I was referring earlier to the fact that liking someone is not a direct indicator of anything side from her liking your picture. There is nothing else to it, and is mental masturbation at it's finest. When we go through the loops of messaging, obtaining there number, and going on dates then we can establish that there is merit to her liking, and that is there a possibility of an outcome. Call me old fashioned, but I have a barrage of experience dealing with women online, and to my experience messaging, and liking a picture has minimal meaning. I can fish for these compliments and gestures through Instagram, and Facebook if the the idea of a like is that paramount.
Going on a date is a sign that a women has general interest, and is open to the idea of something happening. All though, speaking over the phone and texting with a personal contact is also a sign that progress is being made. The final outcome, and latter is all that matters.
Every city will have varying outcomes from each demographic, even results for that matter. As you mentioned moving from different cities you had better response, and interest rates. I can respect the fact that you actually went on dates, but the outcome has seemed to stayed relatively the same
I believe we must factor each city differently as you noted already. Similar to that of my own, I had a massive increase in success rates when i traveled five hours outside of Fort Mcmurray to Edmonton.
It's not exclusive to hook up, and get laid on a dating application.
In fact, it's almost a guarantee lay if you in cooperate the idea of meeting up for drinks at night, and are not half autistic. Looks do favor to your advantage, and will largely contribute to the outcome. But we cannot dismiss the idea of being fun, and outgoing being a large motive to what she favors next.
Aesthetics will always reign supreme, judging by your awkward encounter with minimal interests. it was still enough to justify your success behind closed doors.
How aesthetic you are also determines how likely she is to also keep in contact. We also must factor in that women are being mass contacted by many other men, and the likely hood of her forgetting about you in her inbox is a possibility. i.e
obtaining digits on a monday, and then waiting until Friday to message and arrange a meet up. That initial spark could already be gone, depending on how big of an impact you left on her. Which again is almost entirely based on your aesthetics, but secondary measures such as calling, and daily texting can help reinforce you towards being a dominating force.
Coffee will lead to nothing in most cases.
My intentions are not to bring others down, rather the raise the bar on peoples expectations.