This will be completely off topic because I cbf'd reading this whole thread, but I just wanted to ask why you don't give a full cap wig a chance UM?
Maybe you have already tried, but if not, what could you possibly have to lose? Just seems at the stage you are at, anything is worth a crack... I don't mean to be rude or anything, just it is something I am considering for down the track and I see pics like this guys and I think it could work really well;
1 other thing I wanted to bring up and again forgive me for being blunt and potentially stepping over the line, it really isn't my place to say and do I apologise if I offend.
I just remember reading one day how your daughter responded to your attitude towards your baldness one day, I think she said something like she could see more hair growing just to cheer you up or something? Anyways I just wanted to say (and mind you, this is me as a 21 year old and I openly admit I am completely oblivious to what it is actually like to be a father) that you need to make sure your attitude towards yourself doesn't flow on to her... As in she doesn't inherit those sort of self esteem problems that she sees so frequently in probably the most (or 2nd most next to her mother) important person in her life. I think that if she sees you are generally depressed with your appearance and upset with the hand you were dealt, she will undoubtedly take on some of these issues which are already quite prevalent in teenage girls...
I'm sure you treat her with love and respect though and I've got no doubt you would continually tell her she is beautiful etc, I just know that children are strongly crafted by their experiences growing up from their main source of information.
Now I only bring this all up because it was relevant to me and my childhood. My father was a chronic alcoholic (which of course stems onto other things, aggressive nature, abuse etc etc), it was something I grew up around in all my years of development and it was something that when I got older I just believed to be natural. It had a pretty resounding effect on me and there is a bunch of studies highlighting how these traits can be passed down, which they undoubtedly were to me (I now abstain from drinking alcohol due to the range of problems it caused me growing up).
It is easy to not know it is having an effect, but in my case my dad would always get me to get him a beer every night with dinner and what not, he'd get drunk consistently and while I'm sure he didn't mean for this to have an effect on me, it was what I learnt to be normal and so from about the age of 16 I was drinking alcohol with my dinner every night because that is what I thought men did.
Anyway the point I'm trying to make is that if your daughter sees that you think you are a freak or whatever because of your physical attributes, I just think there is a lot of potential there for her to see tiny flaws in herself that she treats the same way.
So yeah... Sorry if I overstepped man. You've got every right to be upset and take the attitude you do towards your hair loss, I just thought that my experience growing up might provide a bit of a different perspective of things seeing as I can't pretend to actually know (yet anyway, it won't be long) what it is actually like to be fully bald.
Keep chuggin on though dude.