An open letter to Uncomfortable man

uncomfortable man

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"We're gonna need glue...lots of glue." But yeah, you know me so well Cassin. If anyone knows where that quote is from then I will give you 50 dollars.


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Cassin said:
you would go into a hyper paranoia state with a hair piece wondering if people spotted it

As a mod I am very surpirsed by this post. There are thousands of men out there that go down this route and your reply seems rather ignorant. Look at all the happy toplace customers who post on that forum. Some are in college surrounded by beautiful people and they seem very down to earth.


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Yes but he was'nt talking in general he was talking specificly about UCMan.


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dudemon said:
person said:
UM i sometimes feel you come on this site for people to feel sorry for you. If that is the case I want you to know I don't feel sorry for yoy in the slightest. The amount of energy you spend on this site wallowing in self pity is a disgrace. Why don't you do something about your hair loss instead of moaning. Get on the meds and then in a few years get a hair transplant. If you don't want to go down this route then get a hair replacement. People have posted pictures of hair replacements to you and you have been impressed by the results so why don't you get off your *** and do something about it? I am 20 and I have to deal with hair loss. But I still have managed to achieve everything my peers have if not more. I have decided to get a hair replacement I suggest you do the same or quit whining.

Oh brother, here we go again. Another 20 year old NW1 or 2 telling an older NW5 what to do, and how "hairloss shouldn't bother them." It never ends! :roll:

When did I say that 'hairloss shouldn't bother them?' If you are going to put something in inverted commas please make sure it's accurate. And yeah I am telling him what to do, because all he is doing at the moment is bitc*ing.

uncomfortable man

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Well if you are only twenty and say you have opted for hair replacement. So are you an nw5 at twenty and wearing? I doubt it as I doubt you have any significant hairloss at all at your age. Your dismissive attitude tells me that you have no understanding of what it is like to be bald because if you did you probably wouldn't be so condescending.


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A young cat with most of his hair shouldn't be telling an older dude with severe balding how to feel. I mean, how can you know what someone is going through unless you've walked in their shoes? When I was young and just beginning to lose some hair, it didn't bother me very much because it was probably only noticable to me and the process was very slow. When it got to the point that other people were noticing, though, that's when it hit me like a freight train right between the eyes.


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They want to know that its ok be bald, not much of a hassle, that you can still be happy and accepted as an equal member of society, they want to know that because they will be there someday too, the funny thing is people come here with minor hair lose (!!!!) that means they already freaking out about hair lose, other why would they come here, register, start taking meds ?!?! and then they find that section ..... :)


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For some guys it is okay to be bald. Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, etc,. They can get away with the chrome dome look. Not all of us have that luxury, though. I tried just shaving it all off and that didn't work for me. Thanks be to concealers (yes, I know there's another forum for that). It all depends on the individual.


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And all those guys would still love to have their hair back.

Quantum Cat

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no reason why young guys in the early stages shouldn't come here asking for advice. prevention is better than cure.


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This is going to come across as hypocritical but this is such a f*****g depressing place full of deluded people.

I want to get of this site and not use it again. I dont feel being on this site helps or enrichens my life at all. It only adds to my suffering, as instead of concentrating on my good points, being on here magnatises what I dont like about myself. Its a sure recipe for depression and negative habits of thinking, along with a limiting self fufilling prophecy.

Over the past month or so it seems there is an increasing gap between young and old. The older guys seem to say that all the younger guys say there is nothing to worry about, and the older guys say the opposite. The bottom line is this is becoming tiring and childish. There is no right or wrong viewpoint. This place should be somewhere to just open up, and yes, have opinons - but this place is turning into a pissing contest.

There are many bald guys that get on with their lives fine. They dont go on sites like these and preach about how people discriminate against them. Its all such a load of bullshit. I agree that hair loss can make you less attractive, and in turn mean that people well treat you less well, but really, thats just life. Whining on this site isnt going to help sh*t. Im not saying I know what it feels like to be NW6, but just because your bald doesnt mean that you are going to become a depressive loner that lives on internet forums like this. I have the right to choose my attitude to situations I cant change, we all do.

It gets boring the way people seem to think that in the world, there are only two types of people out there - bald or non-bald. Seroiusly. Its f*****g stupid. Woman dont have a set criteria for what a man should look like. Sure, there are preferances. But women dont go around saying they would never go out with this or that sort of man. You should ask them. Most say it depends. I personally dont rule out any type of women. There are many bueatiful women, fat, thin, slim, black, brown, white, small, tall, even bald.

Im not saying hair loss is easy. I dont know what it will be like if and when I am nw5 onwards. But I cant see this website will help me. I dont want to be fully bald no. But I would rather be bald then have most other things. You should just reach the point where you feel happy to be alive. I dread of a day when I am no longer attrative to women. Of course I dread it. But Im making action to try and prevent this for as long as realistically possible. Diet and lifestyle. Trying not to smoke and drink. Just working on other features.

When you scrape away everything that has been said, it all boils down to acceptance. The word is thrown around all the time. But it is the only way forward. It means choosing to accept your reality instead of fighting it. How do I get by? I try to live each moment in acceptance of myself. I realise how much I love myself. Everyday I just accept that this is the reality of my life, whatever that life may be. And that my life is like no one elses.

And that is all.


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The door is right there, no one holds a gun against your head Hope4hairRedux, and for some the world isnt pink just because someone says so, you have a childish perception of things, you cant accept the fact that for some, hair lose is a devastating blow, go f*** yourself!

Quantum Cat

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Hope4hairRedux said:
This is going to come across as hypocritical but this is such a f****ing depressing place full of deluded people.


it always has been - what's your point?


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uncomfortable man said:
Well if you are only twenty and say you have opted for hair replacement. So are you an nw5 at twenty and wearing? I doubt it as I doubt you have any significant hairloss at all at your age. Your dismissive attitude tells me that you have no understanding of what it is like to be bald because if you did you probably wouldn't be so condescending.

No I am a Norwood 2 going towards a NW3 with diffuse thinning except in the areas of Norwood 6 - 7. On the countrary I would say my diffuse thinning is extremely significant considering my age. Furthermore i find it difficult to understand how a 'dismissive attitude' as you word it defines how someone knows 'what it is like to be bald.' I would say anyone who has hair loss knows what it's like to have hair loss; it would be absurd so state otherwise. Invarably though the matter becomes distorted as 'bald' is questionable in itself. A lot of users on this site have their own definition. I would say the word bald should simply be replaced with hair loss. Your reply seems indicative of someone with a low IQ.

Nashville Hairline

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H4HR speaks a lot of truth though IMO. There is millions of bald guys out there who just get on with their lives and wouldn't dream of coming to a forum like this - a penny for their thoughts on so many of the threads that pop up in this section.


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Oh but for a cure.
Would rather a cure than a winning lottery ticket
and I'd share it with all!

Quantum Cat

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I know a cure for male pattern baldness. There's a secret plant that grows in the Himalayas which is guaranteed to completely reverse hairloss! I'm not telling you what it is though.

uncomfortable man

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person said:
I have decided to get a hair replacement I suggest you do the same or quit whining.

You claimed to have hair replacement which could mean a system or implants. You weren't specific, so I don't see how my asking if you wear a system is in any way indicative of my having a low IQ when you look at your quote above. All hair loss isn't the same- a receeded hairline is not the same as a full on horseshoe. Don't lie to me about wearing a system or whatever to lend some false credibility to your suggestion. As far as I'm concerned you have no right to tell me what to do or how to feel because you haven't been through what I've been through, but yet you do which only shows your own naive youthful arrogance.


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You are a complete joke; all you can come back with is i have youthful arrogance. Ok mate just continue to whine and moan on this site and do nothing about your hairloss. It's your daughter I feel the most sorry for.