

Economic neoliberalism goes against the grain of the last 200 years worth of classical economic reform away from the inefficiencies of feudal era economies. Neoliberalism, now dead in the most elite schools for economics, doesn't work. What we have is a billionaire oligarchy feeding off the corpse of American capitalism, and a three-ring circus in Washington to divert our attention away from the fact that a bi-partisan kleptocracy is looting the country. Wakey wakey.
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If you want to MAGA it's not going to be done through making it more democratic. It's going to be done by taking the schools and media back from the liberal elites. Nothing will done about the banking system until the propaganda/brainwashing machine is cut off.

Nothing will be fixed until deep-seated corruption in the WH and Justice Dept is cleaned out. The people doing the looting also happen to own 95% of the media. The presstitute news media's job is to brainwash people into thinking they have a choice in elections. They don't, and 91 million Americans who voted with their backsides in 2016 are the largest party without representation in America today. They are not fooled. Lapdog news media and bought and paid-for bipartisan politicians all on the same team with the Wall Street mafia, their *real constituents.
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The Fed is still salvageable I believe. Its heads are appointed by Washington, but Wall Street has veto power over the Fed as it does the Treasury and other regulatory officials. The Fed is technically owned by its stockholders, but the real problem is that Wall Street has gained overwhelming control over the White House regardless of which party is "elected" to govern. Compared to the very dictatorial experiment in central banking in the EU, the Fed is fixable over the course of a week or so, whereas the EU/ECB has created economic dead zones in its member countries. That is not fixable. The ECB should be disbanded and sovereign money policy restored.

Things really went badly when Clinton repealed Glass-Steagall and dubya added to the woes. Clinton basically legalized bank fraud in the US. $13 Trillion in upside-down socialism to Wall Street to cover their gambling debts on world stocks and arbitrage gaffes. Meanwhile, ten million Americans lost their homes. No money for Main Street. The bankers managed to convince Obama that they are the job creators and needed saving from themselves. In fact, Wall Street has orchestrated the offshoring of tens of millions of good-paying full-time jobs. They've been the job destroyers in America. And so then after losing in 2016, the DNC cooked up a fairy tale about "Russian meddling" to divert the nation away from the fact that the Democrats aren't very democratic. And the Republicans have played along with this charade to a large extent choosing to go along with Russia-gate. Warmongering plutocrats in both parties want to revive the cold war, which was a pointless project to further enrich the fortunes of a few oil companies, military contractors, the Dulles bros etc. The whole mess could be fixed over the course of a weekend, but Trump will fix nothing.
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