A direct democracy — or some kind of proxy for it whereby the 'will of the people' was enacted — would be at present vastly superior to what we have, which is pilfering by an internationalist corporate class. The thing is 'the will of the people' with all racial disparities included is decidedly (a) nationalist and against immigration (b) against homosexuality (c) against feminism (d) against wars (e) utterly ambivalent towards Israel etc etc. In short were to have referendums on a number of things we would quickly solve most major problems. We would get policy more in line with what someone like Trump talks about in campaigning (and will never actually come to pass through legislation or executive order). Rememeber that even CA couldn't pass 'gay marriage' via referendum; they had to enforce in the courts.
The tenets of corporate moral dictatorship — the morality of Apple, Google, Uber, the universities, and all these pieces of sh*t who run these things — is not popular, and will never have popular support.
I see the problem as being not so much ideological or economical, but spiritual, metapolitical, centered around usury. The general idea of democracy is not something I support in spite of the above; democracy is an inversion of the cosmic order, which is hierarchical in a top-down structure. And so liberal democracy is out of step with creation and is basically satanic. Its historical and philosophical origins are unarguably satanic.
But all this doesn't mean 'the people' have nothing good to say and shouldn't have any participation. Generally speaking the folkish population is always kind of right on about things — everything the hated flyover Americans ever said about the left, that 'if we allow X then Y will be next' .... they were right about all of it. It is the urbanite, the lightly educated and indoctrinated, which is the true tyranny of democracy. This spiteful, self-important, and unwittingly (or perhaps wittingly) satanic person who fills out the ranks of the bureaucracies and corporations, acting as a foot soldier or commissar with his or her dumb opinions.