Looks like I've hurt your feelings with my remarks? You remember it word by word like a heartbroken teenage girl. I forgot I was supposed to go easy on you. Nobody is really seems irritated or moaning here right now, except you. And it's "too* narrow minded" not "to* narrow minded", since we are on the subject of correcting each other. How do I put this annoying pseudo-helper on ignore list?
Lol go right ahead put me on your ignore list just keep me on and dont do what fred did by taking me off OR not even do it in the first place yet he said he would... you say im hurt and moaning yet it was you who was annoyed with me in the first place lol and went on that hissy fit and bringing up the mistakes i had which had no reason being brought up...and i only correct the ones who try to correct others but fail at doing it by failing themselves...i do alot of mistakes i admit hence why i dont go round correcting others i bet i did alot of mistakes right here...oh and "nobody is really seems"? nice one smart ***.