An answer to all the seriously depressing sh*** posted around here

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You can't compare being fat to being bald. Being fat is a self inflicted condition while being bald is totally out of the inflicteds hands. A fat person could just get off their fat *ss and do something, but there is not much a bald person can do to regain their hair. So there is no comparing between the two.

This is true, but often the two are placed into the same category. Bald people are usually viewed as people that have "let themselves go".

Wolf Pack

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This is true, but often the two are placed into the same category. Bald people are usually viewed as people that have "let themselves go".

Most people I speak to know it is inherited/genetic.

The reason these things are lumbered together is that they are viewed as repulsive.

Most girls and guys know the most disgusting looking man is bald, ugly, short and hairy. That's the combo.


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Most people I speak to know it is inherited/genetic.

The reason these things are lumbered together is that they are viewed as repulsive.

Most girls and guys know the most disgusting looking man is bald, ugly, short and hairy. That's the combo.

I would say its more because most men lose themselves when they go bald.
They dont take care of themselves, start letting their hygeine go and look like goobs with the horseshoe all grown out.

Same thing I rant on about bass players giving all bass players a bad wrap because most are weird fat loners who hang in the back alone playing one note.

If more bald guys would grab the bull by the horns and try something maybe it wouldnt be "so" bad.... I dunno big maybe.

Wolf Pack

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I would say its more because most men lose themselves when they go bald.
They dont take care of themselves, start letting their hygeine go and look like goobs with the horseshoe all grown out.

Same thing I rant on about bass players giving all bass players a bad wrap because most are weird fat loners who hang in the back alone playing one note.

If more bald guys would grab the bull by the horns and try something maybe it wouldnt be "so" bad.... I dunno big maybe.

You're right, it would definitively soften the blow and they would have a more positive image generally. But many would still be hurt inside as there would be identity loss to consider and probably girl issues. Unfortunately it's just the way it is. Neglecting other areas though is a very bad idea as a bald guy.


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As humans the only thing, which separates us from animals, is our ability for rational thinking. To grow to our fullest potential it’s important to develop our intelligence to the highest degree and that is how you will truly be happy. Real happiness is a life long commitment consisting of actions that lead to the flourishing of our rational capabilities. The really negative people on this forum (fred the Belgian for example) live their lives as if their plastic mannequins stuck in a store display window whose only purpose is to be admired for physical traits that are going to degrade with age anyways. My point with this post is to be realistic with our worldview and see ourselves as beings possessing the most complex organism we’ve analyzed in this universe (our brains). Before I went bald I never gave two sh** about seeing other bald people. I didn’t judge them negatively nor positively; they were just some random dude I didn’t even know. People on this forum beat themselves up so baldy that they create their own illusion where they’ve been but on a pedestal to be humiliated and repulsed by society when in reality no one gives a f** about it except yourselves. Does hair limit you’re ability to grow as a rational being? Do you have such shallow depth of character and personality that any superficial blow to your physical image so easily crumbles your self-perception and inhibits you from enjoying the awesomeness of the universe? We are more than just corporal beings because we’re already physically unexceptional as a species compared to tigers, who would of wiped us out if it weren’t for our intelligence. So cultivate that and you’re already cultivating yourself to your max potential. People here simply lack resiliency; we’ve never really came across any major struggle or disaster that tested our strength and perseverance. Why not use this opportunity to improve ourselves and bounce back from this; there’s going to be worse struggles in the future as we age and come to terms with dying. If you’re young and balding like me; improve your mind by reading books, exploring the world, traveling, get an education which benefits world peace and leads towards a career that really matters and improves society. I shaved my head slick bald last week and literally nobody gave a fu**; not my coworkers, not my friends and not my girlfriend. Why can’t all of you try to move on? Sure you can post 4-5 or even 10 self-hating rants, but some of the guys here go overboard its almost turning into sadomasochism. When I started balding, I was looking on the internet hoping to find a group of people saying; “Yeah balding really sucks and its hard to deal with at first, but with time you kind of get over it because it doesn’t really affect who you are as a person. But there’s also some treatments you can get on if you want etc.”. Instead what every time I read posts on a forum like this, I felt like someone chopped my di** off. We’re creating our own prisons with this self-hating overly dramatic nonsense. It’s all an illusion, and that’s why I’m getting a lot of crap with this thread’ because I’m stating the simple truth and a lot of people can’t handle that. They'd rather spiral downwards and crumble because it's so much easier and requires less action; we can just blame all our misery on one aspect of our lives. It's just a scapegoat: hell, if I had hair right now I wouldn't be living any different. It's all a pipe dream to justify why our lives are sh**. This is an opportunity to test your strength of character and how stable and resilient you are as a human being. I’m grateful for this chance to improve and grow even further to show myself that I’m a real person and not just smoke and mirrors that can be brought down with the slightest defect in my appearance.

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That's like saying a person who is 400 lbs overweight should't even feel bad because there's people who are 1000 lbs so they don't know what its really like to be judged as being fat. That picture is me buzzed to a no.2 and its STILL visible. Can you imagine if I grow it out? That huge hole does't fill in and the only way you would't notice it is if you had the eyes of Stevie Wonder. Baldness itself doesn't bother me, if I went bald at 40 I couldn't give less of a fu**. But I'm young so its only natural that I want to look the best I can. When I was obese I worked my *** off to lose the weight, so why not treat my hair loss if its not going to kill me? If it works then I'll be happy, but I'm not going to put all my stakes in it. I'm mentally prepared for the worst and will absolutely continue living my life on the current path either way; i.e. I'm not going to kill myself over it. You should really get over yourself because your not going to get far with your narrow-minded perceptions of how the world works.

That correlation between being 1,000 pounds and 400 pounds does not apply. First of all, as one other poster said, obesity is not a genetically inherited trait and through proper diet and exercise, you can become healthy and in shape. Yet there is no viable or effective treatment to regrow one’s hair. Second, it doesn’t matter if you are 1,000 pounds (if that is even possible) or 400 pounds, you’ll still be viewed as morbidly obese. Yet the difference between a person with some minimal hair thinning or a slightly receded hairline and a completely bald person is huge. Not even in the same ballpark, especially when you still have a perfect hairline. IMO, that is why I see most of the "remain positive" and "don't be a Debby Downer" posts coming from people with very minimal hair loss. Because they have no first hand experience as to what it is like to live with more extensive hair loss.

It’s like Nadester says, “you get the kick when you prove it in real life”. I’ve heard plenty of people with virtually no hair loss saying things like “I would never let baldness control my life” or “focus on your mind and your intelligence”. Or postulating some convoluted theory about developing your intelligence and only caring about your looks because you’re young and by 40 years old you wouldn’t give a f*ck. Yet anyone can talk and actions speak louder than words. I’ve never seen those same people actually live lives as truly bald men, so therefore they cannot even claim to know what it feels like. And some have even taken drastic measures so that they would ensure that they would not go bald themselves. Despite claiming that baldness does not matter, they make every effort to ensure that they would not go bald themselves. Their actions contradict their words. We all should strive for intelligence and knowledge but the fact of the matter is that outer looks are vitally important to a person’s physical and emotional well-being, doesn’t matter how old you are. We all want to look our best and unfortunately baldness is a huge blemish to a person’s looks. And worse off, there is no adequate solution to it.

I always hear what I call the “would” statements too. “I ‘would’ just shave my head if my hair loss got too bad”. “I ‘wouldn’t’ care if I went bald later on in life”. Yet as I stated before, anyone can talk and make claims like that. Yet until their actions back up their words, their words will always ring hollow.


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i remember when i was a full head and claiming i wud be confident if i went bald haha

ironic cuz basically the issue was i was carrying the confidence from having hair into my idea of wat baldneas wud be like

ofc factor in not wanting to look weak and such

not many want to admit that baldness sucks

i just went to a college campus the other day and didnt see one single damn bald guy

am i supposed to just take that in my stride and not feel like an inferior pariah?

i was so glad i had my hat on

the fact is we are forced to become uglier and settle for an uglier girl (you could factor in compensation but u wud still get less than if you did those same things with hair)

no matter what you will never be as good as you once were

your identity often becomes broken (or at least you have to make MAJOR readjustments)

you have lost something you can never replace

its easy ammo for jerks to insult you

etc, etc


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Have you ever noticed that my posts are never really that long?

It's because truth needs few words to be conveyed.

BS on the other hand needs a lot of words.

This verbal diarrhea is clearly a way to convince yourself more than anything else.

This is just a phase for you and it will pass, I can guarantee you that.

Adolf Hitler said make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it and eventually they will believe it. The truth is hardly ever so simple and reality is never black-and-white such as your thinking. You need critical thinking and analysis to view life if you want to get passed the bias of your own mind. That's why my post are long and I'm proud of that; they deconstruct social reality and see life in all its true complexity. Your propaganda spewing minimalist dribble on the other hand, requires little thought or judgement ; ZIEG HEIL ZIEG HEIL. Keep up the slogans it only shows me you have little interest in rising up as a person but would rather drag us all down in the same hole your in.

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You can't compare being fat to being bald. Being fat is a self inflicted condition while being bald is totally out of the inflicteds hands. A fat person could just get off their fat *ss and do something, but there is not much a bald person can do to regain their hair. So there is no comparing between the two.

I never compared the two, let me explain. Being 400 = noticeable thinning and being 1000 pounds = bald. Both know whats its like to be fat even though there are degrees obviously.The 1000 lb person has no right to say to the 400 that they haven't faced truly being overweight. Same with the degrees of baldness: society tends not to think of a person as "Oh he's got 40% thinning of hair density on top with an intact hairline therefore he's in the norwood 3a type" They tend to just see me and think "Dude's going bald". THE EXACT SAME as some receding dude. No difference in how society views the two. SO to say I don't know what its like to suffer hair loss is some elitism which makes no sense. Again, I think diffuse hair loss is the worse especially since I'm always the only one in my class to suffer from it and anyways I have no more energy to argue about anything on this site. I'm out. You people are too shallow and some of you are a waste of a human mind. Gone down modern societies' way of thinking we're all animals with the all encompassing goal of looking pretty, not crying, buying alotta sh** and then dying. We've been conditioned to be so insecure by advertisement because its so profitable for companies. We'll never be happy because all our self-worth is fixated on our looks. We are not people with minds, intelligence, personality. Yes balding = life over. Without hair we cannot do anything . You are all right. Forget about our potential for great things. Forget about the evolution of you're character, of your soul. We are hopeless. Fk this seriously, I'm out and never coming back because some of you really disgust me. I can't be on the same forum and be associated with this, its too pathetic. I already shaved slick bald; its been a week. For the first time in 3 years I'm starting to feel happy, not guilty about being born. I wanted to share some of this and have real discussion with some of you on here but you people are vampires. I won't share any progress or any future insights with any of you. I know how to live my life. There's more to the human experience than just being good-looking and super hot. How pathetic it is that some of you can't even get out of your own harmful patterns of thinking conditioned by the capitalist system and companies. What a big joke to call yourself human beings. And to think of you as "men" lol. Get an education and live a life that has some value, what a waste of the most precious experience in the universe some of your are. Then again I don't know what I'm talking about ; I've only got a bald spot on top of my head for the past 2 years at the age of 22. Oh how very sorry of me; all my self worth's in my currently shaved off hairline. Peace out.

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My finasteride is free, my rogaine foam is cheap. I still want to look the best I can if I still could. That is not hypocrisy. I never said hair has no effect on how physically attractive you are, that would be flat out ridiculous and I never said that being attractive is useless; it obviously has its social and romantic benefits (I've experienced the difference more strongly than most after seeing how I was treated before and after my 70 lb weight loss). Some of you try to trap me in your own black-and-white thinking by twisting the nature of what I say but I tend to avoid thinking in such cartoonish extremes as most of you. BUT in the meantime I'm not going to give a f** about the current state of my hair. That's what I was wanting to talk about with people. Treat it and recover if you can, but if you fail; s'alright mate it just wasn't meant to be, but whatever there's more to life you know? Don't beat yourself up over it, don't let it ruin your potential. If i get results, again, I'll be happy if not ; oh well I guess my looks are going to take a hit. Meh, I'm more than looks ; I've got humour, intelligence, I'm fiercely loyal and passionate and I'm on my way to a university degree in psychology so I can spend the rest of my life doing a career that really helps people. I've got no reason in the world to feel bad. This seems to be unacceptable for some of you, therefore even if I get results or fail horribly, I'll keep it to myself and this whole site can burn down for all I care. That's all i got I promise, its the last post don't worry I'll leave you to your circle jerk of misery :D


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I already knew that was too many words for your little mind to handle fred you didn't have to state it out loud, I wasn't gonna call you out on it xD HEIL MEINE FUHRER

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I'm just going to say what everyone is thinking here:


That's all beautiful, but looks count for at least 85% in life, none of the rest matters when it comes to your social worth or attracting a mate.

We've seen it with the young golfer, he's killing it at 21, but all people can see is that he's going bald, and they don't hesitate to mock him for it.

Try to sell all your qualities to a hot young woman, she might like you for a short while, but in the end, she'll wake up: "Yeah he's cool, but come on, he's bald."

OMG HOW DID U GET THAT FAR IN MY PARAGRAPH. Don't hurt yourself now, take a break. Anyways I've got no more responses like I said...uhmmm Yeah since we have no more hair and will never be loved why don't we all just castrate ourselves? Besides avoiding shallow women (the ones who will undoubtedly cheat on you anyways because they will never be physically satisfied in the long-run, unless your Brad Pitt) and being funny/interesting like a lot of bald guys I know (some in their early 20s) who still somehow manage long-terms relationships.They probably do that by first establishing a strong friendship and rapport with the woman beforehand rather than hit on random drunk chicks at a bar. Oh but they don't exist in the reality of this forum, therefore they are not feasible in the real world as well :/ Oh well, we can always just make a batch of koolaid and kill ourselves. I mean even the media (GASP!) those people that make fun of being fat,bald,asian,short, foreign, etc. make fun of it. And we all know those are the greatest unbiased equalizers in society, always portraying reality in unbiased unexaggerated ways to sell bullish** unto us. Even Twitter, that always used to be a beacon for human advancement, equality and justice run by a bunch of mindless 14 yr olds has come to it. There is surely no hope left..


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-__- This is seriously going to de-escalate so yes fred that's perfectly correct; well done on another brilliant sharp and pertinent observation. Before anybody else jumps on the slash-my-wrists-because-no-one-will-love-me bandwagon : HE IS CORRECT. Please save your comments, you do not have to convince me that we all might as well be Hitler's unborn foetus or something in the eyes of ALL women EVERYWHERE and anywhere. Nevermind the bald dudes with gf; they are all p**ssywhipped and that is an undeniable FACT as fred has proven, beyond a shadow.
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